Resepi Gulai Ayam Berempah
(Saiz hidangan: 2-4 orang)
½ ekor ayam
1 ½ susu besar gula melaka/ perang
1 sudu teh garam
2 sudu kerisik
¾ cawan santan pekat
3 sudu besar kicap lemak manis
Daun kunyit untuk hiasan (hiris halus)
1 batang serai diketuk
Bahan Kisar:
2 labu bawang merah
3 ulas bawang Putih
3 sudu besar cili kisar/ 10 tangkai cili kering
½ inci kunyit hidup
1 inci lengkuas
1 sudu besar serbuk kari
1 sudu besar serbuk jintan halus/ biji jintan halus
Cara-caranya :
1) Kisar semua bahan kisar.
2) Panaskan minyak dan tuangkan bahan kisar ke dalam kuali. Tumis hingga pecah minyak. Masukkan gula perang/gula melaka.
3) Seterusnya masukkan ayam. Kacau hingga mendidih. Tambah air sedikit demi sedikit jika pekat. Masukkan kerisik.
4) Seterusnya masukkan santan, garam dan tunggu hingga masak.
5) Akhir skali masukkan hirisan daun kunyit. Masak sehingga kering , jika nak berkuah tambah lagi air dan sesuaikan rasa. Siap untuk dihidangkan.
Spicy Chicken Gulai
(Serving size: 2-4 people)
½ chicken
1 ½ tbsp palm sugar/brown sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp coconut butter
¾ cup coconut milk
3 tbsp sweet soy sauce
Turmeric leaf for garnish (delicately sliced)
1 lemongrass (tapped)
Blend ingredients:
2 onions
3 cloves of garlics
3 tbsp blended chillies/ 10 dried chillies
½ inches of turmeric
1 inch of galangal
1 tbsp curry powder
1 tbsp fine cumin powder/ fine cumin
Cooking method:
1) Blend all of the blended ingredients.
2) Heat the oil and pour in all blended ingredients into the wok. Stir fry until oil separates
3) Next put in the chicken. Stir until it’s boiled. Add water gradually if it’s too thick. Pour in some coconut butter.
4) Then pour in some coconut milk, salt and wait until it’s cooked.
5) Lastly put in some sliced turmeric leaves. Cook until dry, if you want it to have more gravy, add more water and adjust the taste. Ready to serve.
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