PORT =3002 pm2 start -i 0 ./bin/www. Express load PORT automatically at start application. ... <看更多>
PORT =3002 pm2 start -i 0 ./bin/www. Express load PORT automatically at start application. ... <看更多>
前言# pm2 是什麼? pm2 是一個node 的程序管理器# pm2 解決什麼問題? pm2 可以 ... interpreter_args: "port=3001 sitename='first pm2 app'", ... <看更多>
PM2 list doesn't show anything in the port column. I'm running my script with -x. ... <看更多>
I have a Node/Express app running on an AWS Lightsail instance with PM2 as a process manager. The app is currently running on port 4000. ... <看更多>
In second video of "Node.js on Production for Beginners":We install PM2 with NPMto Run our app with PM2 ... ... <看更多>