生香蕉止瀉 vs 熟香蕉通便
除了常見的香蕉,坊間亦有大蕉 (Plantain),別名芭蕉、煮食蕉,大蕉體型比香蕉短小但粗壯,由於含豐富澱粉質且甜度低,較適合煮食用途,大蕉屬性與香蕉相若,性涼,有潤腸通便作用。
生香蕉 — 屬性寒涼,有清熱解毒及治痔瘡的功效,適合熱氣人士使用。要注意尚青或沒熟透的香蕉有收斂作用,能止瀉更有可能引致便秘,不宜多吃。
熟香蕉或經烹煮的香蕉 — 寒性會減低,帶潤腸通便的效果,最好是香蕉皮上呈現梅花點。
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Unripe vs Ripe bananas
Do you like to eat ripe or unripe bananas? Besides the differences in taste and texture, from the perspective of Chinese Medicine, the level of ripeness would also determine the nature of the fruit.
Unripe bananas are yellowish green in color. They are cool in nature, can dissipate heat and clear toxins from the body, and relieve diarrhea. They are, however, not suitable for individuals with a weak spleen and stomach.
Ripe bananas with spots on the skin or cooked bananas are less cool in nature, and they can enhance bowel movements. However, individuals with diarrhea problem should avoid eating.
Besides the regular bananas in the market, there are also another type called plantains, also known as the cooking bananas. They are thicker but shorter than the regular ones and are high in carbohydrates but not as sweet, making them a suitable ingredient for cooking. Like regular bananas, plantains are cool in nature, and they can promote bowel movements too.
Unripe bananas - cold in nature, clears heat, removes toxins and can treat hemorrhoids. Suitable for those who are hot in nature. Note that green and unripe bananas can also relieve diarrhea or lead to constipation so should be consumed in moderation.
Ripe or cooked bananas - cold nature is reduced, moistens the bowels to relieve constipation. The ideal ripe bananas would have small brown spots on the skin.
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