Here we go, MORE activities to do with your toddler:
趁這個時候教小孩怎麼拿掉棉被套,把髒衣服跟棉被套放進去洗衣機裡面,然後洗成乾淨又香香的再拿出來。如果小孩已經夠大了,他們可以學習幫忙摺衣服,但Egan還太小,所以我們給他的“遊戲” 就是分類爸爸、媽媽、小孩的衣服。呃...不要太期待他們都會100%做對。 (George現在正在穿我的內褲)
No better time than the present to teach your kid how to strip the bed, pile the dirty laundry into the washing machine, and then take the nice, hot, fresh laundry out and maybe, if they’re advanced enough, fold the laundry. Egan is still a bit too young, so we just have him separate the laundry into mommy vs daddy vs Egan and Dylan piles.
最近在家防疫,家裡也順便來個大掃除!沒想到洗個衣服⋯⋯天啊!相不相信? 這個是一家4口(3男+我)3天的髒衣服量。有新生兒、一位最喜歡把自己弄得髒兮兮的小男孩、跟一個有過敏(又愛運動)的”大”男孩⋯⋯需要一個清潔力夠強且溫和,重點是能夠有效防蟎的洗衣精,疫情期間,用抗菌洗衣精更安心,讓我可以克服所有煩惱!
Believe it or not, this is 3 days worth of laundry in our house of boys + me. With a newborn, a toddler whose favorite toy is anything messy and will get all over himself, and a grown man-child who has allergies (and who now works out at home daily), I definitely need something strong enough and safe enough to use for the whole family.