#台灣模式 不僅有防疫,還有 #抗癌 喔~
透過台美跨單位合作與努力,及美國「索拉茲基金會」的支持,台美雙方順利完成 #台美肺癌研究雙邊視訊會議,而 #索拉茲跨國實驗室 也正式啟動囉!
外交部與美國在台協會台北辦事處日前也應邀出席,共同見證台美攜手發展 #癌症精準醫療 的決心與具體成果!
台美雙方2019年簽署 #台美肺癌研究合作備忘錄,透過設立跨國實驗室、互訪交流及定期雙邊會議,持續深化台美癌症研究合作。
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Representatives from MOFA and AIT attended the recent launch ceremony for the Stephen J. Solarz International Laboratory at Taipei Veterans General Hospital. The lab was established under an agreement between #Taiwan and the #US to collaborate on thoracic cancer research. It will conduct research to characterize the distinct features of thoracic cancers in patients in Asia and the US, to accelerate the development of diagnostics, treatments and preventative measures against thoracic cancers, which account for two million deaths per year worldwide. Clinical trials are also slated to begin, both at Taipei Veterans General Hospital and the US National Institute of Health Clinical Center.