【民主最前線的台灣 🌞】
#JW部長 於美東時間 9/15 上午
以預錄影片方式在美國華府智庫 🇺🇸
#全球台灣研究中心 (GTI)
首先以 #武漢肺炎 疫情的爆發切入
表示 #中共威權體制 已經對國際社會帶來威脅
也感謝美國通過 #台灣友邦國際保護及加強倡議法
用實際行動支持台灣的國際參與 👊🏻
部長強調台灣在 #全球供應鏈安全 扮演的關鍵角色
在後疫情時代推動洽簽雙邊貿易協定 #BTA
是台美經濟全方位合作的重要起點 🤝
對內迫害 #西藏 #維吾爾 #蒙古 及其他宗教少數民族
#港版國安法 通過後的香港情勢更是令人憂心
#自由終會勝利 🤜🏻🤛🏻
📖 全球台灣研究中心 (Global Taiwan Institute)
是華府第一個以台灣為研究核心的智庫。透過政策研究增進台灣、美國及各國的關係,確保台灣民主與安全,提升台灣的國際地位與角色。自2016年9月成立至今滿4週年。今年主題為「美台關係:為全球夥伴關係奠基」,於9月15日及16日兩天探討全球合作、兩岸關係、經貿與安全等議題。今年的講者除了外交部吳釗燮部長外,尚有美國聯邦眾議員 Mike Gallagher (R-WI)、美國國防部主管印太安全事務代理助理部長何大維 (David Helvey) 及 美國在台協會 AIT台北辦事處處長酈英傑(Brent Christensen)。
相關新聞稿 https://reurl.cc/5qMgM6
MOFA Minister Joseph Wu recently delivered remarks to the US-based Global Taiwan Institute’s annual symposium, focused on the success of the #TaiwanModel in combating the #COVID19 pandemic and efforts to provide assistance to countries in need around the world, as well as recent progress in #Taiwan-#US relations, including the Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative (TAIPEI) Act of 2019, which reaffirms US support for Taiwan’s diplomatic alliances and international participation, the timely declassification of two diplomatic cables on arms sales to Taiwan and the Six Assurances, and the landmark deal on pork and beef exports, which is set to pave the way for closer economic cooperation between the two nations.
As global supply lines are restructured in the wake of the #COVID19 pandemic, Minister Wu raised the prospect of a bilateral trade agreement and announced that preparations are underway for the Economic and Commercial Dialogue. He also thanked the US for supporting the enhancement of Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities in the face of increasing oppression and provocation from the PRC. He called for #LikeMindedNations with #SharedValues to unite to #DefendDemocracy and condemned the crimes against humanity occurring in the PRC.
Watch his address in full here: https://bit.ly/2RwhsgQ
#RealFriends #RealProgress #BeaconOfDemocracy #TaiwanMustPrevail
landmark global香港 在 姚松炎 Edward Yiu Facebook 的精選貼文
【海外人士集氣撐:守護香港.反送中 Global Alliance to Oppose Proposed Extradition Law to China in Hong Kong 】請廣傳同叫埋朋友影!Please help spread the word and invite your friends to join us! #全球人反送中 #逃犯條例 #反送中 #NoToExtraditionLaw #HongKong #香港設計師反對逃犯條例修訂
🌏 海外人士集氣撐:守護香港.反送中 Global Alliance to Oppose Proposed Extradition Law to China in Hong Kong 🌏
(Scroll down for English)
自製banner或facebook搜尋 "#香港設計師反對逃犯條例修訂”列印設計海報 ,與其合照,背景最好包含當地地標。
上載相片至facebook、instagram同twitter,寫低支持字句,記住公開發帖(地球post),並hashtag方便記錄: #全球人反送中 #逃犯條例 #反送中 #extraditionlaw #HongKong
將力量擴散出去:i) 動員海外朋友一齊網上行動 ii) 6月9響應參與「全球反送中大遊行集會」 iii) 鼓勵香港親友一齊參與香港大本營嘅反送中遊行!
P.S. 用咗設計師圖嘅朋友記住tag番#香港設計師反對逃犯條例修訂。
As Hong Kongers abroad, we will not be able to attend the anti-extradition law protests planned back home. Nonetheless, we want to show our solidarity with the fight to oppose the amendments! We invite you to join our international photo campaign:
Make your own sign opposing the extradition bill amendments or search “#香港設計師反對逃犯條例修訂" [Hong Kong designers oppose the extradition bill amendments] on Facebook for a post/photo. Take a photo of yourself with the sign. It would be best to include a landmark from where you are.
Upload the photo to Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter with your words of support. Make it a public post. Please use the following hashtags for archiving purposes - #全球人反送中 #逃犯條例 #反送中 #NoToExtraditionLaw #HongKong
Mobilise your friends abroad to join this campaign; participate in the overseas protests planned in more than 13 cities; invite your friends in Hong Kong to join the anti-extradition law protests, especially the one on 9 June!
P.S. If you have used a poster from a HK designer, please tag #香港設計師反對逃犯條例修訂 as well.
🌏全球集氣. Stand up globally! 🌏
6月9日海外支援集會列表List of overseas solidarity rallies on June 9