這兩年,台灣物理治療學會每年都會邀請澳洲的物理治療大師 Mark Comerford 來台灣教授 Kinetic Control 系列課程。
Kinetic Control 是由英國 Movement Performance Solution 這個機構所研發的課程之一,而這個機構正是由Mark Comerford 與 Sarah Mottram 所創辦的。Movement Performance Solution 主要提供「動作健康相關專業人員」一系列有系統的教育與訓練;透過提供有系統的動作評估、動作再訓練方法以及輔助的科技系統,幫助物理治療師更加了解如何預防、處理個案的肌肉骨骼問題、疼痛,以及提升運動員的表現,協助人們增進動作表現與動作健康。
Movement Performance Solution 除了Kinetic Control 這一系列課程外,還有「動作測試與訓練線上資料庫 Kinetic Control Testing & Retraining Catalogue」、由Mark Comerford 與 Sarah Mottram 所撰寫的書籍「The Management of Uncontrolled Movemnt」以及「線上學習課程eLearning」。 另外還有提供動作分析與訓練的系統軟體「The Performance Matrix(TPM)」。
【Movement Performance Solution】http://www.movementperformancesolutions.com/
◆The performance Matrix: http://www.theperformancematrix.com/
●TPM Pro
●TPM Active
●TPM Elite
◆Kinetic Control : http://www.kineticcontrol.com/
●The Movement Solution Course
●Module Courses
◆Publication - The Management of Uncontrolled Movement: http://www.kineticcontrol.com/book
◆Online exercise module-Kinetic Control Testing & Retraining Catalogue: http://www.kineticcontrol.com/exercise-catalogue
◆eLearning: http://www.movementperformancesolutions.com/shop/elearning
今年8月, Mark 來台教授 Kinetic Control - Movement Solution 課程時,很榮幸擔任該課程的翻譯
就在課程結束 Mark 要離開前的晚餐時
Mark 說他對於我的翻譯感到印象深刻,加上考慮其他眾多條件後,覺得我就是他們要找的人!
Mark 問我是否願意接受培訓,成為 Kinetic Control 可以以中文和英文授課的國際講師
於是,我簽了人生中第二份的工作合約,正式成為 Kinetic Control Instructor Trainee (Kinetic Control 培訓講師) 😊。
謝謝陽明大學王子娟老師、施怡芬老師、陳文英老師,還有德建康肌適能中心 Daniel 主任的支持!
Kinetic Control 官網我的個人簡介:
Taiwan Physical Therapy Association has been holding Kinetic Control course every year since 2014.
Kinetic Control is one of the courses developed by Movement Performance Solution which was founded by Mark Comerford and Sarah Mottram. Movement Performance Solution provides education and training for movement professionals, helping therapists understand how to prevent and manage musculoskeletal injury and pain in clients, patients or players and improve their movement efficiency and Movement Health.
Besides Kinetic Control courses, Movement Performance Solution also provides Kinetic Control Testing & Retraining Catalogue, the book - The Management of Uncontrolled Movement written by Mark Comerford & Sarah Mottram, on-line e-learning and “The Performance Matrix(TPM)” the movement analysis and retraining systems.
In August, it was my honour to be the translator of the Kinetic Control Course delivered by Mark.
Before Mark’s departure, he expressed his deep impression of my translation.
He asked me if I was willing to be trained as a Kinetic Control instructor.
Oh!!! Of course, I'd love to.
I was so happy and excited!
I signed the second contract in my life.
I'm a kinetic control instructor trainee now!
And the training has begun.
I'm so happy that I can join the great team!
I’m so grateful for the supportive people around me.
My bio on the KC website
management trainee中文 在 聯經出版- 【MA是什麼?】 MA是Management Associate... 的推薦與評價
MA是Management Associate 的縮寫,有些公司稱為MT(Management Trainee),中文通常稱為「儲備幹部」、「儲備主管」、「儲備菁英」、「管理培訓生」等,顧名思義MA計 ... ... <看更多>