Crescent Lament 2012新創作曲「尪仔面」,預計收錄在我們下一張以臺灣早年藝妲生活為藍本的概念專輯中。本曲內容描述日治時代到國民政府來台初期,臺灣藝妲面對賣藝賣笑、送往迎來的人生,有著萬般不由自己的感慨。「尪仔面」是臺灣閩南語用詞,含有兩種意義:用來指稱長得很好看的年輕男女,或者,也有「面具」的意思。「尪仔面」這首歌之歌名,即含有這兩種意義:藝妲們每天化妝將自己打扮的漂漂亮亮,也像頂著這張漂亮的「面具」,面對每個來往的客人。
After releasing the debut album "Behind the Lethal Deceit" in 2011, Crescent Lament keeps on digging out the dark side of Taiwanese history, and integrates those miserable stories into our music. "Taiwan geisha" becomes the theme of our next project. The story of our next conceptual album occurs in the mid-20th century, when Taiwan was in an era of turmoil. Because of low social status, Taiwanese geishas endured much more suffering than ordinary people.
This live MV -- "尪仔面(Masked Doll)", is the latest release of Crescent Lament. Written in Taiwanese, the lyrics describe that how a Taiwanese geisha hides tears under the invisible mask , and shows her smiles all the time emotionlessly.
【尪仔面 / Masked Doll】
詞/Lyrics:周慕姿 Muer Chou、陳宗緯 Warose Chen (黑腔/grunts)
曲/Music:周岳弘 Komet Chou
英譯/English translation:周岳弘 Komet Chou
收錄專輯/Album:花殤 Elegy for the Blossoms (2015)
歌曲錄製/Recording & remixing:Warose Chen 陳宗緯
影片剪輯/Video editing:Warose Chen 陳宗緯
* 影片素材由 Ekim Lu、Taur Yang、Anzio Chou、Sashiba Chou 提供。
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