Learn how to say Rafflesia with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.http://www.emmasaying.com. ... <看更多>
Learn how to say Rafflesia with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.http://www.emmasaying.com. ... <看更多>
2022rafflesia發音討論推薦,在PTT/MOBILE01星座命盤民俗禁忌資訊,找rafflesia發音,rafflesia中文,Rafflesia arnoldii在YouTube影片與社群(Facebook/IG)熱門討論內容 ... ... <看更多>
2022rafflesia發音討論推薦,在PTT/MOBILE01星座命盤民俗禁忌資訊,找rafflesia發音,rafflesia中文,Rafflesia arnoldii在YouTube影片與社群(Facebook/IG)熱門討論內容 ... ... <看更多>
行有餘力想要追求標準美式/英式/澳式等等發音當然可以,但前提都是你談話的內容必須言 ... 我覺得寶可夢的設計師在設計霸王花時應該是以大王花(Rafflesia) 為靈感. ... <看更多>
發音 編輯. (正統英式(RP)) IPA:/ɹəˈfliː.ʒə/, /ɹəˈfliː.ʒɪ.ə/, /ɹəˈfliː.zɪ.ə/; (通用美式) IPA:/ɹəˈfli.ʒə/, /ɹəˈfli.ʒi.ə/, /ɹəˈfli.zi.ə/; 斷字:raf‧fles‧ia ...
#2. rafflesia怎麽讀,rafflesia發音 - 查查詞典
rafflesia 的發音,rafflesia的讀音,rafflesia怎麼讀,rafflesia怎么读,rafflesia pronunciation,發音,例句,用法,同義詞,反義詞由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違 ...
#3. 植物學家阿拉斯泰爾-羅賓遜將鼻子伸進RAFFLESIA KERRII
... 搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。 ... (Botanist Alastair Robinson sticking his nose inside a RAFFLESIA KERRII ...
#4. 如何用英语, 意大利语, 马来语发音“Rafflesia” - 发音词典
发音指南:学习如何用母语英语, 意大利语, 马来语中的“Rafflesia”发音,“Rafflesia”英文翻译和音频发音.
#5. How To Pronounce Rafflesia - YouTube
Learn how to say Rafflesia with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.http://www.emmasaying.com.
#6. 怎么发音Rafflesia | HowToPronounce.com - 发音词典
你怎么说Rafflesia 在英语? 发音Rafflesia 7 音频发音, 1 意思, 3 翻译, 2 句子更为Rafflesia.
#7. rafflesia 的中文意思- 英漢字典 - TerryL
rafflesia 解釋. n. 名詞 【植物;植物學】大花草屬( Rafflesia) 植物〈產于馬來西亞〉。 rafflesia 例句. 目前還沒有rafflesia例句。 相似字; 英漢推薦; 漢英推薦.
rafflesia 是什么意思?rafflesia怎么读?新东方在线字典为用户提供单词rafflesia的释义、rafflesia的音标和发音、rafflesia的用法、例句、词组、词汇搭配、近反义词等 ...
#9. rafflesia的中文意思 - Dict.site 線上英文字典
It is surrounded by kinabalu park, which is home to a huge variety of flora, such as oak trees, azaleas, pitcher plants, and the famous rafflesia arnoldii, ...
#10. 單字rafflesia的中文意思與發音 - 線上字典
rafflesia中文意思: rafflesia [ræ'fli:ziә] n.[植] 大花草屬(產於馬來西亞) ..., 學習rafflesia發音, rafflesia例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#11. rafflesia發音-在PTT/MOBILE01上星座命盤民俗禁忌資訊
2022rafflesia發音討論推薦,在PTT/MOBILE01星座命盤民俗禁忌資訊,找rafflesia發音,rafflesia中文,Rafflesia arnoldii在YouTube影片與社群(Facebook/IG)熱門討論內容 ...
#12. 寵物小精靈一覽 - 維基百科
全國圖鑑No 中文名 英文名 日文名 羅馬拼音 商用羅馬拼音 城都圖鑑No 進化前 001 奇異種子 Bulbasaur フシギダネ Fushigidane Fushigidane 226 蛋 002 奇異草 Ivysaur フシギソウ Fushigisō Fushigisou 227 奇異種... 003 奇異花 Venusaur フシギバナ Fushigibana Fushigibana 228 奇異草
#13. '霸'字用粵語廣東話怎麼讀- 粵語在線發音字典
其花之干製品亦稱霸王花,為廣東人熬湯的常甩配料。 English:Rafflesia (flower); a bold and domineering woman. 短語: 食 ...
#14. 改變世界的植物採集史:18〜20世紀的植物獵人如何踏遍全球 ...
〔銀杏〕譯為「gink-go」這個在現代日文中已經消失的發音,是因為日本助手的長崎腔太重? ... 大王花(Rafflesia arnoldii)
#15. 焦點英語閱讀: 六大技巧輕鬆讀英文1 (第4版附寂天雲隨身聽APP)
... 寂天雲」App,即能下載全書音檔,無論何時何地都能輕鬆聽取專業母語老師的正確道地示範發音,訓練您的聽力。 ... Rafflesia, the Corpse Flower 大王花:屍花 ...
#16. 词典- martelé的中文解释和发音 - 法语助手
许多人曾多次指出,非洲应该成为全球人道主义援助的优 地区,那么,这种资助数额 资助模式就令人无法接受。
#17. POP GREEN | 航海王wiki | Fandom
羅馬發音. Poppu Gurīn. 英文名稱. Pop Green. 首次出現. 596話; 515集. 武器種類. 有機種子. 使用者. 海格拉斯, 騙人布, 娜美. POP GREEN是在波音列島的「綠石」森林 ...
#18. #外派太太的漂流札記 - Explore | Facebook
行有餘力想要追求標準美式/英式/澳式等等發音當然可以,但前提都是你談話的內容必須言 ... 我覺得寶可夢的設計師在設計霸王花時應該是以大王花(Rafflesia) 為靈感.
#19. 六大技巧輕鬆讀英文【四版】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
掃描書封QR Code下載「寂天雲」App,即能下載全書音檔,無論何時何地都能輕鬆聽取專業母語老師的正確道地示範發音,訓練您的聽力。 功能特色:
#20. 焦點英語閱讀(1)六大技巧輕鬆讀英文(四版)16K+寂天雲 ...
... 寂天雲」App,即能下載全書音檔,無論何時何地都能輕鬆聽取專業母語老師的正確道地示範發音,訓練您的聽力。 ... Rafflesia, the Corpse Flower 大王花:屍花
#21. 大王銷是什麼
... 翻譯,steering pin的發音,音標,用法和例句等。 steering pin中文, ... 大王花」(Rafflesia)是目前世界上最大的花,是1818年在印尼蘇門答臘島 ...
#22. 關於Raffle的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
成熟的發音cheng2shu2 cheng2shou2 哪一個正確? 「烘焙」 的發音中國大陸跟台灣不一樣嗎字典教我hong1bei4 但我常聽台灣人說hong1pei2 · 目的用中文( ...
#23. 中原大學資管系的選才標準!
接認識到原來馬來語也有地域之分,汶萊有獨特的用字和發音。短短一個小時,我感受到心靈上滿. 滿的成就感。 ... 世界上最大的一種花「Rafflesia」. 課程後熱烈討論狀況 ...
#24. 是什么意思,怎么读,翻译为: - 听力课堂在线翻译
#25. 宝可梦列表(在其他语言中) - 神奇宝贝百科
045, 霸王花, 霸王花, 霸王花, 霸王花, ラフレシア, Vileplume, {{{es}}}, {{{it}}}, Rafflesia, Giflor, 라플레시아.
#26. 走入印尼隨口說《解答》 - 永無止盡的學習路
Q, 印尼語的子母音的發音是否與英語相同? ... Bunga Rafflesia. Agama. Q, 印尼是個島國, 使用的交通工具有陸地上, 水域上及空中的交通工具。
#27. FIRST CLASS - Wikiwand
SOLIDEMO〈Rafflesia〉 ... 佐丹野的發音- さたの ( Satano ) 與撒旦- サタン ( Satan ) 相似,加上渾身散發著的「ERENA氣息」,故被初次見面的玲實繪稱為「小 ...
#28. 亞洲情趣品牌_商品專區
MGZ RAFFLESIA 自慰器-佐倉絆. 貨號:. MM-01151294. 店面價: ... LETEN 足球寶貝3X7頻真人發音飛機杯綠色巴西. 貨號:. 6920995495541. 店面價:.
#29. Doodle: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句、转录 ...
查看«Doodle»的翻译、定义、含义、转录和例句,学习«Doodle»的同义词、反义词和发音。 ... On January 9, 2018, Google celebrated the 25th anniversary of Rafflesia ...
#30. 25th Anniversary of Rafflesia Arnoldii - Google
The pale green fumes bursting from today's Doodle evoke the odor of Rafflesia arnoldii, an Indonesian plant that produces the largest flower ...
#31. 變幻的坐標與漂浮的歷史- 廈門華僑的聚落研究1
例如,五的發音來自. 閩南,而腳基的發音則來自於馬來和印尼語。 ... J. S. H. Lim, "The 'Shophouse Rafflesia': An Outline of its Malaysian ...
#32. 菠菜(spinach)的起源 - 老葉的植物王國
菠菜的波斯語發音aspanakh,與尼泊爾文發音palunggo或palinga,以及與英文spinach,都有語源關係。 在中國,菠菜還有一個有趣的名字,屬於閩南語分支的 ...
#33. 遊戲王:蟲惑魔卡組 - 萌娘百科
... 為家蟻亞科下的分布於南美熱帶地區的一屬。 芙莉西亞之蟲惑魔:「フレシア」(Rafflesia),即大花草,又稱屍花、大王花,其氣味奇臭無比。
#34. 我要捐款 - 荒野保護協會
「你知道啄冬(台語發音tok tang)是甚麼意思嗎?你們一定都沒聽過這個詞。 ... 大花草是指大花草科(Rafflesiaceae)大花草屬(Rafflesia)植物的總稱。
#35. 考索國家公園-每晚200銖起-2家深山河邊小木屋渡假村
小天使每次都會『無奈傻笑的回答』~啊~皮『泰語的鬼發音』是沒看到拉. 但是比鬼更恐怖的~卻常常看到. 那就是~~~~人~~~恐怖啊.
#36. [心得] SK2 加拿大人全英文分享托福118心得- 看板TOEFL_iBT
所以提醒大家,文法和發音上很小的小錯誤不會影響你的分數, 不要因為文法 ... The classification of Rafflesia Writing a paper on bird migration ...
#37. 日本酒店@ 撇步學日文 - 隨意窩
「Ravijore」 「Wing」 「Silk」 「Cronos」 「蘭○」 「rafflesia」 「R」 「Yamato」 「FineUeno-New-Club」 ...
#38. Michelle Witte 焦點英語閱讀1:六大技巧輕松讀英文【四版】
... 寂天雲」App,即能下zai全書音檔,無論何時何地都能輕鬆聽取專業母語老師的正確道地示範發音,訓練您的聽力。 ... Rafflesia, the Corpse Flower 大王花:屍花 ...
#39. 六大技巧輕鬆讀英文【四版】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
... 寂天雲」App,即能下載全書音檔,無論何時何地都能輕鬆聽取專業母語老師的正確道地示範發音,訓練您的聽力。 ... Rafflesia, the Corpse Flower 大王花:屍花.
#40. 18~20世紀的植物獵人如何踏遍全球角落,為文明帝國注入新風貌
〔銀杏〕譯為「gink-go」這個在現代日文中已經消失的發音,是因為日本助手的長崎腔太重? 〔蘭花〕獵人們得不到就要毀掉,甚至願意冒著死亡、斷手斷腳、坐牢的風險!
#41. 暑假出國邊玩邊STEAM!7個超酷亞洲兒童科學博物館!
還有一個必看的是大王花(Rafflesia)的展示,長達1.4米、7公斤重,是全世界 ... 英文教育| 線上課程|English with Ping | 從小學好自然發音的拼讀課.
#42. 改變世界的植物採集史:18~20世紀的植物獵人如何踏遍全球角落
... 為「gink-go」這個在現代日文中已經消失的發音,是因為日本助手的長崎腔太重? ... 花(Rafflesia arnoldii) 馬來王豬籠草(Nepenthes rajah) 亞洲銀杏(Ginkgo ...
#43. 沙巴遊20120403 - 謝孟媛
Rafflesia (萊佛士花),開花時間隻有5~6天,一年隻開花一次。很幸運的我們在導遊的帶頂下,來到這處私人土地(波令溫泉天然保護區不遠處)花了20令吉(殺 ...
#44. 马币背后的故事 - 知乎专栏
飛行中,Wau(發音為「哇」)看起來像天空中的一隻宏偉的鳥。 {马币5} ... 這張紅紙筆記上有世界上最大的花朵:Rafflesia。這種無莖,無葉,無根的 ...
#45. SCHIZOPHRENIA的英語發音 - Cambridge Dictionary
#46. 網路日文
在台灣,網路上出現許多「偽日文」梗圖,利用與台語發音相同的日文五十音與中文,合併出 ... ラフレシア(羅: Rafflesia )は東南アジア島嶼部とマレー半島に分布する ...
#47. Rafflesia arnoldii是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全
2. Rafflesia arnoldii: this parasitic plant develops the world''s largest bloom that can grow over three feet across. 阿诺尔特大花草:这种寄生植物是世界上最大的 ...
#48. 果蠅蛆
大花草(Rafflesia) - 世界最大嘅花,用烏蠅嚟授粉。 ... 果蠅蛆; Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 發音馬卡龍六人帳美國delta病毒.
#49. 植物… | Rafflesia 中文| 做自己-2022年11月
【植物;植物學】大花草屬(Rafflesia)植物〔產于馬來西亞〕。"rafflesiaarnoldi"中文翻. ... rafflesia 的中文意思、rafflesia 翻譯、rafflesia 發音| Rafflesia 中文.
#50. 月光下的十字架:老牧師與我的十四堂重生課 - Google 圖書結果
「這朵花的學名是阿諾爾特大花草(rafflesia arnoldii)。 ... 但他輕而易舉地發出這個很難 發音的名字,讓我驚訝不已,就好像他刻意要熟悉這奇怪的花名,好方便他沉思。
#51. 發現「大王花」新物種! 無根無葉「靠吃其他植物過活」
大王花屬(Rafflesia,又稱大花草屬)均為寄生植物,部分成員能開出全世界最大朵的花,一旦花朵盛開將伴隨獨特惡臭,故又名屍花。科學家最新在馬來西亞發現該屬的新 ...
#52. Rafflesia 中文、食蟲植物種類 - 台鐵車站資訊懶人包
pitcher plant中文:【植物;植物學】豬籠草,瓶子草。…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋pitcher plant的中文翻譯,pitcher plant的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#53. Fly 蒼蠅
... quickly flying round rafflesia, spoiled turnips, or discarded ... 的意思蒼蠅英文單字是housefly(聽發音)或直接用fly(聽發音)來表示, ...
#54. pitcher plant中文、食蟲植物種類 - 台鐵車站資訊懶人包
pitcher plant 的解释是:猪笼草, 捕虫草… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:pitcher plant的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#55. 自然發音電子書-
#56. 淫汁皇女
Leten-優皇三代波多野結衣雙氣囊吸夾感應互動智能發音男用自慰飛機杯.12. 上世七八十年代香港上映過果d. $650活動價$585. purchasing premium account from our ...
#57. 花草樹木英文- 花草英文怎麼說- 查查在線詞典 - 商業貼文懶人包
... 英語翻譯>花草英文花草英文音標:[huācǎo] 發音:"花草"怎麼讀"花草"的意思用"花草" ... 大花草"英文翻譯: rafflesia"紅花草"英文翻譯: genge"花草茶"英文翻譯: ...
#58. 食人花english - Neovid
食人族的英文翻譯,食人族英文怎么說,怎么用英語翻譯食人族,食人族的英文意思,食人族的英文,食人族meaning in English,食人族的英文,食人族怎么讀,發音,例句,用法 ...
#59. 印刻文學
Naomi 發音. 新店素食. 19 公車. 00 27. 風琴連. Fred perry polo 衫. ... Rafflesia spa. 微距. 電烤爐推薦. 報稅時間. Line friends run 2019.
#60. 為孩子量身打造幼兒、兒童美語,線上學習系統GEO,奠定國小 ...
Little Sun 小太陽系列Level 1、Giraffe Phonics 長頸鹿發音教材、Children's Favorite Stories 品格故事讀本; 檢定考試:語文能力檢定W01~W04. 大兒童班.
rafflesia發音 在 [心得] SK2 加拿大人全英文分享托福118心得- 看板TOEFL_iBT 的推薦與評價
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
一位在加拿大出生長大到20多歲,母語是英文的女生,上了SK2 衝刺班的
她也說她以前她考托福的成績單上,每一次口說的comment area都會有下列
- You have minor pronunciation problems
- You have minor grammatical problems
- - - - - - - -
Reflections on the TOEFL Exam
Some may think that for native English speakers, getting a perfect
score in standardized tests, such as IELTS or TOEFL, comes easily;
however, as a native speaker who grew up in Canada, I can honestly
say that that is not the case.
I have taken the TOEFL exam three times:
1st attempt: R:30 L:30 S:28 W:27 = 115
2nd attempt: R:30 L:29 S:28 W:30 = 117
after attending SK2 speaking classes
3rd attempt: R:30 L:29 S:29 W:30 = 118
So here, I would like to share my own 2 cents on my own TOEFL
experiences and some tips that might come in handy for other test
Simply put, reading 3 long academic passages and answering 40
questions within 60 minutes is inhumane. The first time I took the
TOEFL test, I barely finished the reading section. By the time I
finished the last question, I only had 3 seconds left with no time
to check my answers at all.
So, what I did the second time when the passage appeared was:
Read the TITLE
Some might suggest reading the topic sentences to get an overview
of what the passage is all about, but I wouldn’t worry about
that. Luckily, the questions in TOEFL reading go in the order of
the paragraphs, so we don’t have to jump around looking for
Again, the listening part is painfully long. The first time I took
the TOEFL test, I sat through 9 listening passages trying to focus
on what the people are saying and frantically taking notes. Later
did I know that the last 3 listening passages would not be
included in the score and was for ETS’s reference only.
For those who have taken TOEFL more than once would probably be
familiar with the following 3 topics:
The classification of Rafflesia
Writing a paper on bird migration
Piano and ragtime music
These 3 recordings and their questions would not be counted
towards your grade! So, see this as a time to relax your brain a
little bit. Of course, that’s not to say that you should just
space out, but you certainly don’t need to be overstressed about
not doing well in these 3 passages.
So, now we know that we only need to focus on 6 listening
passages, but the problem is how do we keep up with the speed of
the speaker? We simply can’t take notes fast enough!
First, I would suggest using some common abbreviations.
Because = b/c
People = ppl
Students = Ss
Another way to abbreviate is to take out the vowels.
Hybernate = Hbrnt
Colonize = Clnz
If you’re comfortable with Chinese, use Chinese. Or you could
also make up your own symbols.
Second, take your notes vertically and not horizontally because it
makes your notes easier to read.
For those who have yet to take the TOEFL exam, you need to know
what kind of questions you will encounter. The first time I took
TOEFL, I went in with 0 preparations, not knowing what kinds of
questions they will ask and I ended up taking a lot of notes that
I actually didn’t need.
So, it is very important that you know very well what each of the
6 speaking tasks is about so you will know what to look for and
not be overwhelmed by too much information.
Independent Speaking: Task 1 & 2
Refer to David’s Word Bank.
Integrated Speaking: Task 3-6
Refer to David’s Tables
For me, this is probably the most difficult section, and the only
one I have yet to achieve a 30/30. Even though I have scored a 9/9
in IELTS Speaking, TOEFL Speaking is more difficult for me in
Unlike IELTS where the examiner usually waits for you to finish
your sentence/statement, TOEFL cuts you off right away. So, my
automatic reaction is to speed up when I’m about to get cut off
or sometimes I start a second example or statement when I only
have 10 seconds left, so obviously, my answer gets cut off.
For example, one time I encountered a question like this:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People
cannot remain friends when they disagree with each other.
My answer went like this:
“I partially disagree with this statement because when people
disagree with each other, they can actually share their point of
views and different perspectives. For example, when my friend and
I go to the movies, we often come out having different opinions
about whether the movies are good or not. My friend might think
the most important thing about a movie is the CGI effect, whereas
I think the most important thing is the storyline. We have a
friendly debate about the movie and have fun listening to each
other’s opinions. So, people can still be friends when they have
different opinions.
(Mind you, by this time, I only had 10 seconds left.)
However, it may be true that when people disagree with each other,
their tone of voice and how they express themselves may affect the
outcome. Some may…”
So, as you probably expected, I ran out of time and couldn’t
elaborate on my second statement. I made the serious mistake of
giving too much information by choosing to partially disagree.
So I think for the Agree or Disagree questions, we should save
ourselves the misery and simply go with either AGREE or DISAGREE,
and try to avoid a neutral or partial standpoint.
Unlike the IELTS test where you are in the room alone with the
examiner, in TOEFL test, you’re usually speaking with a handful
of other test takers simultaneously. It is so hard not to be
distracted, given that you can’t wear ear plugs during the
speaking section. So, if you can, try practicing under a lot of
distractions to get used to it.
Yes, you do need to speak in a roomful of people. Some may feel
uncomfortable speaking in a high voice in this kind of environment
whether it is because they feel embarrassed about letting others
hear their answers or they don’t want to distract others.
Coming from my own experience, I realize that this is a crucial
barrier that I have to conquer as well. When I lowered my voice, I
noticed that my intonation was not as recognizable. Intonation can
really help us deliver our messages in a more effective way and
help engage our listeners. So, for people who are having the same
trouble, we should try to speak in a louder voice with more
intonation even if it makes us feel a little bit uncomfortable.
Part 1: Integrated Writing
I’m guessing most of you are using a template for this integrated
writing, and I think it works just fine as long as your general
outline is like this:
Introduction: The reading passage is about (TOPIC). The lecturer
in the listening AGREES/DISAGREES with the writing and offers the
following reasons to support his view.
Body 1/2/3: The reading says XXX, but the professor argues YYY
Conclusion: In conclusion, the professor believes/doesn’t believe
the point stated in the reading passage to be valid.
Part 2: Independent Writing
I think in TOEFL Writing, more than 70% of the time you will
encounter these types of questions.
Do you choose A or B
I’m sure there is more than 1 way to get a 30/30. However, I
found one kind of structure particularly useful and helped me
score 30/30 two consecutive times.
Make your standpoint – AGREE or DISAGREE
Body 1:
WHY do you agree or disagree? Support with your most powerful
reason and example.
Body 2:
Try to think like your ‘opponent’, meaning talk about why some
people may disagree with you. Then, COUNTER their argument with
supporting example.
Body 3:
Build upon your reason 1 with more support.
For reasons stated in Body 1/3, I believe…
You may wonder why I would choose to structure essay like this as
oppose to the normal “I agree/disagree with this statement
because of reasons 1, 2, and 3.” This is because I think if we
only mention one side of opinion, we fail to make comparisons and
point out WHAT makes this side better than the other.
And, the reason why I choose to mention the other side of argument
in the 2nd body paragraph is because our 1st and 3rd body
paragraphs should be the strongest, giving the reader a strong
start and a strong finish. So, it would be much more effective to
argue for our own side in body 1 and 3 rather than 1 and 2.
To clarify, let’s look at the following:
Body 1:
I agree with this statement because XXX
Body 2:
I agree with this statement because YYY
Body 3:
Some people may disagree because ZZZ. However, I believe… So, ZZZ
is not as good as XXX and YYY.
Body 1:
I agree with this statement because XXX
Body 2:
Some people may disagree because ZZZ. However, I believe…
Body 3:
So we understand that ZZZ is not as effective as XXX mentioned in
Body 1. In addition, we can also use YYY in support of XXX.
So, as we can see, when the reader finishes reading STRUCTURE 2
essay would have a stronger memory of why XXX and YYY are better
than ZZZ.
I hope this reflection can help you a little bit~~~~
Until next time ☺
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