“自我知覺理論 Self- Perception Theory ”是由心理學家達瑞. 貝母所提出來的的一個理論. 這個理論主張: 如果人們對於自我的內在態度很模糊或是不清楚時, 會見由感知或著是觀察其外在行為來推論自己的內心狀況
我們想要改善目前的任何習慣, 或是打造一個新習慣時, 先想辦法讓自己行動, 而且要有持續性, 等到習慣戒除 (或是創建) 一段時間之後, 我們本身在這個過程中體會到改變的好處, 漸漸的就會強化對於當前行為改變的認同, 甚至進而產生自我身份的認知
行為改變 (Behavior Change) 現在越來越被人重視, 特別是在健康相關方面, 就算我們不斷義正嚴詞地對肥胖者, 抽菸者, 酗酒者或是熬夜者曉以大義, 但是總發現他們認真思考要他出第一步的行動並不積極, 並不是說他們不想追求更好的自己, 而是人們最常被環境所擊敗…
每天一點點, 一步步的改變, 就可以積少成多, 聚沙成塔. 多半的人也明白這個道理, 但問題的糾結都在執行的方法. 我們看到很多人在一開始雄心萬丈, 立下了遠大的抱負, 但過沒多久又無聲無息的縮了回去.. 所以這一本書整理了很實用的方法, 讓我們在每一天, 每一週, 每一個月, 甚至每一年的開始時, 都可以很系統性的來做計畫, 而且重點是這並不困難!
提示: 這一點就是我們常談到的”刺激控制” (Stimulus Control). 假如我們想要持續地進行某一件事, 那就必須讓生活環境中不段出現對於特定事件的提示, 包含了視覺, 聽覺, 嗅覺, 觸覺與味覺, (而其中又以視覺最為重要). 有諸多的心理實驗都已經證實: 意志力是這世界上最不可靠的東西, 因為它是消耗品, 隨時隨地都會波動. 而要持續一個行為, 就必須依賴外界的提示, 比如說設定鬧鐘, 行事曆的提醒, 朋友的激勵或是照片, 音樂之類. 每一個人可以根據對於自我的了結來決定提示的內容, 總之必須是簡單粗暴的可以讓人直接聯想到所期望的行為. 提示可以直接產生行動, 同時提示也必須顯而易見. 刺激控制的設定決定了我們半途而廢的可能性
同時, 要增強行動, “承諾”也非常重要, 這也是自我知覺論中有提到的: 公開自己將要履行的事物讓大家知道, 除了強化本身的決心之外, 也可以促使周遭的人們加以監督, 形成壓力. 但是承諾的大小必須適當, 如同前述, 絕大多數人在最初通常會錯估自己的能力而誇下海口, 導致之後發現自己無法完成自己的承諾而逃避或是放棄. 在”心流” (本書也有提到這心流這本書) 一書有談到, 每一次的挑戰不能超過自我能力 (或是舒適圈) 的5%, 不然反而會引起不適與焦慮
渴望: 我們對於某一件事情上癮基本上都是由於腦內多巴胺的分泌, 它是人體獎勵機制中最主要的神經傳導物質, 會讓人感到”爽”. 而情緒又與記憶在邊緣系統內綁定在一起. 如果想到某一件行為會讓你覺得開心, 那麼你就有更多的機會去重複他, 反過來說也是這樣. 所以在執行新習慣時, 獎賞必須是即時的, 才會更加強化下一次行為的再次出現. (這裡就跟”別急著吃棉花糖” 這一本書裡面提到的概念不同). 我們可以把目前一些喜歡的行為放在想要建立的新行為之後, 例如: 在今天回家追新番之前, 我要爬樓梯回家. 把喜歡的東西當作重複新習慣之後的一種獎勵, 長久下來, 執行的新習慣就會與喜愛事物的獎勵機制綁定在一起, 而使得打造新的行為變得容易, 也就是書中所說的 “讓新習慣具有吸引力”
同時, 尋一個仿效的對象. 在 ”身體學習比大腦學習更有效” 一書裡面已經強調了模仿的重要性. 靠近我們所仰慕的對象會強化自我的認同, 同時增幅本身行為的動機, 而且會更加的具有歸屬感. 這個對象可以是家人, 明星, 老師, 或是教練, 最好不只有一個, 如有有一個群體/社團更好! 這些具體的目標能夠讓我們努力的方向更加的鮮明, 更加的有理由
行動:受到提示, 感到被吸引之後, 接下來就是要起而行了. 在本書前面章節提到了 “習慣堆疊” 的概念, 也就是每天一點點, 細水長流. 要建立習慣, 重點不在於每天一定要有多麼了不起的結果, 而是在 ”重複”. 習慣的養成取決於頻率. 在 “刻意練習” 一書裡面就探討到了這個概念: 我們在不斷的重複某一些技巧時, 就是打造大腦中對於這個動作的神經通路, 當強大的肌肉記憶建立了之後, 我們就會成為該領域的專家. 這也可以完全轉移到打造一個新習慣之上. 我很喜歡書裡面的一句話: 不要問需要重複 “多久” 才可以養成一個新習慣, 而要思考需要重複 “多少次” 才可以養成一個新習慣?
而重複的頻率要高, 挑戰就不能太高, 也就是遵循 “最小努力原則”. 我今天應該要運動, 可是下班後感到有點疲勞, 那寧可去做個15分鐘有氧也行; 我今天應該要看書, 可是已經有點睏了, 那就看一頁也可以… 不要覺得每一次的習慣都非得維持一樣的容量或是內容, 最重要的是實際上的行動! 很多人會因為今天狀態不佳或是其他因素就跳過了一次的練習, 這也是 ”反向的習慣堆疊” 啊!
所以, 我們在設計新習慣的時候, 要讓它 “即使今天沒有意願我也還是可以重複” , 也就是要足夠簡單, 或是設計好一個最低目標, 假如今天時間充足, 狀態不佳, 我還是能夠做一些事情, 而不至於完全放棄
獎賞: 我們在斯金納的實驗裡面可以了解到, 如果同時存在獎勵 (給糖吃) 與懲罰 (打鞭子) 時, 新行為的建立可以在最快的時間之內得到鞏固. 而我們進一步發現, 獎勵 (正面強化) 的效果又遠高於懲罰. 任何的努力都會有所回報, 當然我們打造一個新習慣為的是長久以後的將來, 但是重複每次新習慣後假如有立即的獎賞, 如此會更加的活化大腦的獎勵迴路, 使我們對於下一次的練習有所期待
這裡又提到了 “自我監督” , 而本書無獨有偶的與 “運動改造大腦” 裡面所談到的方法一樣: 例如使用運動紀錄的app把每一次運動的時間, 心率與燃燒熱量記錄下來, 用戶每一次打開app, 看到自己在一段時間之內所累積的數據, 會感到非常有成就感, 提升自我的內在激勵. 其他像是飲食紀錄, 學習紀錄都是一樣
以我本身為例, 就是堆疊在書架上的書. 每看完一本書放回書架上, 就會自然而然的產生一種滿足感, 而且強化了自我認同: 我是文青~ (笑什麼笑啦)
除了自我監督以外, 建立 “問責系統” 也是非常必要的, 就如我們的二點所提到的, “承諾” 以後需要有人跟進, 他會負責提醒你的行為, 但是不會給你過多的壓力, 你可以選擇一個你可以信任的人來負責這個工作, 家人, 另一半, 或是教練. 通常我們自己可以在新習慣重複之後獎勵自己, 但是對於錯過了新習慣之後, 懲罰的重責大任就要交到他們他們手上… 但是問責搭檔本身要有責任感, 比起懲罰, 他們更重要的工作在於提醒. 畢竟過度的懲罰反而會讓人逃避
我前面提到的都是如何建立新習慣, 在戒除舊的壞習慣方面, 書中也有同提到: 反向利用提示/渴望/行動/獎賞的連續體, 可以有效地擺脫一直以來如影隨形的負面行為, 例如戒菸/酒, 熬夜, 吃垃圾食物之類的
一開始, 我覺得怎麼我現在才看了這本書, 漸漸的, 我發現這本書我早已經讀過了! 所有的原則, 方向, 以及技巧, 其實在很多其他書本裡面也有提到, 而這一本書則是加入了更多的執行細節與思考方向, 非常直得推薦!!!
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過19萬的網紅The Aüdrey 歐追,也在其Youtube影片中提到,只是想跟大家分享一下偶們的作業哈哈哈 還有這個議題也很直得大家去關注~大家有興趣可以多多去了解一下Article13~ 然後沒錯 這支影片包含裡面的新聞 全部是我剪的? The current decade will be known as a decade of digital dependenc...
「behavior change theory」的推薦目錄:
behavior change theory 在 台灣囝仔x戲劇治療 Facebook 的最佳貼文
歐文·亞隆 (Irvin D. Yalom) 要開線上講座了!!!!!!!!!!!!!(已手刀報名)
05.31.2020- What's New About Group (Students & ECP- CE)
Sunday, May 31 (8:00-10:00PM Eastern)
What's New about Group Psychotherapy and What's the Same: Relationships and Life
Molyn Leszcz, MD, FRCPC, CGP, DFAGPA
Irvin Yalom, MD, CGP-R, DLFAGPA
2 CE Credits
Join Irv Yalom and Molyn Leszcz as they address new developments in group psychotherapy, explored through writing the 6th edition of the seminal textbook The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. A particular focus will explore how these developments can be used to enhance effectiveness as a group therapist. There will also be deeper discussion of relationships and life, informed by Irv Yalom's new book co-authored with his late wife, Marilyn Yalom, A Matter of Death and Life. Questions from attendees will be invited in advance for Irv and Molyn to address, providing an opportunity for audience involvement in shaping the content and conversation.
Learning Objectives
The participant will be able to:
Identify the central role of group cohesion and related group therapy factors.
Refine the ability to activate the group in the here-and-now.
Incorporate new research findings into clinical practice.
Integrate existential factors about relationships, life, and death.
Course References
Burlingame, G. & Strauss, B. (in press). Efficacy of small group treatments. In M. Barkham, L. Castonguay & W. Lutz (Eds.), Bergin & Garfield's handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change, 7th Ed. New York: Wiley & Sons.
Leszcz, M. (2018). The Evidence-Based Group Psychotherapist. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, (38) 285-298.
Norcross, J. C., & Lambert, M. (2011). Psychotherapy relationships that work III. Psychotherapy (Chic), 55(4), 303-315.
Tao, K. W., Owen, J., Pace, B. T., & Imel, Z. E. (2015). A meta-analysis of multicultural competencies and psychotherapy process and outcome. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62, 337-350.
Yalom, I., & Yalom, M. (2020). A Matter of Death and Life. New York, NY: Perseus Books.
歐文·亞隆 Irvin D. Yalom
behavior change theory 在 Hannah Tan Facebook 的最佳貼文
// What happens to our brain from complaining every day. //
Recently, mum sent a very interesting article to our
family group chat. About how our Brain can be shaped like a ball of Play-Doh, to attract what we want in life.
Interestingly, our thoughts can change the structure of our #Brain, & easily rewire it to reverse depression & cure incurable obsessions, trauma & symptoms of illness.
We all know that one person who is continually negative; who never seems to be satisfied with anything/anyone.
Negative people are generally complainers who
aren’t interested in our perspective, thoughts, or feelings, & who will vent at every opportunity.
Our brain naturally possesses a “negativity bias”, basically the tendency to focus more on negative circumstances as opposed to the positive.
And every time we focus on the negative by complaining, we’re activating neurones responsible for the “negativity bias”; creating our negative behavior through repetition.
The solution:
Rewire our thoughts to seek out the
#Positives at all times.
Just like a treasure hunt.
It won’t be easy but the next time sh*t hits the fan,
take a moment to stop, breathe & acknowledge that
while the circumstances may not be perfect,
we’re on a mission to rewire a better person.
#Success is what we attract
by the person we become.
It’s that simple.
So go ahead and experiment this theory & share your stories with me.
I’ll be happy to Repost.
Love you.
behavior change theory 在 The Aüdrey 歐追 Youtube 的最佳貼文
然後沒錯 這支影片包含裡面的新聞 全部是我剪的?
The current decade will be known as a decade of digital dependency. The proportion of people accessing the internet has increased from 20% almost a decade ago, to 72% in 2018. (Ofcom, 2018). With the existence of network publics, online expressions are automatically recorded and archived, Content made out of bits can be duplicated and can be accessed through various ways (Boyd, 2010). Websites like YouTube, Facebook and twitter have changed the online marketing trend with the help of content creators, brand influencers etc. who enjoy the freedom of expression on the internet across the world, but big changes are coming to online copyright across the European Union. Article 13 of the European Union directive on the digital single market requires the likes of Youtube, Facebook and Twitter to take more responsibility for copyrighted material being shared on the platforms (Reynolds,2013). Therefore, this video intends to provide awareness to a mass segment of internet users and content creators on the internet about the Political issue of Article 13 and recommend the viewers to raise their opinion against it but we realized that a number of millennials are not aware about the issue of Article 13 and the main reason for the unawareness is ignorance. People tend to ignore the obvious things according to the psychology of willful blindness. So, in this case, people ignore the news of article 13 which they could and should have known but don’t know because it made them feel better to not know it ( Popova, 2018) Our aim is to show to the audience what the cost of inaction can result in. Upon an informal survey conducted in regards to Article 13 , we discovered, Everyone has heard about it, but no one knows about it
Viewers of the video are recommended to raise their opinion by signing an online petition by visiting the website https://savetheinternet.info/. The reason behind choosing this website among several other online petitions was the number of supporters. This online petition has over 5 million supporters who have signed to show the politicians their disapproval towards the reform. History suggests that online petitions have been successful in bringing change with number of instances.
The viral progression of the video has been supported by a number of strategies. Viral Videos tend to be exceptional.` The media chosen to inspire the audience to propagate this video are Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. The major target audience will be millennials and people who belong to Generation Z. In order to attract and connect with the target audience, elements such as websites, news channels, and content from internet content creators such as 9Gag, PewDiePie were shown in the video. The target audience has a huge potential to push the video to a larger audience. The viral progression of the video is heavily dependent on Word-of-Mouth marketing which is the intentional influencing of consumer communications by professional marketing techniques (Kozinets, 2010). We aim the share the video with the hashtag #SaveYourInternet as we believe that hashtags can serve a motivational role for viewers to consume and distribute the content as per spreadability theory from the SPIN framework. ( Mills,2012 ) The video also highlights the behavior of the protagonist, who ignores such political news that has so much relevance in his actual life. We believe that the target audience will be able to relate themselves with the video and share it. Apart from that, the relevance of the issue of Article 13 can help the propagability and strengthen the integration among the viewers to become aware and act against it.
behavior change theory 在 19 Behavior change theories ideas - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Oct 2, 2019 - Explore Tracy Mehan's board "Behavior change theories" on Pinterest. See more ideas about behavior change, behavior change theory, behavior. ... <看更多>