vocal pitch中文 :《英漢醫學詞典》Vocal pitch …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋vocal pitch的中文翻譯,vocal pitch的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#2. voice pitch - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"voice pitch" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
Tone :the quality of a person's voice : the quality of a sound produced by a musical instrument or singing voice : a quality, feeling, ...
Tone is the high-pitched emission of a voice. 來自Cambridge English Corpus. A jet aircraft emits a very high-pitched whine.
#5. 音區- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
音區(register、音域)或稱音高音區(pitch register)在音位學中表示在一些語言裡的音節韻律 ... 的音節不同、主要出於短緊喉音(Creaky voice)元音與長氣聲元音的區別。
#6. sound pitch - 聲調 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 中文詞彙, 英文詞彙. 學術名詞 工業工程名詞, 聲調, tone. 學術名詞 計量學名詞, 聲調, acoustic tone. 學術名詞 物理學名詞, 聲調, sound pitch.
#7. vocal pitch 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#8. pitch of voice的中文,翻译,解释,例句 - 英语人
pitch of voice的中文,翻译,解释,例句. ... Experiments also show, it is the voice-pitch and voice-length that make the neutral tone syllable indistinct.
#9. 音调-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
Variations of the Bell System MF tone scheme became a CCITT standard. 语音的平均音调(一种频率). Average pitch (a frequency) of the speaking voice.
#10. high pitch在線翻譯- 英語 - 海词词典
The singer's high notes grated on the ears of her listeners. 這位女歌唱家的高音調使聽眾感到刺耳。 Higher voice pitch in women indicates the presence of ...
#11. pitch 的简体中文翻译- 柯林斯英语- 汉语词典 - Collins Dictionary
(s/u) [of note, sound, voice] 音高 (yīngāo); (s) (fig, = level, degree) [of feeling, situation] 程度 (chéngdù); (u) (= tar) 沥(瀝)青 (lìqīng) ...
#12. Nail the Pitch - Vocal Pitch Monitor - Google Play 應用程式
This app is made for singers and musicians. You can use the app to: - Monitor the notes you sing. - Transcribe melodies.
#13. 聲調英文,sound pitch中文 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 調變哼聲;調變交流聲 modulation hum 【電機工程】 聲調放大器 note amplifier 【電機工程】 中文聲調 Chinese tone 【電子工程】
#14. 【姿態動詞】Pitch
【姿態動詞】Pitch Pitch是一個多重意思,不容掌握的名詞: 投球He delivers his first pitch. ... 音準(= tone), a high/low sound pitch 高低音
#15. 演算法筆記- Audio
然而計算學家別無選擇,只能從聲音訊號下手,從volume 和pitch 這兩條路線開始發展。 Volume. 音量。振幅決定音量。 大家傾向用平均振幅作為音量。舉例來說,正弦波的平均 ...
#16. intonation翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
the act of singing in a monotonous tone · the production of musical tones (by voice or instrument); especially the exactitude of the pitch relations ...
#17. 在此插入您的標題
每一個人的pitch range 橫跨大概有兩個八度音, 雖說可能因為病症而減少 ,或因為訓練而增加。 聲帶基頻(vocal fundamental frequency)的改變是由聲帶的張力和每單位長的 ...
#18. 7-1 Introduction to Pitch Tracking (音高追蹤簡介)
If we want the computer to automatically identify the pitch from a stream of audio signals, then we need to have some reliable methods for such a task of ...
#19. tone 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典
Tone \Tone\ (t[=o]n), n. [F. ton, L. tonus a sound, tone, fr. Gr. to`nos a stretching, straining, raising of the voice, pitch, accent, measure or meter, ...
#20. 翻译'pitch of voice (high or low)' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
Sets the tone (frequency) of speech. Slide the slider to the left to lower the voice tone; to the right to increase tone. Anything less than # percent is ...
#21. Prosody 類別(System.Speech.Synthesis.TtsEngine) - Microsoft ...
表示語音屬性的設定集合,例如Pitch、Rate 和Volume。Represents a collection of settings for voice properties such as Pitch, Rate and Volume.
#22. 基於時域上基週同步疊加法之歌聲合成系統Singing Voice ...
Singing Voice Synthesis System Based on ... 基週同步疊加法(Pitch Synchronous Overlap and Add, PSOLA) [1] 主要是為了解決文 ... 圖2、中文歌聲合成系統流程圖.
#23. 樂理詞彙中英對照總表- 中英音悅教室Bilingual Music Classroom
音高Pitch (technical term referring to height (or depth) of sound) ... 注:中文樂理書籍常使用的定義(2)在論及音階的各音級時易造成詞彙理解上的混淆,因此在學習 ...
#24. Vocal Pitch Monitor安卓下載,安卓版APK | 免費下載
Vocal Pitch Monitor. It is an application which displays the pitch of the sound inputted from the microphone on a graph in real time.
#25. pitch contour的中文释义_用法 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选pitch contour是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、pitch contour的用法、pitch contour的中文释义、翻译pitch ... rise and fall of the voice pitch.
#26. 在App Store 上的「Vocal Range - Pitch Detector」
下載「Vocal Range - Pitch Detector」並在iPhone、iPad 和iPod touch 上盡享 ... 俄文, 土耳其文, 德語, 日語, 法文, 波蘭文, 簡體中文, 義大 ...
#27. ※ DAB 三十八個知覺言語特徵向度評估表鄭靜宜修訂
2 破音(pitch break). 音高突然出現無預期地驟然升. 降。 3 音調無起伏(monopitch) 音調單調無一般語調型的抑揚頓. 挫。 4 音聲顫抖(voice tremor).
#28. 使用HTS 進行中文語音合成之研究
Wafer Failure Pattern Recognition) , 林坤優,清華大學碩. 士論文,2014. Page 29. Singing Voice Separation and Pitch. Extraction from Monaural ...
#29. 應用韻律階層及動態參數之音高預測在基於HMM之中文語音 ...
語文別:, 中文. 論文頁數:, 76. 中文關鍵詞:, 語音合成、音高、動態參數、韻律階層. 英文關鍵詞:, Pitch、Prosody Hierarchy、Dynamic Feature、Speech Synthesis ...
#30. 你音夠準嗎?音樂的救世主與毀滅者Autotune、Melodyne
在Pitch correction 的效果器使用上不外乎是希望得到幾個效果:Pitch correction 音調校正,更準的聲音、Vocal harmony and vibrato 人聲合音與抖音, ...
#31. 【姿態動詞】Pitch Pitch是一個多重意思,不容掌握的名詞
He delivers his first pitch. (他投出第一球). 運動場(= field) a football pitch 足球場. 音準(= tone), a high/low sound pitch 高低音
#32. 第十一講:Sound,the Auditory System,and Pitch Perception
8 Physiology of pitch perception; 9 Primary auditory cortex. 9.1 Auditory pathway; 9.2 Auditory cortex; 9.3 Where / What pathway.
#33. Pitch Perfect 3 - freedom 90' 中文字幕
#34. pitch contour英语怎么读,翻译成中文是什么意思
pitch contour - 英英词典 · NOUN[名词] · rise and fall of the voice pitch. 声调的起伏. intonation · modulation ...
#35. 聲學參數與音質的相關分析
使用單一聲學分析(acoustic analysis)參數或多個聲學分析參數來預測音質(voice ... 度(shimmer)、頻率擾動度商數(pitch perturbation quotient , PPQ)、振幅擾動度 ...
#36. Maintain audio pitch - 英文翻译中文,怎么说?
Maintain audio pitch. 5个回答. 保持音频间距 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. 维护音频沥青 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 维护音频沥青 2013-05-23 12:24:58
#37. 言語治療詞彙
breathy voice 氣嗓聲 top home. 言語治療詞彙-C ... connected speech 連接話語 connective 連接詞 connotation 涵義 ... visi-pitch 音調儀 visual agnosia 視覺失認
#38. 中文語音轉換歌聲:基於WORLD系統之語音端點與音高模型整合
Most of singing synthesis systems are using of the high-quality voice corpus firstly, ... Integration of Speech Segmentation and Pitch Model Based on WORLD.
#39. Singscope
It analyzes your singing voice, estimates its pitch values, and draws the pitches in a graph as a function of time. The pitches are shown in music scales (C, D, ...
#40. raise your voice 中文意思是什麼 - 英漢/漢英線上英文 ...
不要對我提高嗓門! Animate your voice ? avoid a monotone. use dynamics. your pitch should raise and lower. your volume should be soft and loud.
#41. Voice Pitch Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Find voice pitch stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#42. 主歌、副歌、忘詞、走音⋯⋯這些歌曲相關的英文怎麼說?
標籤: verse, pre chorus, bridge, sense of rhythm, Pitch, Harmony, ... She lost the singing contest because she forgot the lyrics to her song ...
#43. 暗黑2 各语种配音含中文Low Voice Pitch Malthael in different ...
#44. pitch怎么读,pitch翻译为:场地;最高点;音高
pitch 的中文意思:场地;最高点;音高;,点击查看详细解释:pitch的中文 ... range from insulating our eyes to changing the pitch and tone of our voice .
#45. Chatter: The Voice in Our Head and How to Harness It - 博客來
書名:Chatter: The Voice in Our Head and How to Harness It,原文名稱:強大內心的自我對話習慣:緊張下維持專注,混亂中清楚思考,身陷困難不被負面情緒拖垮, ...
#46. 語言學(三)Phonetics and Language in Society - Catherine's ...
When we speak, we also change the pitch of our voices. The pitch depends on how fast ... 拿中文來說魚的說法在澎湖跟在台灣的說法就不一樣了。
#47. VT-3 | 人声处理器 - 欢迎访问Roland中文网站
With the VT-3 Voice Transformer, you can smoothly alter pitch and formant in real time to introduce heavily processed vocal sounds into your studio tracks ...
#48. Is Vocal Fry Ruining My Voice? | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Vocal fry is the lowest register (tone) of your voice characterized by its deep, creaky, breathy sound. When you speak, your vocal cords naturally close to ...
#49. [Day 18] Google Cloud Text-to-Speech - 1 - iT 邦幫忙
... 目前還沒有中文可以選,所以聽不出來中文講出來會怎樣。Voice Name有很多種聲音可以選擇,也有男生跟女生的發音,另外你也可以自己調整 Speed 跟 Pitch(音調).
#50. pitch information 中文意思是什麼
pitch : n 1 瀝青;含有瀝青的物質;松脂,樹脂。2 人工合成瀝青;人造樹脂。vt 用瀝青 ... bandwidth and pitch frequency are chosen as voice character parameters.
#51. tone - 英汉词典
tone - 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文. tone nnoun: Refers to person, place, ... Son, I don't like that tone of voice that you use with me!
#52. Ipsos Encyclopedia - Voice Pitch Analysis
A technique that measures variations in the frequency of the human voice. Such frequency modulations are typically associated with various human emotions. Such ...
#53. Choose the voice of your Google Assistant - Android
Turn off speech output · On your Android phone or tablet, say "Hey Google, open Assistant settings." · Under "All settings," tap Assistant voice. · Under "Speech ...
#54. Cubase 6 調整音高(Pitch Shift)與靜音處理(Silence)(源 ...
... 與靜音處理(Silence)(源自英國Future Music 2012-4月號的中文翻譯) ... 移調(Pitch Shift),可以在音頻(Audio)/ 處理(Process)選單中 ...
#55. 語音情緒辨識技術與應用之研究Speech Emotion Recognition ...
音高(pitch),共振峰(formant),音框能量(frame energy)以及梅爾倒頻譜 ... 語音特徵(speech features)。 ... 者之情緒,由於目前尚未有公認的中文語音情緒.
#56. Voice feminizing therapy and surgery - Mayo Clinic
Because voice feminization surgery will only change your pitch, you may still need to work on other vocal behaviors. How you prepare. If you're ...
#57. Estimate fundamental frequency of audio signal - MATLAB pitch
Listen to the audio and plot the audio and pitch estimations. sound(x,fs) figure tiledlayout(2,1) nexttile plot(t,x) ylabel('Amplitude') ...
#58. 胸腔檢查(視診觸診叩診聽診) @ 安歆居家護理所 - 隨意窩
語聲震顫(vocal fremitus): ... Hyper-resonance: low pitch, hollow quality較resonance ... Diaphragm: for high-pitched sound緊緊地壓在皮膚上聽呼吸音.
#59. 語音合成Speech synthesize note
語音合成又名文句轉語音(Text-To-Speech,TTS),是指將輸入的文字或儲存於電腦中的文件 ... 頻率越高,音頻(pitch)就越高,人類耳朵可聽到的音頻範圍是20Hz至20kHz。
#60. 麻烦解释一下下列单词在音乐术语中什么意思pitch rhythm ...
英文解释不重要,主要是想了解这些词无论是中文还是英文,在音乐当中具体是什么意思. ... [mass noun]a voice high in pitch but rich in timbre.
#61. Voice pitch bug? :: Deep Rock Galactic Experimental Branch
I've noticed that various pre-update 25 voice lines have an increased pitch. In some instances my gunner will sound like the engineer and my ...
#62. Change Pitch Online
Audio Pitch Shifter 不需要任何編輯經驗- 只需上傳您的文件並立即開始修改! © 123apps LLC, 2012–2021. 說明 隱私權 價錢 聯絡我們. 繁體中文. 選擇語言.
#63. Pitch Detection with SPICE | TensorFlow Hub
[Run this] Definition of the JS code to record audio straight from the browser · Select how to input your audio · 1: Adding zeros to the output to indicate when ...
#64. Known Issues | Photon Engine
Every now and then you can notice pitch changes in Photon Voice Speaker playback for a few seconds because it's trying to catch up. This is a consequence of ...
#65. 我的Chrome 會說話| 五倍紅寶石・專業程式教育
這篇文章要討論的是Web Speech API 這個由Google 所提交的功能。 ... 因為作業系統中可能會針對各種國家的語言提供語音,所以同樣是中文,我們也可以從 zh-TW 切換到 ...
#66. pitch · CSS 2.0 中文手册 - 看云
... azimuth elevation speak speak-punctuation speak-numeral pitch-range speech-rate play-during pause pause-before pause-after cue cue-before cue-after |
#67. 声区wiki解读:真声假声胸声头声 - 比的原理
首先,这不仅是中文里混乱,英文里也是乱成一团。wiki原话: ... to covered tone, but which might better be called from chest to head voice.
#68. Set the Voice Changer and Reverberation Effects -
To accomplish this, Agora RTC SDK provides preset voice effects. You can also dynamically change the users' voices, such as adjusting the pitch, ...
#69. Changing pitch - Camtasia Video Tutorial - LinkedIn
This is useful for slight vocal adjustments, or to completely disguise a voice. First, open the audio effects tab. Next, drag and drop the pitch effect to any ...
#70. 音乐术语英文名称汇总(一) - 知乎专栏
overtone(s)泛音(aliquot tone,harmonics,flageolet tone 即upper ... partial(s)分音(partial tone) ... range 音域(compass)(voice).
#71. What's new in Live 11 | Ableton
Live organizes multiple passes of an audio or MIDI performance into ... this Max for Live pitch shifting device created in collaboration with Robert Henke ...
#72. Online Voice Recorder - Record Voice from the Microphone
It allows you to record your voice using a microphone and save it as an mp3 file. Free to use. Voice Recorder is completely free. No hidden payments, activation ...
#73. AI Music Platform: Vocal Remover & Mastering |
Extract vocals and instruments from any audio/video file. Create samples and remixes ... Adjust volume, panning, pitch and tempo keeping the audio quality.
#74. voice和sound都翻成「聲音」用法卻差很大、講錯超糗!1分鐘 ...
中英語言差異大,有時候中文翻譯出來一樣的單字,英文卻有不一樣的代表意義呢!搞清楚這類易混淆的單字,讓你說英文不出糗。一起往下看情境對話, ...
#75. Text-to-Speech: Lifelike Speech Synthesis | Google Cloud
Turn text into natural-sounding speech in 220+ voices across 40+ languages and variants with an API powered by Google's machine learning technology.
#76. Many define Adele's voice by its power. But the true artistry ...
The middle of Adele's voice is soulful, rich and powerful, occasionally with an edgy tone colour. She has the ability to create a breathy, ...
#77. Discord Voice Changer to Download for FREE ⬇️ Voicemod ...
Level up your party chat with Voicemod's free voice changer for Discord. Try on voice filters to get in character for your next RPG session or just have fun ...
#78. | The Official Site of Major League Baseball
Coverage includes audio and video clips, interviews, statistics, schedules and exclusive stories.
#79. i.MX 93 Applications Processors Family | NXP Semiconductors
English · 中文Chinese · 日本語Japanese · 한국어Korean; Sign in again after ... Motor Control · Security · Voice Control · Wired Connectivity ...
#80. Readme - Text to Speech Reader
Readme is a text-to-speech extension that uses advanced deep learning ... To change the voice, reading speed, pitch, or enable text ...
#81. Web Apps by 123apps - Edit, Convert, Create
Audio Tools. Trim · Change Volume · Change Speed · Change Pitch · Equalizer · Reverse Audio · Voice Recorder · Audio Joiner. PDF Tools.
#82. Voice Notepad - Speech to Text with Google ... -
Looking for a free alternative to Dragon Naturally speaking for speech recognition? Voice Notepad lets you type with your voice in any language.
#83. Even Non-Muslims Moved by Abdul Basit's Voice: Son - IQNA
TEHRAN (IQNA) – The son of legendary Egyptian reciter Abdul Basit Abdul Samad said his father had an inspiring voice that even moves ...
#84. How To Pitch! 讓500 Startup 的創投教你 - 泛科技
「Pitching的中文是什麼?我還真不知道」,負責500 Startups在大中國區所有投資活動的馬睿這樣說著。 Pitch 廣義來說,就是Sales Presentation,對 ...
#85. Audio Joiner: Merge songs online, combine mp3
Easy audio merging. It is a single-purpose app, which makes it easy to use. Unlimited tracks. There is ...
#86. Investor Relations | izi.TRAVEL
izi.TRAVEL for Investors izi.TRAVEL is the leading platform for location-based audio guided tours. ... TRAVEL? Contact our team to receive the pitch deck.
#87. Audio Extractor - Extract sound from video online
Audio Tools. Trim · Change Volume · Change Speed · Change Pitch · Equalizer · Reverse Audio · Voice Recorder · Audio Joiner. PDF Tools. Convert from PDF.
#88. Microphone Test - Check Your Mic With Our Online Tool ...
An online microphone test to check if your mic is working and properly configured. For Skype and other voice call services, or for any other use.
#89. Science - The New York Times
阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版 ... a treatment for glaucoma in the U.S., then became an author and a voice against authoritarianism in his homeland.
#90. Noise - Reproductive Health | NIOSH | CDC
Sound can travel through your body and reach your baby. Although this sound will be muffled in the womb, very loud noises may still be able to damage your ...
#91. Video Recorder – Record Video with your Webcam
Video Recorder is our online app for recording video and taking pictures right in your browser. This simple app has flexible video and audio settings. It can ...
#92. 2015:Audio Melody Extraction - MIREX Wiki
The task consists of two parts: Voicing detection (deciding whether a particular time frame contains a "melody pitch" or not),; pitch detection ...
#93. Adweek
Breaking News in Advertising, Media and Technology.
#94. The big calls that shaped Europe's elite: How Barcelona made ...
Every fan has the right to make their voice heard, wherever they are in ... On the pitch Cruyff ensured the Blaugrana's eternal gratitude by ...
#95. 當代中文課程 教師手冊1(二版) - 第 6 頁 - Google 圖書結果
當代中文課程教師手冊 Phonological Characteristics of Chinese Phonology refers to the system of sound ... A tone refers to the voice pitch contour .
#96. 當代中文課程教師手冊2 - 第 6 頁 - Google 圖書結果
This is due to the fact that Chinese sound system contains some elements that are not part of the sound ... A tone refers to the voice pitch contour.
#97. 當代中文課程教師手冊6 - 第 6 頁 - Google 圖書結果
This is due to the fact that Chinese sound system contains some elements that are not part of the sound ... A tone refers to the voice pitch contour.
#98. 當代中文課程教師手冊5 - 第 6 頁 - Google 圖書結果
What is most striking to English speakers is that every syllable in Chinese has a 'tone', as will be detailed directly below. But, a word on the sound ...
voice pitch中文 在 【姿態動詞】Pitch Pitch是一個多重意思,不容掌握的名詞 的推薦與評價
He delivers his first pitch. (他投出第一球). 運動場(= field) a football pitch 足球場. 音準(= tone), a high/low sound pitch 高低音 ... <看更多>