#1. rummage around 中文 - 查查綫上辭典
rummage around中文 :[網絡] 四處搜尋…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋rummage around的中文翻譯,rummage around的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
7 天前 — For instance, if the police are looking for stolen video recorders, they cannot go rummaging through correspondence and documents.
#3. rummage around - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"rummage around" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... bargain-hungry tourists rummage for Ming vases and Muranos at throwaway prices.
使用Reverso Context: rummage sale,在英语-中文情境中翻译"rummage" ... I'll have a good rummage around and see what I can find. 我要好好翻找一下,看看能找到 ...
#5. "rummage around"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)的問題
it means to go through something for example you can rummage around in a desk or in a dirty room. · tiptoeing around 是什麼意思 · 請提供關於 ...
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供rummage的在線翻譯,rummage是什麼意思 ... She gave a good rummage around her basement but couldn't find her radio anywhere.
翻找,仔細搜查[Q]. n. 翻找,徹底搜查[S][(+about/around)];搜(尋)出的物件,雜物[U] ... 牛津中文字典. rummage. 到處翻尋,搜出,檢查翻箱倒櫃的尋找,檢查,碎屑 ...
#8. 實用新聞英文語彙rummage through (v phr) 1搜。 She...
新聞翻譯LeBron James wasn't impressed with that defense 中文怎說? 88.
VERB搜尋;翻找;亂翻. If you rummage through something, you search for something you want by moving things around in a careless or hurried way.
#10. Rummage 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Rummage 释义: If you rummage through something, you search for something you want by moving things... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#11. rummage翻译为:翻查;搜出;翻箱倒柜
rummage 的中文意思:翻查;搜出;翻箱倒柜,点击查看详细解释:rummage的中文 ... She gave a good rummage around her basement but couldn 't find her radio ...
#12. rummage是什么意思、发音和在线翻译- 英语单词大全- 查询
rummage 相关例句. 不及物动词. 1. He rummaged around in his drawer. 他在抽屉里翻找。 名词. 1. I''ll have a good rummage around and see what I can find.
#13. rummage - 读音、用法- DictABC.COM
2022❤rummage是什么意思、rummage发音和在线翻译,rummage怎么读,rummage中文意思、 ... 0 to search for something by moving things around carelessly and looking ...
#14. rummage around: 翻译中文, 发音, 同义词, 反义词, 图片, 例子
例子: rummage around - [未找到]. Graeber closed the door and went on around the village; shadows hovered about the ruins and even the feeble light, ...
#15. rummage的意思- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
... 仔細搜查;翻找出vi. 翻找;仔細搜查。英漢詞典提供【rummage】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... i 」ll have a good rummage around and see what i can find.
#16. 單字rummage的中文意思與發音 - Websaru線上字典
rummage中文 意思: rummage [rʌmidʒ] v.到處翻尋,搜出,檢查n. ... 我要好好翻找一下,看看能找到點什麽: I'll have a good rummage around and see what I can find.
#17. 英语-汉语rummage翻译
Comprising found and anonymous family photographs, it is the result of nearly 15 years spent rummaging through flea markets and second-hand stores across ...
#18. rummage 的中文意思
rummage 例句. Larry had to rummage through several cartons. 拉里不得不翻了好幾個紙盒。 The old lady began to rummage in her pocket for her spectacles.
#19. rummage - 从英语翻译成中文 - PONS在线词典
This is basically an organized flea market, where one has to rummage through junk to find what one wants. Defendant simply lets the plaintiff ...
#20. poke around - 英汉词典
英语, 中文. poke around, poke about vi + adv, (search, rummage), 四处寻找 sì chù xún zhǎo. 到处翻找. poke around, poke about vi + adv, figurative (intrude, ...
#21. rummage是什么意思 - 英语词典
恒星英语词典栏目提供rummage是什么意思,rummage的中文解释,rummage的读音发音 ... My father was rummaging around in the kitchen looking for something to eat .
#22. 翻译'rummage through' – 字典中文-英文
检查“ rummage through”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中rummage through的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#23. rummaging单词的级别、释义、真人发音、例句 - 轻松背单词
rummaging. 级别, 附加级. 音标, [ ˈrʌmidʒɪŋ ]. 解释, 翻找,搜寻( rummage的现在分词); 海关检查. 英英释义. 发音, play.gif. 例句, 1. She was rummaging around ...
#24. 「翻箱倒櫃」用英語怎麼說? - 每日頭條
rummage 常和in/through搭配,形容翻箱倒櫃地尋找。 ... 不知道在使用時到底要用哪一個,遇到英文翻譯為中文意思相同或接近時,最好去查英英字典,只有 ...
#25. 在"英语"词典里rummage}的意思
在英语词典里带使用范例的rummage含义rummage的近义词以及rummage的25种语言翻译。 ... X-Treme Possibilities: A Paranoid Rummage Through The X-Files.
#26. frisk 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
... poke, poke around, posse, prance, probe, pry, quest, ramp, ransacking, rejoice, research, revel, ride bareback, ride hard, rollick, romp, root, rummage, ...
#27. rummage中文意思和解释 - 英语单词大全
They rummage through piles of secondhand clothes for something that fits..他们在成堆的二手衣服中翻找合身的衣服。 rummage英英释义. 检查;搜出;仔细搜查;翻找 ...
#28. 英语: “rummage” - 大词典
大词典网为您提供英文rummage是什么意思,rummage在线翻译,rummage翻译解释,rummage中文意思,rummage用法,rummage读音,rummage音标,rummage发音,rummage列句, ...
#29. rummage - 中国的翻译
Rummage 的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译. ... I heard yοu interfering little bastards rummage around my yard. 我听到你在院子里不断驱赶那些 ...
#30. rummage中文翻译和例句 - 词典
On other days he travelled through Melancólicos Avenue to the Virgen del Puerto, from here to La Florida, then to Rosales Street, where he rummaged in the ...
#31. rummage意思中文翻译 - 天狼问答网
rummage 基本解释vt,检查;搜出;仔细搜查;翻找出,同近rummage相关例句和用法They rummage through piles of secondhand clothes for something that ...
#32. rummages的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇 - 英语人
rummages的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇. ... [变形] rummage的第三人称单数 ... 拼写相近词组、短语: rummage sale · rummage through chests and cupboards.
#33. rummage — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“rummage” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#34. durchwühlen - 将德语译为英语
rummage through. 每天有数百万人使用DeepL翻译. 热门:西班牙语译英语、法语译英语、日语译英语。 其他语言:保加利亚语、中文、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、爱沙尼亚 ...
#35. 從學stop screwing around看出你英語學習水平的高低 - 人人焦點
其結果是:只剩下中文「記憶」,而那句英語原畫原句「忘了」。 ... Don't give yourself another excuse to get up and rummage around.3.
#36. Rummage around - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
To dig or root around aimlessly (in or through some cluttered location). Usually used in the continuous tense. I think I can hear Tom rummaging around up in ...
#37. tin-foil 的情境影片範例|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
中文 A2 初級 ... So I was just able to watch this guy come in, sit down with his rucksack in the front row, put it down, rummage around in it for a second, ...
#38. Fear Of The Darkness - Steam
Through different game phases you will look for Brightness. ... 不支援繁體中文. 本產品尚不支援您的目前所在地的語言。購買前請先確認語言支援 ...
#39. THROUGH THE STUFF 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“THROUGH THE STUFF” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎 ... Rummage through shelves boxes and piles of stuff revamp the old ideas you ...
#40. rummage 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English Dictionary ...
翻检, fānjiǎn, to rummage; to look through; to leaf through · 翻动, fāndòng, to flip over; to turn (a page); to scroll (an electronic document); to stir ...
#41. 翻遍翻遍|Trung Quốc|中文|Tiếng Việt|越南文
中文 Trung Quốc. 翻遍繁體中文tranditional chinese 翻遍; 翻遍简体 ... Giải thích tiếng Anh. to rummage through; to turn everything over; to ransack. 翻過翻过
#42. Mark Brady - owner - rummage around | LinkedIn
rummage around. Tacoma, Washington, United States500+ connections ... rummage around Graphic. owner. rummage around. May 2013 - Present8 years 11 months ...
#43. rummage - Sesli Sözlük
They rummage through piles of second-hand clothes for something that fits = root Rummage is also a noun. A brief rummage will provide several pairs of ...
#44. What does rummage mean? -
"he gave the attic a good rummage but couldn't find his skis". rummageverb. search haphazardly. "We rummaged through the drawers" ...
#45. revolve meaning 中文 - Mdsulja
“revolve around” 中文翻譯: 圍繞辯護; 旋轉;繞轉. ... to poke about, to rummage around in. to consider, to turn over, to ponder. to disturb, to stir up, ...
#46. rummaging - 百度一下
一分钟学英语rummaging单词详解 ... 比如说search也是表示搜查的意思我们怎么来使用rummaging这个单词呢让我们来看一个例句She was rummaging around in her bag for'her ...
#47. 中文字第68星期 - Quizlet
《faan1 / fan1》turn over; flip over; overturn; rummage through; translate; decode; to double; climb over or into; to cross; to upset; to multiply
#48. rummage - 例句 - 共读书房
They rummage through piles of second-hand clothes for something that fits. 他们在一堆堆的二手衣服里翻找着合身的衣服。 来自柯林斯例句.
#49. File:Seeking valuables in the wreckage, Galveston, Texas.jpg
本檔案並非來自中文維基百科,而是來自維基共享資源。 ... SUMMARY: Man, woman and children rummage through rubble of destroyed houses following a violent ...
#50. 1-95-611 - Stanley Fat Max - Tool Backpack, Fabric, 460 mm ...
... inside to hold your tools securely, meaning you don't have to rummage around looking for the required tool like you would with a conventional tool box.
#51. 黑膠大師
Rummage through stacks of vintage records and purchase a rare vinyl to dance to back home. ... 翻譯成中文(繁體) {`{`}/* If you update this, ...
#52. Family Tree Maker for Dummies - 博客來
Do you rummage through your grandmother's attic for pictures of old relatives? Have you ever wondered where your family came from?
#53. Rummage through the fridge to understand food waste,Appetite
By rummaging through the fridge together with the study participants, this method provides thick descriptions of practices ... 中文翻译: ...
#54. 取得Game Fortress - Microsoft Store zh-TW
Catalog those items once & know what you have on hand for future games without having to continually rummage through your boxes.
#55. Do not rummage through rubbish bins, let's fight the pandemic ...
#56. 「come around」可別翻作「來逛逛」 - 英文學習部落格
come around的意思用法. (Picture from 大家拿到2022年的日曆時,第一件事是不是把所有國定假日和連假通通標出來呢 ?像這樣定期會發生的節日或事件, ...
#57. Design, climate change, and the 'eco-engineering' tools ... - ABC
A weekly rummage through the essential cultural ingredients for a good life. “[MARS] was the catalyst for starting the lab and continuing ...
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Silver Spirit and Silver Discoverer cruise around New Zealand and ... now I always have a good rummage through it before I throw it away, ...
#59. 笑笑学华文5: 每日一篇轻松学中文 - 第 102 頁 - Google 圖書結果
每日一篇轻松学中文 朱梓 ... 翻箱倒柜(fän xiängdâo guì) :rummage through chests and cupboards 例句:小偷一进屋里,就立刻翻箱倒柜,把值钱的东西都偷走。 3.
#60. Joe Vann {at American Vinyl Co.} - Asheville -
The singer-songwriter's debut solo LP, Found In The Smoke, is an intimate rummage through his past: it weds the freewheeling experimental aesthetics of his ...
#61. jazz around - 抓鸟
jazz around的解释是:游荡… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:jazz around的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#62. Best Andre Leon Talley Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
Blueprint For Living is a weekly rummage through the essential cultural ingredients—design, architecture, food, travel, fashion—for a good life.
rummage around中文 在 實用新聞英文語彙rummage through (v phr) 1搜。 She... 的推薦與評價
新聞翻譯LeBron James wasn't impressed with that defense 中文怎說? 88. ... <看更多>