我老婆計劃去美國增胖1-3公斤 — 她在美國吃了六種不同的漢堡店,碳酸飲料,各種甜點...食量爆表!為什麼她回來身材還是一樣...反而又更瘦!我呢?變胖死了!#吃貨老婆 #辣妹 #我在這樣發文來得分我很想要買新的鏡頭 — 我大哥新的衣服也帥死 @craqsupplements // She eats like a starving werewolf but looks like a K-Pop sensation. When we were in the US she pigged out on all sorts of food, four to five meals a day of pure calorie madness! I came back 6 months pregnant and she ended up losing weight.