國 際 合 擊 第 三 彈 💥
恭 喜 今 天 轉 到 🥚 捷 克 科 學 院 🥚
繼美國、歐盟之後,廖俊智院長今(26)日與 #捷克科學院 院長札日曼洛娃(Eva Zažímalová)透過視訊會議談論新冠肺炎(COVID-19,嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎)的防疫合作!
現場與會人員包括捷克駐台辦事處代表Patrick Rumlar、中研院研究人員(陳建璋、楊安綏)、外交部歐洲司;視訊與會人員包括札日曼洛娃、駐捷克台北經濟文化代表處柯良叡代表。
#不是靠運氣啦 #感謝魔法部牽成 #扭蛋一定要蒐集成套嗎
#保持社交距離 #今天這篇有戴口罩 #研編可以一口氣讀完所以上下括號 #信嗎
#新冠肺炎 #中研院 #視訊 #跨國研究合作 #外交部 #MOFA
外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan)
Following earlier meetings with U.S. and EU representatives, today Academia Sinica President James Liao held a video conference with President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Eva Zažímalová to discuss collaborative efforts in COVID-19 epidemic prevention.
President James Liao stated that, in addition to cooperation in doing rapid testing, several other aspects of research were discussed during the meeting, including how scholarship in sociology and psychology can help shed light on how this epidemic may impact social interaction and change, as well as how people might respond to this crisis. Other aspects covered during the meeting included scholarship in pathology, such as observing and predicting disease development through mathematical models. Economic analyses of the overall social impact of the epidemic were also considered.
Eva Zažímalová congratulated Taiwan for having achieved such impressive research results, while also looking forward to continued close contact with Academia Sinica in joint efforts on epidemic research. She also expressed the hope that rapid testing could be implemented in the Czech Republic after production. President Liao conveyed the same aspiration.
On-site meeting participants included Head of the Czech Economic and Cultural Office Taipei Patrick Rumlar, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs European Affairs Department, as well as Academia Sinica Research Fellows Chien-Chang Chen and An-Suei Yang. Video conference participants included Eva Zažímalová, and Head of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office Prague Liang-Ruey Ke.
#Taiwanresearch #Českárepublika #coronavirus #CzechAcademyofSciences