the reason why造句 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

#1. 用"the reason why"造句 - 查查在線詞典
the reasons why ancient people studied the sky are as intriguing as how they did it . 古人研究天文的理由以及他們怎樣去做,同樣是難解的。 the reason why the ...
#2. the reason why is that造句5个 - 百度知道
The reason why she is crying is that she was abused。 ... The reason why he was late for school was that he met a traffic jam .
#3. 关于我们 - 英语培训
The reason why...is/was that 的意思是什么呢?优朗英语全日制英语培训的许老师告诉我们是“……的原因是……”的意思。 句 ...
reason 造句 / 例句 ; 1. I had no reason to doubt him. 我没有理由不相信他。 ; 2. He had every reason to be angry. 他完全有理由感到愤怒。 ; 3. The reason is ...
#5. reason造句 | the reason why例句 - 旅遊日本住宿評價
用reason造句和"reason"的例句: 1. The reason why he failed was his laziness .他失敗的原因就是他懶惰。 2. When one is about to act, one must reason first .
#6. that's the reason why-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: That's the reason why ARBs combine with diuretics works so well.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"that's the reason why"
ulterior motive, reason, purpose, etc. be no/without rhyme or reason idiom · 查看全部意思». 片 ...
用reason造句,reason例句 · The reason why he failed was his laziness . · When one is about to act, one must reason first . · For this reason new ...
#9. reason - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
词语用法 · reason的基本意思是根据事实作出判断或推理,强调连续的逻辑思考,以某个假设的前提、某个确定的数据或证据开始,作出推论。 · reason既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及 ...
#10. for the reason翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
for the reason中文的意思、翻譯及用法:由於;因為。英漢詞典提供【for the reason】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#11. For this reason, A.(A为完整句子;上文还应该阐述具体的 ...
模仿造句. 句型结构. 因果For this reason, A.(A为完整句子;上文还应该阐述具体的reason是什么,下文才用这个). 问题. 1. 这个句型结构是什么意思?
#12. the reason why is that造句5个 - 雨露学习互助
the reason why is that造句5个 ... The reason why he failed the exam is that he didn't work hard. The reason why I was late for class is that I did't catch the bus ...
#13. The reason造句 - 天天影视网
for the reason that造句1、The material first used was copperfor the reason thatit is easily obtained in its pure state. 2、Jamyang's goal is to spre.
#14. for the reason造句-六车网 - 词语造句
用For this reason造句:. for this reason 以此;为此. It is for this reason that television proves such a boon to so many people.
#15. the reason why的例句 - 搜狗搜索
thereasonwhy从句 why造句五年级 · 用thereasonwhy造句 reasonwhyis造句 · the reason why在句首 the fact that造句 · why is it that造句 thereasonwhy造句.
#16. For Some Reason的意思 - 希平方
And an extra tip: They take away your water bottles for some reason, and that always kind of pisses me off, so I bring with me a water ...
#17. the reason being that - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"the reason being that" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#18. Reason why 文法討論 - 我在學英文
你可以從英語為母語人士口中聽到這四個句子,我認為第一句是最好的,因為它以最少的字表達出意思。 第四句也有可能的,因為在英文裡,當附加一個新獨立子 ...
#19. for this reason造句 - 瑞文网
for this reason中文有以此的意思,那么,以下是小编给大家整理收集的for this reason造句,供大家阅读参考。 for this reason造句: 1.
#20. reason 造句/ 例句 - 英语词根词源字典
reason 造句 / 例句. 1. The reason is easy to divine. 这理由易于解释。 《21世纪大英汉词典》. 2. Tell me the reason,pray. 请把理由告诉我吧。
#21. 學一次用一輩子的英文溝通技巧(附1MP3) | 誠品線上
200個學一次就能用一輩子的關鍵句型先學會最基礎的關鍵句型,再開始照樣造句。書中列舉大量例句,能讓你透過例句漸漸 ... It certainly was not the reason why… 12.
#22. 「no reason」是什麼意思? - 人人焦點
英語中, reason, cause 和excuse 都有「原因」的意思,但它們的用法並不相同,今天我們一起學習一下它們的用法區別。1. reason:主要指從邏輯推理中得出 ...
#23. THE REASON WHY 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
THE REASON WHY”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“THE REASON WHY” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#24. 英文造句的藝術:寫作的五堂必修課 - momo購物網
That is all the more reason why this favorite reference book for students, writers, and educators requires periodic updating.
#25. 翻译The reason why的意思_用法 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选The reason why是什么意思、英语单词推荐、The reason why的用法、The reason why是什么意思、翻译The reason why是什么意思.
#26. 今日短语/ Boil down to something 归根结底为 - BBC
例句. The reason for stopping the project boils down to lack of money. 停止这个项目的原因归结于缺乏资金。 You've ...
#27. 中文歌詞翻譯Calum Scott - You Are The Reason - Mr.生活扉頁
今天版主要來跟大家分享這首很心痛的歌曲You Are The Reason ,版主自己在聽的時候,眼淚不經意地掉了幾滴,雖然是很常見的編曲跟音樂進行,但是, ...
#28. 口說小俚語:There's no reason to get nasty. - 登峰美語
There's no reason to get nasty, just because you want her shoes. (山姆:泰瑞。 ... 比方:"There is no reason to scream. ... 照樣造句→.
#29. 就醬造句第三章句子的擴張
Do you know the reason? (why). 11. 將下列的句子分別加兩種不同的副詞子句予以擴張。 Ex. She is always poor. (她總是很窮). Though she works hard, she is always ...
#30. 【中文歌詞翻譯】Calum Scott - You Are The Reason - 凱莫的 ...
這首在去年年底發行的單曲”You Are The Reason” 其實小編我早就知道有這首歌,但一直沒有好好聽一次最近突然心血來潮聽聽看沒想到馬上就愛上了。
#31. "voice of reason"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)的問題| HiNative
voice of reason的意思Good question, to my understanding, "the voice of reason" is someone who gives reasonable, sensible opinions.
#32. 用within reason造句子三年级|二年级|一年级简单的 - 新华字典
within reason造句. 1、Party A may request replacement of supporting attorneys within reason.(甲方只有在合理的情况下才能要求更换律师助手。) ...
#33. reason造句简单并翻译
reason造句 简单并翻译 ... He was late for school for this reason.因为这个原因,他上学迟到了. [例句]There is a reason for every important thing that ...
#34. 雅思大作文万用句型造句练习:A的原因通常是 B
此结构可表达“A的原因通常是B”的意思,这里A是一个名词性成分,B是一个完整的句子。我们在使用这个结构的时候可以对比the reason for A sterm from B这个 ...
#35. 記住:沒有為什麼千萬不要翻譯為"No why"
可能戰友說這還不簡單就是No why。那你這就說的是Chinglish,按字面意思直接翻譯。沒有為什么正式說法是No reason. reason 美[ˈrizən] 理由.
#36. 【因為英文】due to、because of 哪裡不一樣? 千萬別搞錯
As的意思上跟because相同,但要注意的是在句子中,as比較強調的結果的部分;because則比較強調原因;理由(reason)。 I hope they've decide to come ...
#37. 表達「造成、導致」的英文句型- 廖柏森:英語與翻譯教學
與上一節同樣是表達因果關係的句型,此節強調的焦點是「結果」,寫作時常把因為某種原因而導致的後果寫在cause, result in, be the reason for, ...
#38. the reason why意思 - Exuwu
爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供reason的中文意思,reason的用法讲解,reason的读音,reason的同义词,reason的反义词,reason的例句等英语服务。 爱词霸权威在线词典, ...
#39. the reason for用法- 怎么造句??? - 作业九九网
用'the reason for 动词+ing '造句. 回答作者:山水间-山水间. 采纳时间:2020-07-21 17:26. The reason for being late for school is that I have missed the bus.
#40. 乞題- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
乞題(英語:begging the question 或question begging;拉丁語:petitio principii),又稱竊取 ... that the other person (the audience) has a reason to believe something.
#41. 【英文語錄】很短,很文藝,很唯美的英文諺語!(中英文對照)
Before I met you I never knew what it was like; to look at someone and smile for no reason——沒有遇到你之前,我從來沒想到自己會這樣,毫無緣由 ...
#42. reason的知识精选 - 经典语录
“cogent reason”可以造什么句,cogent reason造句. 2018-10-09 Butnotso–shegavethefarmorecogentreasonthatJapaneseguysarejustweirdaboutwomen.
#43. for this reason造句 - 快资讯
for this reason造句: 1.It is for this reason that television proves such a boon to so many people. 就是因为这个原因,电视才会给这么多人带来 ...
#44. reason的知識大全- 中文知識站
reason 的知識大全 · “by reason of”寫句子用by reason of造句大全 · “reason for”寫句子用reason for造句大全 · “All the more reason”寫句子用All the more reason造句大全.
#45. for this reason造句简单易懂 - 麦浪网
for this reason造句简单易懂,你知道吗?或许你不知道吧,那就来看看forthisreason造句简单带翻译,for this reason造句子,forthisreason怎么造句.
#46. 怎麼用listen to reason造句 - 國文屋
listen to reason”造句,怎麼用listen to reason造句 ... 2018-08-07造句3.15W. She was too angry at the present moment to listen to reason.
#47. 用“within reason”造句大全 - 花架子造句
It's not restrictive, but Baxter notes that it must be within reason — no trailer homes, no horses or livestock. TAG標籤:造句 reason # ...
#48. 用thereasonof造句 - 红宝石
任达华在港无人敢惹在内地却当众被捅险丧命. 用be reason of造句- …… for this reason, we must assume as little as possible about the use of ...
#49. 找reason意思相關社群貼文資訊
關於「reason意思」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:. 翻譯。 Google 的免費翻譯服務提供中文和其他上百種語言的互譯功能,能即時翻譯字詞、詞組和網頁內容。
#50. cry for no reason造句 - main - 汇安网
Why does mother seem to cry for no reason? 英美为什么母亲无缘无故的哭? 分享单词到: 今日热词校外培训机构- tutoring institutions 联大紧急特别 ...
#51. 用valid reason造句子 - 粉墨登場造句
She had valid reasons for not supporting the proposals. Cannot offer contract to player dialog box now contains a valid reason when bidding on ...
#52. 实验心理学 - Google 圖書結果
他们给被试呈现一系列词对(如window-reason),每呈现完一个词对,要求一组被试用词对造句(如她有充足的理由打开窗户),而另一组被试则判断词对中的两个词是否有一样多的元 ...
#53. EF English Live,六個有趣的英文慣用語
就算你有很大的英語字彙量,總有一些英文慣用語和表達讓你乍看上去不知所云。理解英文慣用語要靠上下文和語言文化的融會貫通,只是理解英文慣用語中每個單字的意思無法 ...
#54. 熱情的造句
熱情造句:1、學習光有熱情不行,還得講究方法。2、我們要想盡一卻 ... The reason for our success is that all my colleagues are 你是想要一個這樣 ...
#55. Li Bai & Du Fu: An Advanced Reader of Chinese Language and ...
寄托二、造句 2. ... 2. This line tells the reason for writing this poem and the cause of the poet's Sorrow . . to whirl ( of water ) The Poetry of Li Bai 53.
#56. 白痴造句法
請模仿學生造句,並相互給出評語! 白痴造句法,例如-- ... talk to y how to know friendly You are under arrest for so and so reason you have right to remain ...
#57. 《水滸傳》英譯的語言與文化 - Google 圖書結果
“You`ve reason to fear the Marshal,but I`m not scared of him,”said Zhishen. “If I run into that littleshit ... 主要表现在选词、造句、时态和谋篇四个方面。
#58. for this reason造句 - 文学重网
for this reason造句. 来源:文学重网. forthisreason造句. forthisreason中文有以此的意思,那么,以下是小编给大家整理收集的forthisreason造句,供大家阅读参考。
#59. 商務英文Email速成語庫書 - 第 121 頁 - Google 圖書結果
現在我們來用這些字串造句吧。接下來請做 Task 3.13。 ... 現金流轉. Structure 1: Request for action Reason Request for information 表達請求的 Email 121.
#60. reasons造句- 百度云网盘资源合集
reasons造句 百度云网盘资源合集,Cause造句用amzing和amazed造句Medicine造句reasons读音correction造句reasons怎么发音brilliant造句reason的用法以及例句reasons是 ...