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關於雪餅做法的評價, 徐若瑄 Vivian Hsu


今日教大家 📌香煎帶子素意粉 📌青紅椒炒薯絲 📌Oreo Balls 🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏 中文購買連結 送冰皮月餅粉 https://www.jlc-health.com/tc-maria-mooncake-special Eng version https://www.jlc-health.com/en-maria-mooncake-special ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 護膚品 及 廚具及枕具購買連結🔗🔗 nine9Nine9 Shop 👉VIP Code : MAMA20 套裝8折優惠,全店單品85折 📌http://eshop.9-concepts.com ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 和牛凍肉資料👉https://bit.ly/3adssZ3 💥💥💥肥媽粉絲優惠💥💥💥💥 優惠價+套餐折扣+禮物1+禮物2+免費送貨 $1000送開合式矽膠隔熱墊 $2000再送可調適量匙 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 青紅椒炒薯絲 材料 📌 細薯仔2個 📌 長青椒1個 📌 燈籠椒1個 📌 蒜片少許 📌 菇粉半茶匙 📌 胡椒粉少許 📌 鹽少許 📌 麻油少許 做法 1. 先把薯仔刨皮後切絲,再把長青椒,燈籠椒切絲。 2. 薯仔絲用清水連續洗兩次,之後用清水浸一會。 3. 煲滾熱水,把薯絲汆水,瀝乾備用。 4. 下油熱鑊,放入蒜片起鑊。 5. 放入長青椒絲,燈籠椒絲,炒大約1分鐘。 6. 再放入薯絲,炒大約1分鐘。 7. 落菇粉,胡椒粉,鹽,炒均。 8. 最後放入麻油炒均即成。 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 📌香煎帶子素意粉 帶子材料及處理: 帶子先用滾水浸一會,(大概20秒)吸乾水分 用牛油把帶子二面煎香下調味:胡椒粉.鹽各小許 素意粉材料及處理 黃瓜.青瓜.或翠玉瓜切絲,車厘茄開半,波菜.蒜片.乾蔥頭 調味料: 欖油. 牛油 .胡椒粉 .鹽 做法: 下欖油抄香蒜片及一粒蔥頭,加牛油再下車厘茄抄加調味:鹽,胡椒粉最後下瓜絲抄好後加上(蒸好的帶子汁),拌勻上碟帶子放面 波菜抄好可加碟邊 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 📌Oreo Balls 材料: Oreo 一筒,紅莓干或藍莓干半碗,白朱古力,一茶匙檸檬汁 做法: 將材料放入攪拌器內打碎 白朱古力用熱水坐溶 用手將餅碎搓成圓球(放微波爐加熱後更容易造型)放碟上淋上白朱古力溶液 放雪櫃雪一會 備註: 也可加果仁 先打碎果仁要加練奶(增加粘性 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Pan Fried Scallops with Zucchini Spaghetti Ingredients: Scallops - (soak in water and remove any side muscles) Green and yellow zucchini - one of each (cut into noodles with peeler or knife) Cherry tomatoes - cut into halves Spinach Onion - 1 (sliced) Garlic - sliced Shallot - 1 bulb (sliced) Seasonings: Butter White pepper Salt Mushroom seasoning powder Methods: 1. In a pot of hot water, add in fresh scallops and briefly soak them then transfer to a plate. Pat dry with paper towel. Set aside. 2. In a heated wok, spray oil, add butter, add scallops, and fry until both sides are golden brown. Add in white pepper and salt to taste. Set aside. 3. Preferably in the same wok with leftover scallop butter sauce, add in onion slices, garlic slices, shallot slices, oil, and fry until fragrant. Add in butter, cherry tomato pieces, spinach, salt, white pepper, mushroom seasoning powder, and mix well. 4. Add in zucchini noodles and briefly stir fry. Do not overcooked zucchini. 5. With a pair of chopsticks, fill a big ladle full of zucchini noodles, twirl it into a pile, and transfer to the center of a serving plate. Continue with the rest of the noodles. Lastly, garnish with the cooked scallops. Serve. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Stir-Fried Green and Red Peppers with Potato Shreds Ingredients: Potato - 2 small size (shredded or cut into julienne strips, rinse twice and soak in cold water to release the starch for crunchier texture) Garlic - sliced Green and red sweet peppers or bell peppers - shredded Seasonings: Sesame oil - to taste Salt - to taste White pepper - to taste Mushroom seasoning powder - ½ tsp Methods: 1. In a pot of boiling water, parboil potato shreds and transfer to a colander. Set aside. This step is optional. 2. In a heated wok, add in oil, garlic slices, green and red pepper shreds, potato shreds, and stir fry until fragrant. 3. Add in mushroom seasoning powder, white pepper, salt, and briefly stir fry. 4. Drizzle sesame oil right before transferring to serving plate. Serve. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Oreo Balls Ingredients: Oreo cookies - 1 package Dried cranberries - ½ a bowl (or you can use any dried fruits) Lemon juice - ½ tsp to 1 tsp White chocolate Methods: 1. In a food processor, add in Oreo cookies, dried cranberries, and lemon juice. Pulse together into fine crumbs. 2. Melt white chocolate bar over a warm bowl of water. Set aside. 3. To assemble, roll a small amount of Oreo cookie crumbs into a ball between your palms and squeeze tightly and applying the warmth from your palms to mold into a ball. Optional to add more lemon juice if it is not moist enough to hold its shape or warm up a bit in the microwave. 4. To decorate, dip the ball half-way into the white chocolate or coat the entire ball with white chocolate, or drizzle white chocolate over the ball. Transfer to serving plate. Continue with the rest of the Oreo cookie crumbs. Best serve cold. #mariarecipes #肥媽食譜 #2020919live

今日教大家 📌香煎帶子素意粉 📌青紅椒炒薯絲 📌Oreo Balls 🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏 中文購買...

😋雪花酥!自家制的小吃!快啲入嚟睇制作方法啦!🤣 🌷溫馨提示:今次示範的是一個基本做法!其實可以因應個人口味去配搭不同的材料!不過試咗好多唔同嘅餅,最愛都係加大量梳打餅!🤣🤣🤣 🌷喜歡朱古力味的朋友:可以把懷鹽梳打餅轉做Oreo 餅乾,但係記得要去除夾心層,否則會太甜! 💪大家加油!期待你們的作品展示及分享!

😋雪花酥!自家制的小吃!快啲入嚟睇制作方法啦!🤣 🌷溫馨提示:今次示範的是一個基本做法!其實可以因應...

呂昇達老師年終烘焙直播配方 免烤箱零失敗的蔓越莓雪Q餅 #金桶奶油限定年節糖果最簡單的選擇 粉絲專頁按讚,分享此篇文章 標註你的烘焙好閨蜜們 並且寫下 #金桶奶油年節糖果最簡單的選擇 老師會在2020年1月5日抽出5位幸運兒 特別獎 金桶奶油 3罐 / 1名 幸運獎 呂昇達老師的炒糖神鍋 1把 / 1名 KA百年紀念廚房用具 1組 / 1名 老闆加碼獎 藍三角奶油 3罐 / 1名 遲早會中獎 呂昇達老師的親筆簽名新書 1本 / 1名 蔓越莓雪Q餅的配方 PS:因為小寶班上人數不多,所以老師的份量比較少,如果大家希望做多一點,請自行增加份量唷 材料 金桶奶油 50g 棉花糖 150g 全脂奶粉 50g 全麥餅乾 200g 【要先切小塊】 蔓越梅乾 100g 福利團在這裡 金桶奶油這兒買:https://shopee.tw/foolb1981 製作方式 看直播唷~直播平台:呂昇達老師的烘焙市集 美善品的做法: 1. 主鍋中放入金桶奶油、再放入棉花糖,以5分/100度/速度2.5煮到溶化。 2.倒入不沾鍋中加入奶粉用小火熬煮攪拌均勻,最後加入全麥餅乾和蔓越莓乾熄火拌均 3.倒入烤盤中鋪平冷卻後切塊 無餅乾的杏仁蔓越莓雪Q餅 材料 金桶奶油 50g 棉花糖 150g 全脂奶粉 50g 熟杏仁角 200g 蔓越梅乾 100g 福利團在這裡 金桶奶油這兒買:https://shopee.tw/foolb1981 如果有朋友一起分,老師推薦組合1 ▶️組合1: 454g/23罐,再多送1罐,團購價7245元(免運),相當於1罐只要302元!!!原價是350元呢~ 需要少量購買,可以考慮組合2經濟實惠 ▶️組合2: 454g/4罐,團購價1260(免運),相當於1罐只要315元~原價是350元呢!!! 呂昇達老師的炒糖神鍋 #糖果必備 原價 $ 2,590元 官網售價 $ 1,690元 呂昇達老師團購價只要 $ 1,290元 訂購連結在這裡 https://gbf.tw/wfvri 圍裙和日韓精美廚房哪裡買? https://p4.groupbuyforms.tw/lk2rd

呂昇達老師年終烘焙直播配方 免烤箱零失敗的蔓越莓雪Q餅 #金桶奶油限定年節糖果最簡單的選擇 粉絲專...