#有咩發明比氣炸鍋更毒 #深夜放毒 #派對小食 #幾時先可以派對 #口罩下的日常 #簡易食譜
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過80萬的網紅果籽,也在其Youtube影片中提到,聖誕將至,但在疫情影響下,飛去芬蘭搵聖誕老人當然是遙不可及的夢想,香港人最愛的日本亦諗都唔使諗,最慘係連一班人外出慶祝都要被限聚。想過節過得有氣氛一點,留在家中,自製一點簡單小食,和家人開個小小party,可能是不錯(定係唯一?)選擇。今次Gadget Guy就教大家用蒸焗爐製作簡單的派對小食,老少...
沒有派對的派對小食 在 果籽 Youtube 的最佳解答
聖誕將至,但在疫情影響下,飛去芬蘭搵聖誕老人當然是遙不可及的夢想,香港人最愛的日本亦諗都唔使諗,最慘係連一班人外出慶祝都要被限聚。想過節過得有氣氛一點,留在家中,自製一點簡單小食,和家人開個小小party,可能是不錯(定係唯一?)選擇。今次Gadget Guy就教大家用蒸焗爐製作簡單的派對小食,老少咸宜之餘,亦可輕易製成細細份,方便進食又能減低交叉感染的風險。3款簡易小食分別是健康之選的番薯曲奇、零失敗小食芝士菠蘿肉腸迷你pizza及派對必備的小食三式烤焗單骨雞翼,就算新手也一樣沒有難度。
【我是南丫島人】23歲仔獲cafe免費借位擺一人咖啡檔 $6,000租住350呎村屋:愛這裏互助關係 (果籽 Apple Daily) (https://youtu.be/XSugNPyaXFQ)
【香港蠔 足本版】流浮山白蠔收成要等三年半 天然生曬肥美金蠔日產僅50斤 即撈即食中環名人坊蜜餞金蠔 西貢六福酥炸生蠔 (果籽 Apple Daily) (https://youtu.be/Fw653R1aQ6s)
【這夜給惡人基一封信】大佬茅躉華日夜思念 回憶從8歲開始:兄弟有今生沒來世 (壹週刊 Next) (https://youtu.be/t06qjQbRIpY)
【太子餃子店】新移民唔怕蝕底自薦包餃子 粗重功夫一腳踢 老闆刮目相看邀開店:呢個女人唔係女人(飲食男女 Apple Daily) https://youtu.be/7CUTg7LXQ4M)
【娛樂人物】情願市民留家唔好出街聚餐 鄧一君兩麵舖執笠蝕200萬 (蘋果日報 Apple Daily) (https://youtu.be/e3agbTOdfoY)
果籽 :http://as.appledaily.com
健康蘋台: http://applehealth.com.hk
動物蘋台: http://applepetform.com
#蒸焗爐 #聖誕 #派對食譜 #曲奇 #雞翼 #Pizza
#果籽 #StayHome #WithMe #跟我一樣 #宅在家
沒有派對的派對小食 在 Vegan Expression Youtube 的最佳貼文
香港唯一大型純素生活節 ─ 素食嘉年華,原來今年已經是第六屆了,從街頭小食,到生機全蔬食、有機服裝、鞋子護理產品、教學活動、工作坊、研討、分享、節目表演等等,居然能在一天內呈現在公眾眼前,實在太利害了,身為籌委之一的我,真的覺得很榮幸!
還記得當天我非常忙碌,對,我是忙著吃喝玩樂,忙到去洗手間的時間都沒有,夠誇張的 ? 第三年參加了,每一年我都玩得特別開心,因為可以很安全地吃喝買,還有精彩的表演等著我呢!今年為了提倡源頭減費,減少一次性餐具,舉辦單位特別提供了借用餐具服務,免費租用,非常好的榜樣。
如果你錯過了今年的嘉年華,沒關係,12月28 - 30號在台灣也有一個純素生活節 ─ 草獸派對,等著你!買張機票,快閃台北吧〈我已經買好囉〉
Hong Kong's only large-scale vegan life festival - Hong Kong Vegfest, it's already the sixth year, from street snacks to bio-food, organic clothing, shoe care products, workshops, seminars, sharing, show performances, etc. it can be presented to the public in ONE day, it is just so amazing. As a member of the committee, I really feel very proud!
I still remember that I was very busy that day. Yes, I was busy eating, drinking and playing, it was too busy that I have no time to go to the bathroom. ? It's my third year to participate in the festival. I have a very good time evry year, because all the food are safe to eat, and there are wonderful performances waiting for me tooooo! In order to promote the waste reduction action so as to reduce disposable tableware, the organizer has specially provided the free rental use of tableware services, which gives a very good example to the public.
According to the official statistics, about 6,000 people entered the festival that day, and this miracle can be built because of ALL the support from the vegan groups in Hong Kong, the volunteers, the efforts of the committee members! Really looking forward to next year~
If you missed this year's carnival, it doesn't matter. On December 28-30, there is also a vegan life festival in Taiwan waiting for you - Taiwan Vegan Frenzy! BUY an air ticket, GO to Taipei NOW! (I just bought one)
工作聯繫 Work with me
沒有派對的派對小食 在 張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung Youtube 的最讚貼文
張媽媽【芒果糯米滋 】,黏靭美味,皮薄餡靚,飯後甜品或派對小食!請Like我的Video和訂閱我的頻道呀! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。
MamaCheung's "Mango mochi", a popular Hong Kong dessert. I hope you like it. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.
#張媽媽 #芒果糯米滋 #mamacheungcooks
請大家幫幫忙做不同語言的字幕, Please help translate my video into different languages:
椰汁紅豆糕做法 Coconut Red Bean Pudding Recipe: https://youtu.be/gqX3-OQ6ocg
跟我聯繫 Connect with me:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mamacheungcooks
Instagram: https://instagram.com/mamacheungcooks/
Blogger: http://mamacheungcooks.blogspot.hk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mamacheungcooks
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/mamacheung
Tumblr: http://mamacheung.tumblr.com
訂閱追蹤最新影片:https://goo.gl/6n9DuQ #逢星期四有新片
材料 Ingredients (八件/8 pieces)
三隻芒果 3 Mangoes
一百六十五克水磨糯米粉 165g Glutinous rice flour
十五克粟粉/玉米粉15g Corn starch
七十克白砂糖 70g Sugar
二百毫升椰漿 200ml Coconut milk
八十毫升全脂牛奶 80ml Whole milk
一湯匙菜油 1tbsp Vegetable oil
三十克糯米粉(蓋上糯米糍用) 30g Glutinous rice flour (To coat the mochi)
二十克椰絲碎 20g Coconut flakes
八隻紙杯 8 Paper cake cups
一個膠刀刮 1 Plastic sputula
沒有彈性的膠手套 Gloves
食譜 Recipe: