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同時也有12部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅寶欣,也在其Youtube影片中提到,忍咗咁耐...我決定唔再啞忍!哈哈...講緊嘅係...寒背問題! 寒背對我最大嘅困擾,就係外觀上唔好睇,特別係影相/拍片好多時都不自覺地彎起咗,容易比人一種好攰同唔精神嘅感覺,以前試過買嗰啲寒背矯正器著,又試過晚晚靠埋牆15分鐘,但全部都做做下冇咗件事... 今次上去忠醫到啪一啪,即刻成個人直返...
濕熱 寒 涼 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
1. 所有材料洗淨,節瓜及紅蘿蔔去皮切塊;章魚乾泡水至軟身備用。
2. 鍋中加入2000毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮1.5小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
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Octopus soup can nourish qi and blood
Koreans enjoy eating live octopus, Japanese like takoyaki (octopus ball), and the Cantonese loves making dried octopus soup. The other common ingredients that would go into the same pot are hairy gourd and mung bean, as they would enrich the flavor of the soup.
From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, octopus is cold in nature, and it nourishes qi and blood. Hence, it is suitable for individuals with asthenic qi and blood. Eating octopus is also good for women who experience blood and qi deficiency after giving birth, mothers with low milk supply, and men who wish to strengthen their qi and essence.
Hairy gourd is not as cool as winter gourd because it is mild in nature. The former induces urination, relieves edema, and strengthens the spleen and stomach. Mung bean, on the other hand, clears heat and toxins, dissipates the summer-heat, and dispels dampness from the body. Therefore, this particular soup can flush out the heat and toxins from the body and nourish the yin and the blood.
Tips on ingredient:
Dried citrus peel is warm in nature; can improve qi circulation and strengthen the spleen, dispel dampness and clear phlegm; relieve phlegm caused by cold, bloating, as well the nauseous feeling pregnant women and individuals who get hangovers would experience.
Hairy gourd and octopus soup with mung bean
Effects: Clears heat and detoxifies, nourishes blood yin. It can relieve symptoms such as itchy skin and insomnia.
Ingredients: 2-3 hairy gourd, 2 carrot, 1 piece dried octopus, 30g mung bean, 30g soya bean, 2 candied dates, 1 dried citrus peel
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Peel and cut hairy gourd and carrot into pieces. Soak dried octopus in water until softened.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2000ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 hours. Add salt to taste.
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#男 #女 #我畏冷 #我疲憊 #氣虛 #血虛 #濕熱
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生薏米 vs 熟薏米
生薏米 — 性涼,能清熱健脾祛濕,消腫排膿。適合痰濕及濕熱體質人士服用。孕婦、小便頻及便秘人士慎服。
熟薏米 — 性平,是經炒熟的生薏米。作用較溫和,健脾為主。適合氣虛、血虛、陽虛、痰濕、濕熱體質人士服用。孕婦慎服。
洋薏米 — 又稱珍珠麥。是去殼的大麥,有健脾及回乳作用,療效不大。適合各體質人士服用。
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Raw coix seed vs Cooked coix seed
“I heard eating coix seed can dispel dampness from the body, but I’m afraid to eat raw coix seed as it is cool in nature. Can I replace it with cooked coix seed?”
CheckCheckCin: From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, raw coix seed is cool in nature and can clear heat, strengthen the spleen, and eliminate dampness from the body. It is suitable for individuals with the phlegm-dampness and damp heat body constitutions.
Cooked coix seed, on the other hand, refers to raw coix seed that has been cooked, and it is mild in nature. Cooked coix seed is mainly prepared to strengthen the spleen. In other words, it is not as effective in dispelling dampness.
If you have a cold body constitution, you might want to add raw ginger into your raw coix seed. You can also add poria and hyacinth bean coat, as they are mild in nature. Though these ingredients are mild in nature, it can reduce dampness in the body.
There is also another ingredient called pearl barley. Do note that they are different from the coix seed types discussed above. Pearl barley is barley that has had its outer bran layer removed along its hull. People consume it to strengthen the spleen and suppress lactation. As a food that is high in fiber, it can also promote bowel movements.
Raw Coix Seeds – cool in nature, it can help to clear heat, nourish the spleen, and dispel dampness in body. Suitable for those with phlegm and dampness or damp heat body types. Not recommended for those who are pregnant, constipated or experiencing frequent urination.
Cooked Coix Seeds - mild in nature, is raw coix seeds stir-fried and cooked. It is mild in nature, mainly suitable for nourishing the spleen. Suitable for those with qi deficiency, blood asthenia, yang deficiency, phlegm and dampness, and damp heat body types. Not recommended for those who are pregnant.
Pearl Barley has been polished to remove the bran, suitable for nourishing the spleen and for breastmilk withdrawal. Doesn't have much healing effects, suitable for all body types.
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