1. 我每次po都用中英文雙語寫。我也提醒詠嫻要多寫中文。我英文可以一分鐘打60個字,中文打6個!!超慢的,但是我們還是要練。然後我早上寫“開學了”我以為是中文。對不起。哈哈;)加上國外的粉絲有超過3萬所以英文也要用。
2. 其實背書包這件事我跟詠嫻都討論過。我小時候都自己背但是我的書包到國一才跟Ryder現在小二的這麼重。最近美國有很多報道關於背書包應為小朋友都開學了。但是我看的都是英文,一定也有同樣的中文報道。http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/…/heavy-backpacks-can-trigge…/
重點是小朋友背包的重量應該最多是他們體重的15%。長期背以後很有可能會有問題。Ryder 22公斤,他的背包4.5公斤有時候超過5公斤!那是20-25%!!有沒有人可以找中文的報道?找到寄給我,我來po。
LOL! Didn't realize when I posted the picture this morning it would be the topic of such a passionate debate. Just wanted to capture the moment of Ryder going off to 2nd Grade. The comments became a debate about who should carry the backpack and the language of my posts. That's why we love this FB page cuz our fans are so passionate about everything. Here's our two cents.
1. When I post, I always make it bilingual and I remind Jackie the same. I can type 60 words/min in English and my Chinese comes in at a snail's pace of 6 words/min. Serious! It's taken me like an hour to write the above in Chinese. Anyway, we think it's important to write in both languages because a bulk of our fans are from Taiwan but there are thousands that live abroad. Anyway, when I posted this morning“開學了”, I really thought the three words were in Chinese. As of tonight, I still to. Contrary to a couple of people who may read it as Latin. haha! JK.
2. Now the serious part. Jackie and I actually discussed this whole backpack thing many times and there have been numerous news reports about it cuz it's back to school season. Basically it says, children's backpacks are getting heavier and long term abuse can lead to back pain and other problems. A child should carry, at most, 15% of his body weight. Well, Ryder weighs 22kg and his bag his 4.5kg and on most days it is over 5kg which is 20-25% of his weight. That's like me carrying Ryder to school everyday on my back which would be crazy.
So if you want your child to carry his/her backpack, then be my guest. Everyone is free to make their own decisions. You just gotta live with them. Ryder will definitely carry his own bag when he gets a little bigger and stronger. But for now, mommy will carry it and daddy will just walk behind taking pictures. haha! Plus Makayla, I'm sure, will just find a boy to carry her bag!!!!
Good luck, and we really thank everyone for the support.
5 cents中文 在 中文音譯做神仙嘅「仙」,而散銀量多時就好似沙粒咁細碎 的推薦與評價
第一個來自英語cents,中文音譯做神仙嘅「仙」,而散銀量多時就好似沙粒咁細碎,所以取其義就叫「神沙」。 第二個係源自中藥辰砂。 ... 时间线照片 · 2016年5月10日 ·. ... <看更多>