華盛頓巫師這一場生死戰,真的 #每個綠葉球員的表現都讓我看了相當感動,並沒有因為被0-3或雙方實力懸殊而放棄系列戰,在今晚真的是全隊都點燃小宇宙,徹底把握住JoJo下半場因傷缺陣的機會。
Russell Westbrook今天 #手感真的很差,且應該被腳踝傷勢所影響,他的第一步與彈速在這晚很明顯就使不上力,也導致他打出一場糟糕的進攻表現。
但即使手感差,Westbrook仍是有保持侵略性,這對巫師來說是必要的,全隊就只有他與Beal可以撕裂防守,且得說他這晚 #出手選擇普遍都很合理,只可惜就是投不進,這是看Westbrook比賽很重要的一個觀點。
🏀即使我喜歡Westbrook,但過往最不能接受 #他一直強投三分或做太多不合理的進攻,然而從去年開始他在這方面就有進步,還有一點今天 #罰球有做好(16投13中),因為如果罰球投不好就連我都會批評。
🐢當然他的 #組織傳導對於巫師太重要了,這一場進攻表現不佳,但他仍是承擔起團隊攻勢運作的指揮官角色,且在籃板的爭搶上他仍是那樣拼命三郎(全場最多的6顆進攻籃板),依舊是燃燒殆盡的一晚,繳出19分21籃板14助攻的大三元表現。
其中21籃板 #創下自己季後賽生涯新高,6顆進攻籃板則追平自己季後賽紀錄。
⚠但還是得說,Westbrook隨著年紀越來越大(快33歲了),他 #真的必須增強自己跳投的穩定性,Derrick Rose是最好的借鏡,他也是這幾年把中投與拋射練得很穩,且從19年開始練的三分也在這季有收穫。
💪而Bradley Beal這場也打得很掙扎,但 #他也是承擔重任,球隊在沒有招的情況下,Beal就是他們的解答,這晚他打得非常果斷,且下半場有將狀態回溫,雖第四節有幾個失誤讓人看了膽戰心驚,但Beal與Westbrook一樣也在關鍵時刻將功贖罪。
在七六人109-108領先一分時,他面對Green的防守下在底線投進一顆很重要的後仰跳投再度超前比分,且在 #最後傳出一顆妙傳給底線的八村壘投進致勝三分,與Westbrook一起帶著隊友衝出逆境。
然而今天巫師能贏球的關鍵絕對在於 #其他綠葉表現真的太好太给力,完全是一流態度的展現,尤其在防守方面太令人振奮了,這樣的防守資源打出如此強度,看了真的很難不感動。
💪今日調上先發的Daniel Gafford還是那樣 #帶來強大能量(12分4籃板5阻攻),禁區接餅暴扣,防守端不斷賞鍋給對手,幾個二次進攻的補扣也對球隊士氣大振(與忍者龜都有暴力補扣),且面對老經驗的Dwight Howard,這場Gafford也完全不落人後,在禁區為巫師帶來很多貢獻。
💪至於Robin Lopez他的 #小勾手在上半場撐起巫師得分乾旱期(16分5籃板2阻攻),且在七六人第四節那波16-3攻勢要壓垮巫師時,是Lopez跳出來繼續用勾射去替球隊止血的,這一球非常重要。
💪後場方面Raul Neto第四節 #頂住壓力的連得5分,一顆三分、一個突破拋投都是價值連城的得分,Ish Smith雖數據面看起來沒啥貢獻,但 #第三節最後幾個防守怎能不為他鼓掌?
💪鋒線方面,Davis Bertans上半場有把他的三分破壞力打出來,他這一點一直都是巫師難以取代的團隊插件,他能在外圍跳出來也讓巫師即使Westbrook與Beal都被限制,在他與Lopez內外貢獻還是能勉強咬住比分。
💪他除了在防守端成為球隊 #最可靠的側翼屏障外,進攻端今天他幾乎把Westbrook與Beal替他 #創造的機會都把握住,能透過C&S投進外線、也不斷做跑鋒當箭頭,也能在禁區攪和搶板打二次進攻,繳出一張12投8中,20分13籃板2助攻1抄截1阻攻的優質3D表現。
讀秒階段那個底線三分肯定會是他生涯至今會很津津樂道的一擊,看得出 #他有多興奮多自豪自己投進這一球,透過今年例行賽逆流而上與現在季後賽的洗禮,是能期待明年八村壘更破繭而出,今年他也是讓自己變成更出色的團隊球員,打球的觀念與節奏都成長許多。
🏀第四節七六人替補群Tyrese Maxey、George Hill、Furkan Korkmaz差點聯手翻盤局面,即使JoJo不在,Simmons陷入犯規麻煩,他們還是很有本錢一戰。
七六人本季已經能 #擺脫進攻端只能依賴JoJo與Simmons的局面,Tobias Harris今晚雖不準,但他這季就是被Doc Rivers找到說明書,搭配Green、Curry等一干射手,在執行團戰上就是不會像去年那樣不停卡彈,而Ben Simmons #不會投籃的弱點當然藉此被縮小。
🏀可是這晚Simmons的投射問題還是在關鍵時刻凸顯出來,第四節最後兩分鐘前被巫師 #用駭客戰術多次送到罰球線,結果他把握度不高讓巫師在防守端是喘了一口氣(11投僅5中)。
✏️ HBK
他一直強投三分或做太多不合理的進攻 在 庫奇籃球- पोस्ट | Facebook 的推薦與評價
12 कमेंट3 शेयर ... 在逆境中也不放棄努力,這就是Curry的精神。 ... 塞給他,甚至有搶到進攻籃板不直接放回去,還傳給Bjelica投三分球的情況,被守到投不進 ... ... <看更多>
他一直強投三分或做太多不合理的進攻 在 [討論] 真的不慌,勇士的機會仍然很大。 PTT推薦NBA 的推薦與評價
今天青賽能拿下這局,有兩點相較前兩場做的更好: 1.增加禁區進攻和三分的平衡和合理性: 今天的進攻沒有鐵頭瞎投三分或是無腦切入硬吃三分還是有空檔 ... ... <看更多>
他一直強投三分或做太多不合理的進攻 在 [外絮] 三分球過於氾濫經紀人希望聯盟應該做出- 看板NBA 的推薦與評價
三分球過於氾濫 經紀人希望聯盟應該做出改變
A COUPLE OF WEEKS back, the Milwaukee Bucks and Minnesota Timberwolves squar
ed off in a game that only a few years ago would have been historic but in 2
021 is just another Tuesday night. In a sparsely filled Fiserv Forum, the tw
o teams attempted 96 3-point shots -- one every 30 seconds.
Of the 22 players who took the floor, 19 of them took at least one 3.
Wolves rookie Anthony Edwards is a marvel leaping off two feet, as witnessed
by his recent dunk of the year spectacular?-- though you wouldn't know it f
rom this performance.The 31.4% 3-point shooter jacked up two attempts in the
third quarter off the dribble from 26 feet, with 16 and 14 seconds remainin
g on the shot clock,
灰狼狀元Anthony Edwards以強硬的突破和勁爆的灌籃著稱,儘管當晚你從他的表現中無
法看出這一點。 在第三節,Edwards有兩次在26英尺的位置直接出手,而進攻時間顯示
Likewise, two-time reigning MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo, the league's most dev
astating finisher and still trying to cultivate an outside game, twice breez
ed across half court and launched an early triple.
For a growing number of NBA executives and coaches, the problem isn't that N
BA offenses are wrong for firing up an average of 35 attempts per game from
long distance. The problem is that they're right. It would be tactical malpr
actice for any team to swear off the 3-pointer
There are a handful of players whose midrange 2-point attempt represents a h
igh-percentage shot, but for the vast majority of players, the best shot is
one from behind the 3-point line or at the rim.
Recent conversations with multiple league insiders about the state of the ga
me reveal a consistent theme: As the rate of 3-pointers has exploded, the NB
A might finally be reaching a critical mass. Some raise concerns because the
y believe the 3-ball has created a monotonous rhythm to each game, while oth
ers believe it has distorted the scoring system that determines wins and los
"You can go overboard -- those nights you get 45 and 50 [attempts]," said De
troit Pistons coach Dwane Casey, whose team ranks 11th in percentage of fiel
d goals attempted that are 3-pointers. "Your quality of shots is going down,
and there's going to be quick possessions. It kind of dilutes the spirit of
the game and the soul of the game. It's about moving the ball from side to
side, not just coming down and jacking up quick 3s.
活塞主教練Dwane Casey稱:你可以走的非常極端,有時候你一場三分球能出手45-50次
Measures that have been implemented over the past 20 years to help jump-star
t scoring are approaching an age of overcorrection. In an effort to lift the
game out of the '90s mud
THERE'S LITTLE DESIRE across the league to return to Patrick Ewing vs. Alonz
o Mourning, but there's also a sense that the game is losing diversity of id
entity, at least offensively. This school of thought maintains that a stylis
tic conformity has overtaken the game. One of the more appealing characteris
tics of basketball is the number of ways a player can score, but a 3-pointer
every 30 to 45 seconds introduces a repetition that isn't so appealing.
聯盟並不希望比賽又重回Patrick Ewing和Alonzo Mourning肉搏的時代,但眼下的比賽
As offenses now field four or even five shooters on the floor, and dynamos s
uch as Stephen Curry and Damian Lillard must be accounted for at 30 feet or
beyond, defenses simply have too much ground to cover to properly challenge
the barrage of long-range shots.
現在不少的隊伍都會在場上擺4個甚至5個射手,再加上像Curry、Damian Lillard這種能
"It often looks like no defense is being played," Casey said. "But when ther
e are four shooters on the floor and a big man at the dunker [spot], spacing
is inflated and a defense is stretched to its limit. Guys are working, but
it's impossible to cover that much ground against NBA speed, quickness and p
Including the playoffs, 61 games in NBA history have featured at least 90 3-
point attempts -- and 45 of the 61 have occurred since the start of last sea
son, according to ESPN Sports & Information. The 3-pointer now represents 39
.4% of all field goal attempts -- that's up 61% from the 2011-12 season. For
those who welcome or accept the ascendance of the 3, this is a feature not
a bug.
生在上個賽季開始之後。 如今各隊平均三分出手佔比達到39.4%,比2011-12賽季增加了
"I don't think we can call it a bad thing when players are highly skilled, w
hich is what the game should be about," Carlisle said. "The 3-point shot has
revolutionized our game. Taking a dribble-up 3 six or seven years ago was a
cardinal sin. And now we're all doing drills where guys shoot dribble-up 3s
-- and we include our 7-3 center in those drills. The value of this sort of
3-point shot is big.
WHERE AND WHEN the trajectory levels out and 3-pointers are no longer a grow
th commodity in the NBA is unknown. The league could soon see a day when mor
e than 50% of attempted shots are fired from beyond the arc, or it could see
the advent of creative defenses led by a generation of players who can stem
the tide. Just as likely, those who govern the NBA may believe that reining
in the 3-pointer is a solution in search of a problem.
Given the 50% premium for a shot that's rarely 50% more difficult, getting p
layers to wean themselves off 3-pointers wouldn't come without some signific
ant changes to the incentive structure.
A more radical proposal from a longtime league power broker who wishes to re
main anonymous (unless the idea gains traction) would curb inflation by limi
ting supply: Cap the amount of 3-pointers a team can take over the course of
a game.
Over the first 42 minutes of the game, each team would have the chance to at
tempt 20 shots from beyond the arc that would count for three points. Once a
n offense runs out of those 20 attempts, it can keep shooting from behind th
e line, but each subsequent make would count for only two points -- until th
e 6:00 mark of the fourth quarter, when attempts would once again worth thre
e points until the game is over.
Under these rules, an offense would need to be strategic and selective with
its 3s.
A successful league remains in a constant state of vigilance about the chara
cter of its product and the pat of its trends. Scoring, and the 3-pointer i
n particular, revitalized NBA basketball at some of its most precarious mome
nts when it threatened to fall behind the NHL, then again two decades later
when it lost its aesthetic appeal.
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