#德國文化衝擊接力賽 About culture difference
🔸在德國晚餐吃冷食? By YC @asianfoods_lovers
🔹德國的日常:好房東與雷房東 By Anna @anna_goes_around
🔸不告白的德國戀愛 By Kelly @ikellytalk
🔹德國台灣餐桌文化大不同 By Laura @laurapeng_floral
🔸天然ㄟ尚好,德國人的疾病應對之道 By Apollonia @pharmacist.germany
🔹台灣人與德國人對於學校排名的迷思? By Lily @lily.hahahahana
🔸德國腳踏車文化 By Deutschpipapo @deutschpipapo
🔹德國養狗,要付狗税?By Kay @iamkaykayyang
I don't know if you have noticed the story I shared yesterday? I was asking what happens when bubble milk tea meets beer?
These two drinks are exactly different types of drinks, just like us. As a foreigner in Germany, we all have different cultures, and culture shock happens everywhere in our daily life. This time, we have gathered 8 Taiwanese who are now staying in Germany to share our experiences to all of you.
As an Asian food lover, I would like to share a common dessert in Germany, it's called Milk Rice (Milchreis), it's a kind of dessert made from rice. However, I usually buy this kind of rice as regular rice, because I am not used to the grainy rice but sticky rice.
Also, did you know that in the old days, German used to eat cold food for dinner? The reason behind this can be explained by the word called “Abendbrot”, slide right for more information.
#台灣人在德國 #德國留學 #德國生活 #德國日常 #abendbrot #milchreis