remake vs remaster 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

#1. 【心得】「Remastered」和「Remake」有什麼不同?一探 ...
先以字面上的意義來看,「Remake」代表了所謂的「重新製作」,Remake的遊戲只會把過去的舊作當成一個參考,以全新的技術和資源去重新打造一款遊戲,其耗費 ...
#2. Remake vs. Reboot vs. Remaster: What's the Difference?
Unlike remakes, remasters do not start from scratch. Remakes create new assets completely on a new engine, while remasters do not. Remasters ...
#3. What's the difference between reboot, remake, remaster ...
remake = doesn't change the story, but significantly changes the gameplay. remaster = doesn't change the story or gameplay significantly, but just updates the ...
#4. What is the difference between a remake and a remaster?
A remake is a recreation or realization of a film from the past. A remaster is taking something from the past which already exists, and altering it.
#5. Video Game Remaster Vs Remake: What's The Difference?
As opposed to a remaster, a remake is a modern version of a classic video game rebuilt from scratch. Video game remakes make sure the game runs ...
#6. Let's Talk About the Difference Between a Remake and a ...
All in all I agree with you - a remaster basically is a patched/ported version of a game which maybe has retouched/redone assets but the main ...
#7. Video Game Remasters, Remakes, Reboots, and Ports
The main purpose of a remake is to create a new modern version of a game that is too outdated to simply be remastered. Unlike the remaster ...
#8. How The Last of Us Part I (Remake) Is Different From Its ...
The Last Us Remake vs Remastered Differences Image Credit: PlayStation Blog. The Last of Us Part I, the remake of the critically-acclaimed ...
#9. 【專欄】重製版、復刻版和重啟版到底是甚麼?為什麼遊戲公司 ...
在過去幾年來我們所常見的Reboot、Remake、Remastered、HD 等類型作品,經常會被玩家稱為是「炒冷飯」,今天就簡單讓筆者來平反一下某些炒冷飯的行為 ...
#10. The Key Differences between a Remake, Remaster, and ...
Remaking, remastering, and game porting. ... If you're working on a new title, a remake or a remaster can often prove highly effective at ...
#11. What is the difference between Remake, Remaster, Rebuilt ...
Remaster, or "remaster", is the term used when a game is "revamped" for current platforms and receives some slight improvements such as revamped textures, ...
#12. People need to learn the difference between a remake and a ...
A remake is the ENTIRE GAME redone from the very beginning. A remaster is the same graphics made to look better in HD, but still the same crap as the old game.
#13. Game Remakes, Remasters and Next-Gen Updates
Learn all about the industry's remake-and-remaster trend. ... a significant role in determining what game is to be remastered or remade.
#14. Remake or Remaster - What Defines Both? - N4G
Remake - Using the original design of the game as an outline but recreated with a new engine and tool sets to modernize the experience. Reboot - ...
#15. Differences between "port", "remake" and "remaster" - What is ...
Here we are going to explain what a port, a remaster or a remake is, what differentiates it from the others, and examples both in video games and in the cinema ...
#16. Remake or Remaster - What Defines Both? - Final Weapon
Obviously, a remake requires more time and resources than a remaster. Remakes require a development process that is similar to, if not the same, ...
#17. Video Game Remakes, Remasters, ReReleases - GamerBraves
A Remaster is when the original game is rereleased but the graphical fidelity is improved. This is most common when a game is released on a Standard Definition ...
#18. Differences Between a Video Game Reboot vs Remake vs ...
While a remake tends to focus on reworking the technical and performance aspects of a game, a remaster is generally made to look good on newer ...
#19. Reboot, Remake, Remaster, & Ports in Video Games
Whereas remakes— is where the game developer attempts to rebuild the game from its original form to make it modern and playable for the new ...
#20. Video game remake - Wikipedia
Compared to a port which is typically released in the same era as the original, a remaster is done years or decades after the original in order to take ...
#21. When to Remake, When to Remaster - Ringtail Studios
But a follow-up from that topic is choosing whether you want a remake or a remaster? How do you decide on that for your project, and how do artists tackle ...
#22. What's the Best Game Remake or Remaster of 2022?
2022 was a big year for games, with some blasts from the past, and now is the perfect time to look at the best remake and remaster releases.
#23. Remaster, Remake or Reboot? - Age of Empires Forum
What do you think, will AoM:Retold be a Remaster, Remake or Reboot? poll Remaster Like AoE1-3 Definitive Edition it will use the same engine ...
#24. Remaster Or Remake: What's The Difference And How Soon ...
The remake on PlayStation 4 on the other hand rebuilds the game from scratch. Characters, environments and bosses have been entirely remade ...
#25. Dead Space Remake Or Remaster? - GGRecon
Dead Space Remake Or Remaster? Images via Motive Studio. PC Games Console. Written by. Kiera Mills. Posted. 26th Jan ...
#26. The Last of Us Part 1 Remake vs Remaster - GamingBolt
The Last of Us Part 1 Remake vs Remaster – Head-to-Head Graphics Comparison. We compare the PS5 remake against the 2014 remaster and analyze ...
#27. The Last of Us Part 1 Remake vs. Remastered Comparison
While there is no native PS5 version, the remaster did run the game beautifully at 60 FPS. This is why when the remake was originally ...
#28. Remake vs remaster - what BOTH mean for The Witcher
FeatureNintendoPCPlayStationXbox. Remake vs remaster – what BOTH mean for The Witcher. Photo of Brad Brad November 27, 2022. 3 minutes read.
#29. Remaster VS Re-Release VS Remake: What's The Difference?
With so many games coming back in new forms, we take a look at exactly what constitutes a remake or a remaster.
#30. Game remakes vs remasters: what's the difference? - TechRadar
The term 'remaster' is something that's used across multimedia as a whole, with the term holding significance when it comes to the likes of ...
#31. Is Dead Space a Remake or Remaster? - Game8
Remastered games do not start from scratch, they usually improve the overall quality of the games, such as better graphics, smoother gameplay, ...
#32. Video Game Difference: Remake vs Remaster | Sirus Gaming
A short summary for video game remaster vs remake. A remaster is usually just upgraded visuals, a remake is built from the ground up. Now, a ...
#33. Is Dead Space A Remake Or Remaster? (2023 Version ...
Fans are eager to experience the horror of Isaac Clarke's trip to the USG Ishimura once more. But is Dead Space a remake or remaster?
#34. The Last of Us: Pt I Remake Vs. Remaster - IGN
The Last of Us: Pt I Remake Vs. Remaster | Side-By-Side Comparison. Sony just dropped The Last of Us: Part 1 PS5 trailer. Check out our side ...
#35. Video Game Remake Vs. Remaster: What's the Difference?
A remake is more of a video game overhaul. A great amount of gameplay features are subject to change, along with the visuals, to create ...
#36. What constitutes as a remake vs a remaster? - ResetEra
Remake is a game made again entirely from scratch with 0 reused assets. Remaster is the same game but just visually upgraded to look and run ...
#37. Resident Evil 4 Remake vs Original - G2A
It's not just a HD remaster, but a complete overhaul of the original, not just in terms of graphics and sound, but most importantly gameplay as ...
#38. Remaster Vs Remake - song and lyrics by Puggly - Spotify
Listen to Remaster Vs Remake on Spotify. Puggly · Song · 2019.
#39. We're Sick of PlayStation's Remakes and Remasters
With rumors of a remaster or remake of Sony Interactive's Horizon Zero Dawn in ... Veteran players of remade or remastered PlayStation games ...
#40. Is Dead Space a Remake or a Remaster? - Gamepur
A remaster means the adaptation enhances the previous release title with updated visuals and quality-of-life functions. Making a remake requires ...
#41. Poll: What Other GameCube Title Deserves A '10/10' Remake ...
Review: Metroid Prime Remastered - A Long-Awaited And Stunning Return Of ... deserves to receive that "10/10" remake or remaster treatment?
#42. Qual a diferença entre remake e remaster em jogos?
Quando o fabricante resolve criar um remake total de um jogo, ele será mais que uma versão melhorada, mas sim, um novo jogo, que pode usar a mesma história, ...
#43. Remake, Remaster以及“究极高清版”之间有哪些区别? - 知乎
文/张二狗. 有很多玩家,包括我在内,有的时候看到老游戏的各种新版本都会按耐不住自己的钱包。急匆匆的下单入手后,打开一玩,一脸懵逼—这咋和我过去玩的游戏,从画质 ...
#44. The Last Of Us Fans Debate PS5 Remake's Graphics - Kotaku
The Last of Us Part I is the remake of a game that may or may not have ... The remastered version for PlayStation 4, released in 2014, ...
#45. What is: Remaster vs Remake | EarlyGame
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remaster or Final Fantasy 7 Remake. There are many re-releases of old video games coming out right now, ...
#46. New The Last of Us Remake vs Remastered Video Graphics ...
Cycu1 released a comparison video between this upcoming remake and the remastered PS4 version of The Last of Us.
#47. Jay RPG on Twitter: "Remaster vs. Remake vs. Re-imaging ...
Remake vs. ... The Remastered pot has been cleaned, it's been polished; it is as good as this ... In a reboot that core might be characters or basic plot, ...
#48. Video Game Remakes and Remasters: What's The Difference?
There are so many blurred lines when it comes to whether or not a game is a remake or remaster that so many people are unsure of the ...
#49. Video Game Remake - TV Tropes
Notably, remakes tend to invoke changes to practically every detail in the graphics, gameplay and sound (especially if the game is 10 years old or more), and ...
#50. The Last of Us remake shows off Tess' new look and splits the ...
2013's The Last of Us and its 2014 remaster featured pre-rendered ... The Last Of Us Part 1 PS5 VS PS4 comparison #TheLastOfUsPart1 # ...
#51. 'Crisis Core' more than a remaster but not a "complete remake"
There were internal Square Enix discussions about whether to call 'Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion' a remake or remaster.
#52. Remaster a remake. Czym to się różni i... jak nie dać się nabrać?
Czym dokładnie charakteryzuje się remake, a czym remaster? Z grubsza można powiedzieć, że remake to ta sama gra zbudowana (w dużym stopniu ...
#53. The Big List Of Upcoming Video Game Remakes
Fans hoping for a Resident Evil or Final Fantasy-caliber update should temper their expectations, however. Though billed as a full remake, ...
#54. Remaster Vs. Remake | NeoGAF
Generally speaking: A remaster is done within the same engine - like remastering a song - adding something to it - for better or worse.
#55. 10 Franchises That Actually Need a Remaster or Remake
Franchises That Need a Remaster or Remake. gta 4 niko. Image Credit: Xbox. Much like Sony, Rockstar is sitting on two major titles that they ...
#56. The best video game remakes and remasters of 2022
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition is simply a case of a much-needed remaster finally happening. This amazing Square Enix RPG was ...
#57. Difference and meaning between "remastered" and "remake"
TL;DR: remaster=close to original, remake=close or far from original, depending. These words are meant as analogies to the equivalent in ...
#58. What makes a good remake or remaster game? - HardwareZone
Remastering versus remaking a game: What's the difference? But before all that, what exactly makes a remaster different from a remake?
#59. The Last of Us PS5 Remake Compared to PS4 Remaster, Has ...
The burning barn comparison - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3Dah9Xx7OU&ab_channel=NaughtyDog Naughty Dog has droppe...
#60. Top Games 90s Kids Want Remastered or Remade
Remaster Revolution: Top Games 90s Kids Want Remastered or Remade. These are the games fondly remembered by 90s kids that deserve to be ...
#61. Best PS3 Games That Deserve A Remake Or Remaster
I've put together a list of PS3 games that I would love to see get a remake or remaster for this generation. Did your favourite make the ...
#62. Games Capcom Can Remake or Remaster Next
They're also the team behind Resident Evil and Onimusha, which by the way have recently received remade and remastered versions. So, with Capcom ...
#63. The Last of Us Part 1 Remake vs The Last of Us Remastered
The Last of Us Part 1 remake is a big improvement over the remastered version, but are the enhancements worth it given the USD 70 (or PHP ...
#64. 8 Unnecessary Remasters & Remakes - Game Rant
In 2022, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is also getting a remake, but before then, the original title received a remaster. Call of Duty is a ...
#65. Red Dead Redemption Remake Remaster News
However, for the time being, it's impossible to say when we could see a Red Dead Redemption Remaster or Remake release since it's both unclear ...
#66. Resident Evil HD Remaster vs Gamecube REmake Graphics ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0xVdF6kfcY&feature=youtu.be In my review of Capcom's Resident Evil HD Remaster I noted that while players ...
#67. Qual a diferença entre remake, remaster, reboot e rebuild?
Reavivar a nostalgia de jogadores mais velhos com releituras de clássicos é normal, entretanto terminologias usadas para esse tipo de ...
Please click here regarding old remake versions ... anticipated set includes the physical packaged version of FINAL FANTASY I-VI COLLECTION (PS4 or NSW), ...
#69. Dead Space Remake vs. Original Comparison Shows ...
Dead Space Remake vs. Original Comparison Shows Disturbing Updates to Classic Moments. Nathan Birch • Dec 7, 2022 01:10 PM EST. • Copy Shortlink.
#70. 5 video game remakes or remasters that improved on the ...
Bluepoint Games for the PS4 later remade the game. The remake achieved all that it set out to do and more. The new video game looks phenomenal ...
#71. Is The Last of Us Part 1 a remake or a remaster? - Dot Esports
The vast majority of changes made for the re-release are purely visual, with minimal gameplay improvements and no alterations to the story at ...
#72. Remakes, remasters e reboots: entendendo os “três rês”
Os remakes e remasters, por sua vez, são novas versões de jogos originais. Remake significa “refazer”, enquanto remaster não tem uma tradução ...
#73. Naughty Dog really wants you to understand The Last of Us ...
Of course, all of this is in addition to the usual tricks and treats you get with a PS5 remake or remaster, like improved animation, ...
#74. Dead Space Remake Creative Director Weighs in on What's ...
Given how more and more games are getting remastered and/or remade these days, it's getting harder and harder to say exactly what ...
#75. A Horizon Zero Dawn Remake or Remaster Is Allegedly ...
It is claimed that Sony is working on a Horizon Zero Dawn remake or remaster for PS5. And many fans are wondering why or if Sony is just out ...
#76. Does The Last of Us Part 1 Deserve To Be Called a Remake?
It's worth adding that The Last of Us Remake (or 'Part 1') will be ... the remaster) that it just doesn't feel dated enough to make a remake ...
#77. Let's Discuss - Remaster vs. Remake, Which is Better?
PlayStation LifeStyle is discussing remasters versus remakes, ... a game like Mass Effect Legendary Edition, is that a remake or a remaster?
#78. Remake vs Remaster vs Reboot - Nerdburglars Gaming
The end goal is for this new game to be the same as the old game, but with as many aspects as possible improved upon without chaining the core ...
#79. Remake vs Remaster, Why They're Not Necessarily For You
Remakes take significantly longer to developer because it involves most of the development process that a new game would. The only part that it ...
#80. How nostalgia is fueling the game industry's remastering boom
Nostalgia in the game industry is fueling a remaster and remake boom ... of the bestselling games in 2021 have been remakes or remasters.
#81. Are Remastered Games Worth It? Remasters vs Sequels
This remake is being developed by Vicarious Visions who developed the very popular Crash N-Sane Trilogy. As heard from The Birdman himself the ...
#82. 'The Last of Us Part I' is a gorgeous, faithful, expensive remake
After all, Naughty Dog remastered the original game in 2014 for the PS4, ... to anyone who has experienced The Last of Us on the PS3 or PS4.
#83. What Makes A Good Remaster/Remake - KeenGamer
Whether you like it or not, remakes/remasters are likely to be a staple of the industry for a while. Much like in Hollywood, a combination of ...
#84. 'The Last of Us Part 1' Is an Expensive Way to Revisit Naughty ...
Remake or remaster ? I thought I had a crystal clear memory of The Last of Us. Developed by Uncharted studio Naughty Dog, it's among the ...
#85. Remaster, Remake, Reboot : que signifient ces termes
Remaster, Remake, Reboot : que signifient ces termes ? Posté par Ylonith le 21 Jun 2020 dans Gaming. Avec l'avancée technologique constante que connaît le ...
#86. Remaster vs Remake - Lider Notebooks
Cuando un juego cumple su ciclo útil, es decir, que su número de jugadores disminuye drásticamente debido a nuevos lanzamientos y cambios generacionales,
#87. Review | The Last of Us Part 1: a justified remake or sinful ...
First released back in 2013 and later remastered for the PlayStation 4 in 2014, The Last of Us Part 1 is a narrative-driven zombie survival game ...
#88. What is the difference between a remake and a remaster
A remaster is the least dramatic overhaul of the original title. The vast majority of the game is kept intact, with very few changes made. Often ...
#89. The Last of Us Part I review: the PS5 remake makes it feel like ...
It's not like the PS4 remaster doesn't hold up. But after spending some time with the remake, I have to say — it's also the best way to ...
#90. What's The Difference Between Remake & Remaster?
Unlike remaster, where the game's graphics are enhanced, remake is where the game is reproduced from scratch. Usually with a new engine, and ...
#91. What is the Difference Between a Remake and a Remaster?
Notable examples include The Nathan Drake Collection, Twilight Princess HD, and any other game that has “HD” or “Remastered” while being a ...
#92. Remake VS Remaster - The Last of Us Graphics Comparison
Remake VS Remaster - The Last of Us Graphics Comparison. pegi 18. A side by side graphical comparison of The Last of Us Remastered and The ...
#93. Le jeu vidéo The Last of Us Part 1 est-il un remake ou un ...
La différence entre le jeu original et le remaster est donc souvent ténue : un peu moins d'effet d'escalier à l'écran (aliasing), quelques ...
#94. What's the real value of remastering and remaking games?
Think the 2016 Ratchet and Clank from Insomniac Games or The ... This was a real remaster rather than a remake, with the same game guts as ...
#95. Is Layers Of Fears A Remake Or A Remaster? - SVG
Bloober is revisiting Layers of Fear, but will it be a remake or a remaster? The team says that they remade the game from the ground up.
#96. Is Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion a Remake, Remaster ...
Fans have been wondering if Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion is a remake, remaster, or reboot. Here's what we know so far.
#97. StarCraft: Remastered
StarCraft®: Remastered upgrades the essential sci-fi strategy experience from ... Once you've finished the campaign, go head-to-head or team up with other ...
#98. The Last Of Us Part I Remake重製版簡評:畫質極致提升|PS5
《The Last of Us Part I》的最大賣點就是畫面:今次並非是高清化的Remaster,而是以PS5的最新引擎重製原作,畫質、視覺效果均大大提高,尤其是和液體有關 ...
remake vs remaster 在 Difference and meaning between "remastered" and "remake" 的推薦與評價
TL;DR: remaster=close to original, remake=close or far from original, depending. These words are meant as analogies to the equivalent in ... ... <看更多>