這一期故宮文物月刊(443期) 多篇專文介紹現正展出的「四方來朝—職貢圖特展」,篇篇精彩!
〈宋人景德四圖 Four Events of the Jingde Reign〉第一段〈契丹使朝聘 Khitan Envoys Visit the Court〉(附圖)以「左史右圖」的形式,呈現歷史事件的發展脈絡,左邊文字說明景德元年(1004)契丹遣使韓杞,奉請息兵納和,契丹國與中國簽訂「#澶淵之盟」,右圖描繪合約簽訂後,#隔年契丹使節朝覲宋真宗(968─1022) 的場景。
「朝貢制度」以賓禮為核心,既對外展現中國皇帝的威權與正統性,也體現宗主國與朝貢國間的名份秩序,依《宋朝事實》契丹使入朝儀,儀注的進行依序為朝見、宴會與朝辭,〈契丹使朝聘〉呈現崇德殿朝見儀式正要開始的畫面,#垂簾處是真宗皇帝的御座,#中景以貢物為中心,梯次圍繞的北宋臣僚與 #位處邊緣的契丹使團,突顯出以宋為中心的世界秩序。此構圖展現以華夏為核心的「國際秩序」,帶有濃厚的中心主義與優越色彩。
【宋人 景德四圖:契丹使朝聘】
形式:卷,畫幅尺寸 33.2 x 35.8 cm、本幅尺寸 33.2 x 37.8 cm
【Four Events of the Jingde Reign: Khitan Envoys Visit the Court】
Anonymous, Song dynasty (960-1279)
Handscroll, ink and colors on silk, painting: 33.2 x 35.8 cm, calligraphy: 33.2 x 37.8 cm
The first section of the handscroll "Four Events of the Jingde Reign" depicts "Khitan Envoys Visit the Court," an occasion that began in 1004 when the Khitan emissary Han Ji representing the Liao dynasty came to the Song dynasty court to enter in negotiations that culminated with the Chanyuan Treaty. Seen in the illustration is the scene of Khitan envoys having an audience with Emperor Zhenzong (968-1022) in the following year.
The Khitan envoy group had an audience with Emperor Zhenzhong in the Chongde Palace. At the time, the group first went to the palace courtyard to exchange diplomatic credentials before ascending into the hall itself, the envoy representing the Khitan leader sending regards on his behalf to the Chinese emperor. In the painting are Northern Song court officials surrounding tribute gifts and a Khitan group off to the side. The arrangement demonstrates the heirarchical standing of the Song as the center of international relations, the compositional approach of the painting obviously designed to reflect this notion.
四方來朝—職貢圖特展(2020/01/01 ~ 03/25)
陳列室:210, 212 【北部院區】第一展覽區
The Four Quarters Come to Court: A Special Exhibition of Envoys Presenting Tribute (01 JAN 2020 ~25 MAR 2020)
Gallery: 210, 212 (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I
網站(Website): https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh109/FourQuarters