【吾運動‧吾閱讀】- #蝦叔 蝦叔跑步 Uncle Shrimp Running
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「Exercise and Read」 - #UncleShrimp
The Lark Ascending by Yuna Kim
You might not have paid very close attention to the news about the upcoming Winter Olympics, but you’d probably have heard of the name Yuna Kim, Ambassador of the 2018 Games which will take place in PyeongChang.
Having won multiple championships and silver medals early in her career, the young and beautiful Kim has been deemed the Queen of Figure Skating. The Lark Ascending is an autobiography of Kim with the title taken from the song she competed with during the 2006-07 season. In this book, Kim gives an account of the 13 years of her life she spent figure skating, offering readers a glimpse of the hard work and effort she put in that make her such a success. Kim is already a retired athlete despite the fact that she’s only 27, because figure skaters generally have a very short professional sporting career. One can imagine how unforgettable an experience it must have been for Kim as she had to leave her country and family to train and compete at a very young age.
Kim wrote the book when she was 20, so despite her fame and success, readers can see that she’s no different from an ordinary young girl. This is evident when Kim talks about her hobbies towards the end of the book. Read The Lark Ascending to deepen your understanding of figure skating, now with the Winter Olympics about to open.
About the writer: Uncle Shrimp loves reading, writing and athletics, and hopes he can continue exploring the world through sports.