[每日一J] #果然我的輿情調查非常精準,女性客群都特別喜歡 #欠處理 & #畫面太美不敢直視,還被做成了動態歌詞,謝謝粉絲,而且還有「請原諒我的無禮/我的無理」 (Your Highness is being very polite. Wow. #勝靈感運)。❤V❤
#先煮你?(漢尼拔?4你?Too rough so we need to cook this first?)、#簽注你(簽賭?Gambit?? X-men??)、#籤祝你(用籤祝福他 Bless him with fortune-tellers)、#圈住你(Circle him with a secret magic circle in the darkness and watch the goat. 圈粉圈一波)、#先處理(很急唷, someone is your TOP PRIORITY )、#錢助理 (an assistant who is good with financial issues)、#欠諸位大德之力(求求推廣到國外去西天吸金.Fans, WE NEED TO TRANSLATE THIS INTO MORE LANGUAGES)、#牽住妳 (Hold your hand) 最後 #錢助你 (show J.Sheon MONEY!!❤❤❤ Sugar DADDY &MOMMY this is a very handsome prince who is asking for your SWEET help, )^U^ 先讓英雄救貓咪,貓咪也會幫助英雄的。喵喵喵喵,喵電感運。感覺你和我之前(是之「間」)好像很多好運。 J.Sheon (街巷) J.Sheon's ASKING FOR IT. (English translation/ lyrics will be served by FANS.)