#澳洲 最近之所以 #輝瑞 的 #疫苗 可以一直進來,其實是有人去跟輝瑞道歉了
這就是為什麼最近澳洲總理可以很囂張地說 「我們跟輝瑞達成協議,可以每週拿到100萬劑輝瑞疫苗」
1411萬劑疫苗 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
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💉 目前指揮中心的規劃,如果要 #減緩疫情擴散 ,全台灣的接種率至少要有 65 %,也就是大約 1500 萬台灣人接種過疫苗。
💉 因為現在主流疫苗都需要施打兩劑,算起來就大概需要 3000 萬劑。但截至 6 月 8 日,台灣疫苗接種人數只有 70 萬人次,也就是大概 3 %左右。
💉 這個接種率之所以那麼低,主要還是因為我們沒有足夠的疫苗。雖然指揮中心強調說,政府已經訂到了大約 3000 多萬劑疫苗,但包括日本捐贈的 124 萬劑疫苗在內,目前台灣實際取得的疫苗,卻只有 211 萬劑左右。
💉 根據現在公開的消息,六月將會有 #200萬劑疫苗 到貨、八月另外又會有 #1000萬劑疫苗 到貨。也就是說如果情況沒特別改變的話,九月之前大概可以累積拿到 #1411萬劑疫苗 。
💉 這個數字不僅離目標的 3000萬劑還有一段距離,而且當中還包括了,不一定能成功的一千萬劑國產疫苗。
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1411萬劑疫苗 在 我是台灣人.台灣是咱的國家 Facebook 的最佳解答
轉述 #張之豪 議員翻譯
美國參議員昆斯(Chris Coons, D-DE)
2021/6/6 9:30 訪台記者會
(聽打、翻譯,基隆市議員 張之豪)
你好,thank you so much for welcoming us. It is such an honor, for me to join with these two tremendous senators. Senator Duckworth and Senator Sullivan, who have served our nation in our nation’s military, whose personal stories of commitment and engagement in this region of the world are inspiring to me and many others. I serve on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and I chaired the appropriation sub committee in the Senate that is funding vaccine distribution to the world in partnership with the Biden Administration. As we were discussing, weeks ago, our concerns about the world and about this pandemic as as it continues to be a threat to health around the world. We were urging the Biden Administration to work with us, a bipartisan group across the Senate and the House, to announce significant donations of vaccines to the nations in need.
As you’ve just heard from Senator Sullivan, it is a long and deep relationship between the United States and Taiwan that was made purposeful and poignant and real for us in the difficult early days of this pandemic by a gift of contribution of 10 million masks that, at the moment when Americans, we were worried where they could find masks and where some other countries use that access to PPE, to their political benefit.
In this moment, we are announcing, the first of what is going to be a significant effort by the Biden Administration and the United States Congress to provide up to 80 million doses to many countries around the world and because Taiwan has been prevented from joining the world health alliance has had roadblocks put up towards its access to save effective vaccines we thought its of particular importance to celebrate the Biden Administration’s initiative and the support of congress that is bipartisan. In taking these effective and safe vaccines developed under the previous administration of the United States and with partnership around the world. And make certain that the people of Taiwan know, there are some countries that question whether the United States will come to the aid of our friends in Taiwan. This is the moment we thought was urgent and important for us, Mr. Foreign Minister, to make it clear, that we intend to do so.
I represent the small state of Delaware, my predecessor is now the President of the United States. 42 years ago, He voted for the Taiwan Relations Act, as we were traveling, members of our company was reading a book about the history of the Taiwan Relations Act and sharing with us about it. Dan is ever the scholar. And it was helpful to be reminded, this is not a new relationship, this is not a new partnership, I was last here with AIT director Christensen when we were opening a beautiful new state of the art facility center, for United States engagement here with Taiwan.
As we return tomorrow to the United States Senate, we will be taking votes this coming week, to pass this significant piece of legislation. Coming out of the Foreign Relations committee, it was known as the Strategic Competition Act, it includes the provision to make clear, again, the strength of the US-Taiwan relationship. As it moves through the full Senate with the support of these two senators who are on the Commerce Committee, as it is being shaped and finally hopefully enacted. There is always changes of legislations to come, but I am very hopeful, that we will take a strong bipartisan vote in the coming week, and pass the US Innovation and Competitiveness Act. It specifically recognizes the strategic importance of US-Taiwan relationship, the urgency of investing in innovation, and taking steps such as we take today, the announcement of this vaccine contribution, to more tightly weave together, the open societies, the democracies of the world, those that value innovation and science, those that protect inventions, and those that want to use the fruits of that science to help the world move past this terrible pandemic, not by adding strings to it, but by giving freely of what both of our societies have been able to develop, thank you.