“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”
― Marcel Proust
這趟環球旅行,感觸最深的,就是時間是我們最大的成本,也是最大的資產;花時間做自己而不要勉強自己,花在學習而不是抱怨,花在挑戰自己而不是待在舒適圈,花在值得的人身上而不是生命的過客。錢沒了可以再賺,但時間從來不停不留,過了就再也回不來。This global trip reminds me that time is the most precious asset we have, that we should spend wisely on the important things, learnings, goals, and people in life. Money can always be earned again but you can never buy the past times, and time waits for no man.
環球旅行者 World Traveler 持續探索中
Instagram: gimmyooops