「古畫動漫」專區十二月令圖換展在即, 想觀賞十二月令圖古畫動漫的朋友, 敬請把握。
“Painting Animation: Activities of the Twelve Lunar Months” exhibition is coming to an end. Visitors please take the chance to enjoy the exhibition.
陳列室:北部院區 第一展覽區 102
Painting Animation: Activities of the Twelve Lunar Months
Dates: 2020-12-29~2021-03-29
Gallery: (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I 102
自100年度起,國立故宮博物院陸續推出〈清院本清明上河圖〉等一系列故宮書畫之高解析動畫,統稱「古畫動漫」,以無接縫熔接技術將多台1080p Full HD高解析投影機,組成仿書畫長卷之長形螢幕光牆,讓觀眾置身科技畫境中,體驗中國長卷繪畫之意境。
Since 2011, the National Palace Museum initiated a series of high-resolution long scroll painting animations. Using the latest technology, several high-resolution 1080 HD projectors seamlessly unfold sceneries from classical long scroll paintings on the wall.
Activities of the Months: The Third Month Anonymous Ch’ing Dynasty(1644-1911) In the third lunar month, the weather warms and spring settles in. In the sunlight, light clothing replaces winter coats, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities. Represented in the lower left corner here is the annual ceremony of purification as held on the 3rd day of the 3rd month. Scholars sit along a winding stream as servants fill “winged” goblets, which can float, with wine. Those who wish to drink take a passing goblet from the stream. In the Han dynasty, it was custom to go to the water’s edge for purification. In the Chin, the famous calligrapher Wang Hsi-chih held a gathering along the winding stream at his Orchid Pavilion. Floating goblets and composing verses, the event became associated with his famous gathering.
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