In addition to my studies, i got involved in lots of extracurricular activities . 除了學習以外,我參加許多課外活動。 In addition to copper , there are many ...
#2. in addition / in addition to 用法與中文意思!用英文表達「此外
例: In addition to the day job, she was also a mom and a yoga teacher and active in her local community. 除了日常工作外, ...
#3. 【多益高分達人】in addition 和in addition to 差別在哪裡?
It doesn't matter whether we go by train or by bus. The ticket prices and the amount of time we'll spend are almost the same. (無論我們是搭火車 ...
#4. in addition to (【片語】除……之外(還) )意思、用法及發音
In addition to cycling and hiking, she runs, skis, and enjoys rock climbing. 除了騎自行車和健行,她跑步,滑雪,也很享受攀岩。 瀏覽教材.
2.You need money and time , in addition , you need diligence . 你需要钱和时间,除此之外,你还需要努力。 3.In addition to your good right arm you ...
用in addition to造句和"in addition to"的例句: 1. In addition to the killed and wounded , many were missed . (除了傷亡之外,還有許多人失蹤。 2.
#7. A , in addition to doing B, do C. A除了能做B - 朗播
模仿造句. 句型结构. 比较A , in addition to doing B, do C. 问题. 1. 这个句型结构是什么意思? 2. 用这个句型结构将中文句子翻译成英文
#8. 說到「此外」只想到besides?6 個進階「此外」英文用法
1. besides (adv.) · 2. also (adv.) 並且;此外 · 3. additionally (adv.) 除此之外 · 4. in addition/in addition to 此外/除……之外 · 5. on top of that 除 ...
addition 造句 / 例句. 1. Therefore, these components are not affected by the addition of this field. 因此,这些组件不受添加这个字段的影响。
#10. 用in addition to造句 - 搜狗搜索 - Sogou
in addition造句 - 用"in addition"造句 ... A standing opaque beacon may be useful in addition . 此外,也可以使用常设的实体觇标。 In addition to the killed and ...
#11. in addition造句,大家都在找解答。第4頁
in addition造句 ,大家都在找解答第4頁。In addition to cycling and hiking, she runs, skis, and enjoys rock climbing. 除了騎自行車和健行,她跑步,滑雪, ...
#12. 文法講座四十二:「除此以外」besides、on top of that
「介係詞」in addition to、besides、apart from、aside from 的意思都是「除…以外還有…」,將後方的人/事/物「包含在內」,用於「附加說明」。意思接近「 ...
#13. 「另外/ 除此之外/ 此外」的英文是?furthermore? in addition?
furthermore; moreover; in addition / in addition to that; additionally. 2️⃣ 較「口語」的用法,適用於日常對話:. what's more; besides that; also.
#14. 一個「除了」5種英文用法,你搞懂了嗎? - 風傳媒
和besides一樣,in addition to…有「包含…在內」的意思。Addition前面的add- 字首就是「加上」,addition是名詞,指增加的 ...
#15. in addition的中文,搞懂英文additionin addition的意思跟用法
哈嘍大家好,我是馬克老師。又到了分享英語學習的乾貨時間了,今天為大家帶來的是:additionin addition的意思!很多學生最近問我怎麼學習才能學好 ...
#16. in addition to例句 - 台灣公司行號
用in addition造句和"in addition"的例句: 1. A standing opaque beacon may be useful in addition .此外,也可以使用常設的實體覘標。 2. In addition to the ...
#17. “in addition”怎么造句,in addition的近义词是什么???
问题补充:“in addition”怎么造句,in addition的近义词是什么??? 网友答案:. 1.You need money and time ; in addition , you need diligence .
#18. in addition与in addition to的用法及区别_英语短语 - 英语语法
In addition to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil. 除了一本照相簿外,我还给了他一支钢笔和一支铅笔。 In addition to a diet, she pursues ...
#19. addition造句- 西瓜视频
#20. in addition造句 - 布格伦科技网
in addition to造句1、So what should we do to promote peace, in addition to the proposals mentioned above? 2、The freighter carries a few ...
#21. 「in addition to例句」+1 - 藥師+
「in addition to例句」+1。介係詞」inadditionto、besides、apartfrom、asidefrom的意思都是「除…以外還有…...例句:除了薯條以外,我也吃了炸雞和漢堡當午餐。
#22. 用addition和heading造句 - 雨露学习互助
用addition和heading造句简单点的就可以了. bc2327 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报. 赞. 卡夫卡西 幼苗. 共回答了26个问题采纳率:76.9% 举报. The baby is a new addition ...
#23. in addition to above 中文in - Craigder
in addition造句 _用」in addition」造句用in addition造句和」in addition」的例句: 1. A standing opaque beacon may be useful in addition .
#24. 請問in addition 跟in addition to 差在哪呢- Clearnote
in addition 是副詞此外置於句首直接打逗號可以等於besides additionally in addition to+N. 除了...還不可單獨存在一定還要加名詞!
#25. 實用的過渡詞| EF English Live 部落格
3. 表達“補充”(Addition) 的過渡詞把一個訊息建立在另一個訊息之上,目的是要增加説明、强化思想,並且對前一個句子表示同意:. in addition 此外; additionally 另外 ...
#26. inadditionthat造句 - 华阅文章网
另外; 并且; 除此之外; 况且; [造句]You need money and time; in addition, you need diligence.你需要钱和时间,此外还需要努力。 In addition to the tractor, ...
#27. 如何在學術寫作中使用therefore、consequently、subsequently
如何在學術寫作中使用therefore、consequently、subsequently、thus、in addition及conversely來闡明意義. 2015 / 4 / 23. 40560. 0 將此網站加入您的書簽 ...
#28. 英语语法| in addition 与in addition to 的用法 - 简书
in addition 与in addition to 都是比较常见的英语短语,而且都有“除了”的意思,但是在实际运用上呢,词性和用法是不一样的,请看详解哦! in add...
#29. in addition 怎么造句简单即可 - 芭蕉百科网
最佳答案: adv. 另外; 并且; 除此之外; 况且;[造句]You need money and time; in addition, you need diligence.你需要钱和时间,此外还需要努力。
#30. 英语中,inaddition用法怎么样?最好举个句型
扫二维码下载作业帮 · 用in addition造句 · in addition等于什么 · in my opinion的用法 · in addition to替换词 · in addition to后接 · in addition to后面跟 ...
#31. 巨匠美日語台南成功分校 - Facebook
多益文法來造句】 except for與apart from的中文都是「除了...之外」。 ... apart from的第二個意義,表示「包括」,與in addition to的意義相同。
#32. in addition on造句 - PP问答网
in addition on造句. by by accident造句 at 2022-01-09 18:45:31. 12、For China itself the big fears, in addition to perennial worries about unemployment, ...
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in addition to造句简单,...findout5.takearound6.attheageof7.befamousfor8.inadditionto,In addition, the phone will cause harm to our body and learning。
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in addition造句 的翻译是:在addition造句中文翻译英文... 在addition造句翻译结果4复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部在addition造句翻译结果5复制译文 ...
#35. addition中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
In addition to his apartment in Manhattan, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland. 除了在曼哈頓擁有一套公寓外,他在義大利還有一座 ...
#36. 用in addition造句子 - 句容生活网
一、用in addition造句子. 1、用according to造句子,不要看到别人过得幸福。 2、用bring up造句子简单,就混在一起滥竽充数。 3、用fill造句子,觉得自己被鬼敲了头。
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in addition to和apart from,的移民攻略.
#38. in addition同义词替换 - 帮博知识网
in addition 同义词替换. by connect动词造句 at 2022-01-06 21:53:22. 最佳答案: in addition同义词是:besides。prep. 除……之外(还)adv. 况且,再说;此外,以及 ...
#39. 用in addition造句 - 神码智能写作
用in addition造句. 作者:admin • 更新时间:2021-12-30 10:20 •阅读6666. 本文由小狗AI通过互联网学习并自动写作,不代表我们立场,转载联系作者并注明 ...
#40. in addition例句_inaddition - 猜字谜
泰剧恋爱ing音乐泰国电视剧中恋爱ing泰剧全集. inaddition:in:addition造句. 猜字谜以下为您显示“in addition例句”的百度云资源; 首页; 末页 ...
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1、addition造句子,你在梦里呼风唤雨冲冠一怒为红颜。 2、doubt造句,伤感凄美的诗词信手拈来。 3、equal造句,这些经历成为我们的财富。
#42. inrelief造句子 - 义马句子网
3、用in造句子,过于重视行为规则拘泥形式。 4、in peace造句,当时高云凌正要去工地放线。 5、简单年轻没有失败relief,addition每当他们找我题词时 ...
#43. Danale device id does not exist. NVMS-1200 Lite v2. Archived ...
In addition to using Danale App for your Android or iOS devices, ... a sentence and examples? the device does not exist造句, the device does not exist造句, ...
#44. 怎么用称述造句子 - 书法思考网
In addition to using effective language constructs, it's important to come up with a problem statement that truly excites you so you're in the best frame of ...
#45. Duplicative synonym. The proposed amendments to the ...
How can I put and write and define duplicative in a sentence and how is the word duplicative used in a sentence and examples? duplicative造句, ...
#46. In addition、besides ... 轉折語讓英文寫作更具連貫性1, blog ...
「轉折語」使文意圓順地轉彎 通常,在語氣改變之處,運用這些具有連接性的轉折語(transition),就能夠強化文章的連貫性。以下是英文寫作時常用、好用 ...
#47. in addition 怎么造句简单即可 - 木鱼网
[造句]You need money and time; in addition, you need diligence. 你需要钱和时间,此外还需要努力。 In addition to the tractor, we have acquired a ...
#48. 雅思作文原题 - 爱英语学习网
... in addition, however等)以及句子之间的指示词(this,it等)。 ... 我们在准备雅思的过程中,不仅要学会如何造句,还要学会每一种句子所适合的语境、 ...
#49. Moral compass definition in a sentence. an internal moral ...
In addition to the clear dichotomy between Grendel and Beowulf, ... compass造句, moral compass造句, 用moral compass造句, moral compass meaning, definition, ...
#50. Paper写作可以通过哪些步骤完成? - 英语家园
这些要点必须具有清晰的逻辑,并且遣词造句简洁明了,便于读者理解。 ... In addition,it is also important to use the correct tense and tone in ...
#51. Wailed pronunciation. In the early 1980s, a time of notoriously ...
In addition, unlike wild animals, animals that can live in the home ... word wailed used in a sentence and examples? wailed造句, wailed造句, 用wailed造句, ...
#52. Pretension synonym. Synonyms and related words Synonyms ...
... of the old testament king prophet priest and sage is additionally useful. ... a sentence and examples? pretension造句, pretension造句, 用pretension造句, ...
#53. 期末考必备| 运用“三步法” ,书面表达提升黄金法则 - 高考直通车
第三步紧扣主题,遣词造句:紧扣主题组词成句,做到语言得体、准确无误, ... In addition, we should avoid getting hurt during the training and ...
#54. Impressiveness synonym. The patient often Witamy na ...
5 In addition to the impressiveness of the settings , there is a use of the ... and examples? impressiveness造句, impressiveness造句, 用impressiveness造句, ...
#55. How to pronounce bewilder. ['ˈdʌmfaʊnd'] be a mystery or ...
... and examples? bewilder造句, bewilder造句, 用bewilder造句, bewilder meaning, ... In addition to grammar rules, the book shows how good and exciting ...
#56. Excitement sentence. "A sick thrill of excitement travelled ...
In addition to using coordination and subordination, emphasis in writing can ... her eyes shone with excitement造句, 用her eyes shone with excitement造句, ...
#57. Reverberate synonym. 2. As an adolescent girl struggles to ...
How can I put and write and define reverberate in a sentence and how is the word reverberate used in a sentence and examples? reverberate造句, ...
#58. Umpire meaning in bengali. He is an Indian cricketer from J&K ...
Bangla meaning of urge is as below In addition to the word urge, ... visitors book (Italian>English) 马来文造句讲师 (Chinese (Simplified)>Malay) travel well ...
#59. Drill down synonyms. What are synonyms for drill hole ...
In addition to auto-coding, synonym lists, and dictionary support for ... used in a sentence and examples? drill down造句, drill down造句, 用drill down造句, ...
#60. go viral in a sentence. It has happened a number of times in ...
用 go viral 造句挺难的. ... In addition, try the caption in the form of a question sentence so that it invites interaction from the video audience.
#61. Puke pronunciation. Many people with Covid-19 temporarily ...
"Vomit" is not a recent addition to English, and nor does it have a ... puke used in a sentence and examples? puke造句, puke造句, 用puke造句, puke meaning, ...
#62. addition - 英文詞性必勝秘笈-名詞
addition. [ə'diʃən]. n.增加, 加法, 附加物. 例句與用法:. In addition to a diet, she pursues various exercises on TV. 節食以外她還隨電視做體操。
#63. Umpire meaning in bengali. To perform the duties and ...
Bangla meaning of urge is as below In addition to the word urge, ... visitors book (Italian>English) 马来文造句讲师 (Chinese (Simplified)>Malay) travel well ...
#64. Duplicative synonym. See more. Federal block grants are ...
... on Oversight and Reform, and in addition to the Committee on Rules, ... duplicative造句, duplicative造句, 用duplicative造句, duplicative meaning, ...
#65. Omar haque nets. Before moving to Omar's current city of ...
In addition, she is a speaker for the Climate Reframe Project, which aims to Amplify ... Researchers working on … fahim muntasir的造句和例句: 1.
#66. Omar haque nets. Nancy Pelosi is an American politician ...
Researchers working on … fahim muntasir的造句和例句: 1. ... In addition, she is a speaker for the Climate Reframe Project, which aims to ...
#67. Omar haque nets. Ahmed Zafar has a two rounds aggregate of ...
... P. Researchers working on … fahim muntasir的造句和例句: 1. ... In addition, she is a speaker for the Climate Reframe Project, ...
#68. 【Besides vs In addition】「此外」? - 你的英文事務所
平時大家說到「此外」的時候,很自然的會用到besides這個字,而口語上很少有人會注意到它和另一個片語in addition的不同。然而,當我們在寫作時,尤其 ...
#69. in addition 与in addition to 的用法_我乃英雄-提高英语哦
This garden has the best collection of native plants. In addition, it contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas.这座花园有当地植物的最佳 ...
in addition造句 在 巨匠美日語台南成功分校 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
多益文法來造句】 except for與apart from的中文都是「除了...之外」。 ... apart from的第二個意義,表示「包括」,與in addition to的意義相同。 ... <看更多>