【接球⚾吧 台灣殷雄迷】
駐美國台北經濟文化代表處 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the US 舉辦 陳偉殷 チェン・ウェイン CHEN WEIYIN 簽名球贈獎活動😍😍
TECRO is giving away another commemorative baseball signed by Wei-Yin Chen, the Taiwanese baseball player who pitches for the Miami Marlins!
Don’t be frustrated if you did not win our lottery the last time. Just follow TECRO’s Facebook page for more opportunities to win. Here is the next question. Good luck:
The National Day Reception for the Republic of China (Taiwan) hosted by TECRO has already become one of the biggest annual events in Washington D.C., attended by many distinguished guests, including Wei-Yin Chen. Do you know where TECRO has held the National Day Reception for the past few years?
(Hint: It’s a historic site in town, and this year marks the 80th anniversary of ROC government’s use of this beautiful venue.)
1. 即日起至美東時間9月28日晚間11時59分前,只要先在駐美國代表處臉書粉絲頁按讚,並在本貼文留言正確回答問題及成功Tag三位臉書好友,就具備抽獎資格囉!
2. 小編將統計所有符合抽獎資格的網友,並依留言時間順序加以編號。到時候將會用Toolskk線上亂數產生器產生一組中獎號碼,並即聯絡中獎人提供郵寄地址,以利寄出獎品。
3. 小編會在美東時間9月29日下午公布抽獎結果。抽獎過程將全程錄影並將影片及亂數產生截圖於本處臉書粉絲頁喔!
🚩Here are the rules🚩
1. Those who “like” TECRO’s Facebook page, reply to this post with the correct answer to the above question, and successfully tag 3 Facebook friends no later than 23:59 September 28 (ET, GMT-4 ) will be qualified for the lottery.
2. We will chronologically number those qualified replies and use random number generator “Toolskk” to draw ONE lucky number. We will contact the lucky one to obtain a physical address for mailing the gift.
3. We will publish the results on our page with the video of the drawing process in the afternoon of September 29 (ET, GMT-4).
1. 本活動參加者不限國籍,獎品寄送費用由本處負擔,將於得獎者提供寄送地址後3至5個工作天內寄出。
2. 須在駐美國代表處臉書粉絲頁按讚、在活動期間正確回答問題,並成功Tag三位臉書好友才具備抽獎資格喔!
3. 重複填答的人還是只有一次抽獎機會喔~
❗❗❗Important notice❗❗❗
1. You can be from any country, and TECRO will take care of the shipping fee. The gift will be sent 3 to 5 days after we get the address.
2. ONLY those who "like" TECRO’s Facebook page, ANSWER the question CORRECTLY, and successfully TAG THREE Facebook friends will be qualified for the lottery.
3. When you reply to the post more than once, the extra replies won’t count.
Are you ready? Here we go!
好心的小編都會在圖片裡偷偷給提示喔 在 國小一年級學童閱讀興趣培養之研究-以繪本教學為例 的推薦與評價
感謝研究所同學曉慧、枝熹、明章的勉勵及協助,以及學校同事芳. 謀、瑞英不斷地給我建議及策勵,讓我能堅持下去並走得更穩健。還要. 感謝同學年的同事秀玲和淑慧的相互幫忙 ... ... <看更多>
好心的小編都會在圖片裡偷偷給提示喔 在 無題 的推薦與評價
我覺得不用喔,市區開幾台5G就可以減少4G塞車了。郊區拼收訊,市區拼速度。台灣之星看似收訊比亞太好許多,但其實郊區許多3G只能打 ... ... <看更多>
好心的小編都會在圖片裡偷偷給提示喔 在 Mangodan芒菓丹| Taoyüan - Facebook 的推薦與評價
這讓小編好奇了,它對環保以及永續循環的想法是什麼?它有辦法理解#Mangodan芒菓丹「#不丟更好」的理念嗎? 問答內容截下來分享給大家! ... 永續循環可能會更加容易被理解與 ... ... <看更多>