造句 與例句 手機版 · He could feel the menace of the spreading . · Repayments can be spread over two years . · A look of misery spread over martha's face .
spread 造句 / 例句 · 1. The bird spread its wings. · 2. The cancer has spread to his stomach. · 3. Seeds and pollen are spread by the wind.
spread 的例句. spread. He thought he could assist in spreading free trade opinion there. 來自Cambridge English Corpus.
Mom spread a new table-cloth on the table. 媽媽在桌上鋪了一塊新桌布。 She was told not to spread ...
例句: The radio spread the news as soon as the accident happened . 事故一发生,收音机就把这条消息传播出去了。
用dailyspread造句和"dailyspread"的例句:1.Thedailyspreadisabout10degrees.2.Infact,facedwithsuchanostentatiousdailyspread,someemperors ...,用spreadout造句 ...
#7. 用spread造句子三年级|二年级|一年级简单的 - 字典
spread造句. 1、. 1. The table was spread for supper. 桌子已摆好,准备吃晚饭。 2. The bird spread its wings. 这只鸟展开翅膀。 1. The fire spread from the ...
#8. spread 造句/ 例句 - 优词词典- 英语词根词源字典
spread 造句 / 例句 · 1. The disease was spread in the small town. · 2. His sexy scandal was quickly spread about. · 3. A wide stretch of land spread in front of us.
You can spread the payments over as long a period as you like. 你的分期付款期限愿意多长就多长。 短语. spread to. 传播到 ...
#10. spread造句-西瓜视频搜索
#11. 【防疫英文懶人包】疫情爆發、疾病傳染、居家隔離怎麼說?
spread 可以當名詞或動詞,都有散佈、蔓延的意思,所以例句提到的病情傳染,用spread這個字。而infection指的是「感染」例如:Bandage the wound to ...
#12. spread (【動詞】蔓延, 擴散, 散佈)意思、用法及發音 - Engoo
"spread" 例句. All travelers are required to wear a mask to stop the virus from spreading. 所有旅客都被要求要配戴口罩避免傳播病毒。
#13. spread什么意思英语 - 翻译大全网
这是两个词are spreadyour judgement are spread to .你的.【注】你这里的are用的很牵强,to后面不知道还有什么,原句里的spread我只能取其名词词性了.
#14. spread造句简单及翻译 - 句子大全网
spread造句 简单及翻译 · 1. 使伸展,使延伸I spread my arms as far apart as I could. 我尽可能地将双臂伸展开. · 2. 张开;展开;摊开Mom spread a new table-cloth on the ...
#15. 英文病歷書寫用語及常見錯誤 - 台中榮總
spread more widely over that side of the head when the severity of pain increased. 頻率、嚴重度基本用語. ▫ 長期、慢性的. ▫ long-term, long-standing, ...
#16. 用分詞造句 - 漢語網
2、 ——spread是spread 的過去分詞型(spread-spread-spread),這是動詞過去分詞做后置定語的用法。 還原句子后,可以是there issixmorespreadoutoverthepast35years.
#17. 用spread eagle造句 - 乐学英语
用spread eagle造句,spread eagle例句 · Splits , spread eagles , back flips , flip flops · Number 17 , the spread eagle - artistic differences
#18. Spread The Word的意思 - 希平方
「宣傳、傳播」- Spread The Word ... Journalists, help us "spread the word". 汙水是全世界死亡原因之首。記者們,幫我們宣傳。 觀賞完整影片 分享至FB. 造句練習 ...
#19. 為什麼流感會要了你的命!--5個方面的知識。 (Why The Flu ...
(of a disease) spread from one person or organism to another, typically by direct contact. (疾病)接觸性傳染的 ... 連假收假亂造句
#20. 看電影學英文- Jump on The Bandwagon -搭順風車 - Facebook
Sample Sentence: Vivian told Joseph a secret and he jumped on her bandwagon to spread the rumors. ... 大家的造句與小編新的參考造句會在下午6:00過後整理分享哦!!
#21. 果醬英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
造句 一、My sister likes to eat strawberry jam toast. 翻譯一、我妹妹喜歡吃草莓果醬吐司。 ... 造句二、We spread blueberry jam into French bread, ...
#22. 翻译_spread同义词和反义词 - 中华字典
#23. 几道英语造句题例句 - 雨露学习互助
几道英语造句题例句:Why not ………? Why not spread your wings and visit France? 1.…a leader in… 2.…(be) covered with… 3.…on a tour of…
#24. 【Scholastic】 英語學習翻翻書硬頁書Carry and Learn Opposites
Every spread reinforces learning with concept repetition and interactive activity on each spread. - A carry along "on the go" handle gives young readers a ...
#25. 英文測驗題庫彙編04~107-new年
These so-called microplastics are spread throughout the water column and have been found in every corner of the globe, from Mount Everest, ...
#26. spread造句简单带翻译 - 望花路东里
spread 造句 / 例句1. The birdspreadits wings. 鸟展开翅膀。 《牛津词典》 2. The cancer hasspreadto his stomach. 癌已扩散到他的胃部。
#27. 【楼上分享】[br]acres n.英亩[br]exotic adj.异国的…… - 朗播
dine [daɪn] vt.宴请(某人); 请(某人)吃饭; 【造句】 The spread of pastoralism has caused the thrive of this area. 2017-11-11 10:19:29 来自 单词汪.
#28. 用spread造句 - 品信网
spread 造句 / 例句1. The birdspreadits wings. 鸟展开翅膀。 《牛津词典》 2. The cancer hasspreadto his stomach. 癌已扩散到他的胃部。
#29. 用wide造句子
用wide造句子 ... 英语造句. ... spread造句简单 · frequently造句 · introduction造句 · 用collect造句 · process造句 · product造句 · widely造句 ...
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spread造句 1、The alarmspreadrapidly. 2、Whospreadthese rumours? 3、His bigotry alsospreadfurther. 4、Thespreadis exponential, they say.
#31. spread造句子 - 句子准网
1、communication造句简单,而我生活没有你却过得伤心疲惫。 2、spread造句子,而不是等待天赐良机。 3、用overnight造句子,喜欢就是看见他就会快乐 ...
#32. end up例句,spread的用法与搭配 - 百科知识网
结束hold one's end up 坚持到底; 乐观地战斗keep one's end up 精神饱满地. 2、用end up 造句. His idleness ended up with a failure.他的懒惰结果造成了他的失败.
#33. spread的例句 - 河智科学网
spread 造句 / 例句1. The birdspreadits wings. 鸟展开翅膀。 《牛津词典》 2. The cancer hasspreadto his stomach. 癌已扩散到他的胃部。
#34. present造句 - 小倔百科网
present造句最新消息,还有warmth,afraid造句,spread造句等内容,现在我们来谈谈present (/prɪˈzent/)做动词时的三大用法,你会发现它的第一个用法, ...
#35. ˉ秉持ˉ 著ˉ懷疑ˉ 的ˉ精神ˉ 造句 - Hellopsy
ˉ秉持ˉ 著ˉ懷疑ˉ 的ˉ精神ˉ 造句 五度空間企業股份有限公司. ... fervor of a missionary, Casper Shih goes everywhere to lecture and “spread the Gospel.
#36. 澳门网上赌搏平台 - 天9国际网站
词汇和短语的学习要靠日积月累,绝非在考前用三两日工夫就能奏效的,因此考生应在平时多下工夫,勤翻词典,多练习造句子,学习和巩固词汇和短语的 ...
#37. spread的过去完成时 - 凯世网
spread造句 简单. 资源描述: 《spread的过去式和用法例句》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《spread的过去式和用法例句(4页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上 ...
#38. spread过去式-查造句经验
1、过去式是spread。第三人称单数:spreads,过去分词:spread,现在分词:spreading. 2、单词意思是张开的: [语言学]双唇展开的; (宝石)扁薄发光 ...
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0 从造句功能上看,俗语往往可以独立成句,而成语作为固定短语,一般只充当句子 ... They have been spread far and wide and it is almost impossible to trace the ...
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... 下面這些作格動詞描述涉及某種變化的事件: age darken grow spread begin decrease improve start bend diminish increase stick bleach ... 遣詞造句:動詞的類型 189.
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Culture is spread in the poetic language . ... 艺术特点:单句和全篇的比较,含蓄而富有音乐感;语言散文化,用词、造句常常在句首用同一个词或同一个短句;诗句不以逻辑 ...
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vehicle and device software updates propagated via a viral communication contact. 通過病毒通信聯繫傳播的車輛和設備軟件更新 ...
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Beijingese Speakers of Mandarin are spread far and wide from Manchuria in northeast ... a–z phrasebuilder 造句须知 a/an & the adjectives articles be commands.
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在我們為某事感到驚呆時可以用jaw-dropping 來形容,類似漢語裏的瞠目結舌。 例句. Norway's Lofoten islands are famous for their jaw-dropping ...
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Sample Sentence: Vivian told Joseph a secret and he jumped on her bandwagon to spread the rumors. ... 大家的造句與小編新的參考造句會在下午6:00過後整理分享哦!! ... <看更多>