#台灣美國資料中心 #台灣美國資料專區
#留學美國在台灣 #美國旅遊去 #美國留學台灣通 #留學美國免費諮詢
#屏東縣立圖書館總館 #高雄市立圖書館總館
New lecture series! From March this year, EducationUSA will feature themed lectures on studying in the U.S. at the Kaohsiung Main Public Library and Pingtung County Library. Partnering with AIT Kaohsiung, this series will offer accurate, comprehensive, and current information about higher education opportunities in the United States.
The first lecture on March 27th saw an audience of 36 interacting with the advisor. On April 24th AIT Kaohsiung Public Affairs Officer Julius Tsai will speak on the topic: “2040 Success Secrets: Winning Skills in the Future.” at Pingtung Library at 10:30am and at Kaohsiung Public Library at 2:30 pm. All the sessions are free and open to the public.
EducaitonUSA runs monthly education counselling sessions in our American Space in Kaohsiung Public Library-Heti Branch and Pingtung County Library is one of the American Shelves. American Spaces and Shelves provide welcoming environments where visitors can connect and learn about the United States through activities, books , and movies. We look forward to seeing you at the Pingtung and Kaohsiung libraries!
#Kaohsiung Main Public Library #Pingtung County Library
#AmericanSpacesTaiwan #AmericanShelvesTaiwan #EducationUSATaiwan #EducationUSAinKaohsiung #EducationUSAinPingtung #EdUSA #studyintheusataiwan #TravaltotheUSA
高雄市立圖書館河堤分館 在 Openbook閱讀誌 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【是在「毋甘願」什麼啦?悲情也催情的台語電影史 by 蘇致亨】
B編上週和作家蘇致亨一起來到熱~情~無~比的 臺中市立圖書館 #烏日分館,蘇致亨從台語片的盛況開始盤點,步步驚心解謎到底為何台語片會面臨衰亡的無奈危機,他解析大時代的產業轉型,以及「說國語政策」如何漸漸把台語片打至谷底。過程中,他播映了幾段珍貴的高峰時期台語片片段,滿座讀者驚艷於幾部佳片的韻味與趣味,也希望未來有更多好片修復完成,能再度回到世人面前。
#話說在戒嚴時代 #電影要是描述墮胎或者性交易
#就說是在香港發生的就好了 #就會通過審查
地點: 高雄市立圖書館河堤分館 3F多功能教室(高雄市三民區裕誠路1號)
再次大力感謝 臺中市立圖書館烏日分館
⋙訂閱電子報,每週好文全收錄:https://lihi1.com/EbuBe ⋘
⋙追蹤Openbook IG:https://goo.gl/Enkzy3 ⋘
高雄市立圖書館河堤分館 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
你在尋找留學美國大專院校的相關資訊和資源嗎? EducationUSA是你留學美國正確且即時的資訊來源!!
Are you looking for information and resources for studying in U.S. colleges and universities? EducationUSA provides you correct and update information. Join the #EdUSARoadshow and check out U.S. colleges and universities from the comfort of your home from November 16-20 by visiting: bit.ly/VirtualWeekRoadShow to sign up!
#EducationUSA Taiwan has free seminars in Taipei and Kaohsiung:
👩🎓Taipei: 11/19 (Thurs) 14:00-15:00 at the American Innovation Center, Topic: “How to prepare for the school interview.”
👨🎓Kaohsiung : 11/21 (Sat) 10:00-12:00 at Kaohsiung HeTi Branch Library. Topic: “A review of all application documents”
EducationUSA Taiwan teams continuously provide up-to-date and correct information and advising services to the Taiwan public. Please follow our social media. Watch our posts and join our activities:
#IEW2020 #EducationUSATaiwan #studyabroad #EducationUSA #EdUSA
#EdUSAatHome #InternationalEducationWeek #EdUSAVirtualWeek #EdUSAVirtualWeekRoadshow
高雄市立圖書館河堤分館 在 機關名稱:高雄市立圖書館 - 標案瀏覽 的推薦與評價
日期 類型 代碼
20211004 無法決標公告 110‑28
20210924 公開招標更正公告 110‑23
20210923 公開招標更正公告 110‑23 ... <看更多>
高雄市立圖書館河堤分館 在 高雄市立圖書館河堤分館 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
高雄市立圖書館河堤分館 ... 本分館於民國103年11月2日正式啟用,河堤社區為本市文教及交通匯集之新興開發區域,為滿足民眾資訊、休閒及閱讀資源的高度需求,於原國防部鼎新 ... ... <看更多>