你知道近年來美國對中文老師的需求大幅提升嗎?將台灣打造成外國人學習中文的最佳去處是「台美教育倡議」的重要目標。美國政府也增加傅爾布萊特計畫 (Fulbright) 年度撥款,用以促進台美交流計畫並推動台灣的華語教學。在今天的「華語教學論壇」中,AIT副處長谷立言和多位與談人共同討論如何在國際上支持台灣的華語教學實力,同時,副處長也介紹美國政府資助的多項中文交流計畫。美國和台灣將持續合作,鞏固台灣為美國及全球提供中文教學的重要角色。更多關於「台美教育倡議」的資訊請見:https://www.talentcirculationalliance.org/us-taiwan-initiative
Did you know there are growing need for Mandarin teachers in the United States in recent years? Building Taiwan to be one of the most important destinations in the world for foreigners to learn Chinese language is one of the goals of U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative. The U.S. government also increased the annual allocation of the Fulbright funding to support U.S.-Taiwan exchanges and facilitate Taiwan’s Chinese language education. At the “Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Symposium” today, AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene joined a panel discussion to discuss ways of supporting Taiwan’s Chinese language education at international level and introduced the U.S. government sponsored Chinese language exchange programs. U.S. and Taiwan will continue work together to identify potential steps to enhance Taiwan’s critical role in providing Chinese instruction both to Americans and to people around the world. Learn more: https://www.talentcirculationalliance.org/us-taiwan-initiative
government funding中文 在 YaoIndia 就是要印度︱認識印度,從這裡開始 Facebook 的最佳解答
繼軍事、網路、經濟各層面的對峙,印度本週將再一步從教育入手抵制中國。根據 #印度斯坦時報(Hindustan Times)報導指出,上個月15號有多家安全機構向印度內閣秘書拉吉夫·高巴報告,中國透過 #電信 和 #高等教育「高度滲透」印度社會;因此,印度教育部決定在未來一週內,審查與印度7所大專院校合作的 #孔子學院,並計劃審核所有印度高等院校與中國高校簽署的54份校際合作項目。
孔子學院是由中國教育部直接撥款資助,從2004年起在世界各地設立超過500所孔子學院分支機構,藉以宣揚中國語言和文化;但遭到歐美國家指摘,中共政權透過孔子學院在各地分支機構,試圖灌輸有利中共的意識型態、干擾當地 #學術自由,藉此影響各國對中共的評價,因此在美國、加拿大、澳洲等多個大專院校都已經關閉國內的孔子學院。
現在印度國內一共有4所孔子學院和3堂 #孔子課堂,分別是韋洛爾科技大學孔子學院、孟買大學孔子學院、拉夫里科技大學漢語教學中心、金德爾全球大學漢語言培訓與研究中心,及加爾各答中文學校孔子課堂、印度巴拉蒂大學廣播孔子課堂和曼格拉姆大學漢語教學中心。印度智庫「中國分析及策略中心」研究員指出,中國正以補助等手段滲透印度教育學術界,積極向許多印度學者、教育機構和學生提供資金,進行對中國有利的研究、出版,或邀至中國講學、留學,試圖影響印度的中國政策。
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government funding中文 在 千錯萬錯,柯神不會有錯!爹親娘親,不如小英主席親! Facebook 的精選貼文
Eli Clifton 挖挖挖。
以下中文新聞內容轉自 旺報:
華府智庫昆西治安研究所(Quincy Institute)民主外交政策計畫執行人克里夫頓(Eli Clifton)於17日發表《台灣金援智庫:無所不在但很少揭露》(Taiwan funding of think tanks: Omnipresent and rarely disclosed)一文指出,台灣金援了美國五大智庫,促使這些智庫向美國執政者建言,做出有利於台灣綠營執政政府的美國政策。該文發出後,台北經濟文化代表處政治組組長趙怡翔緊急在推特上指出,該文有錯失之處,且並未向台北經濟文化代表處查證置評。
而新美國安全中心向華盛頓提供有關2020年《中國崛起的挑戰》報告時,敦促美國決策者優先考慮與台灣的雙邊投資和貿易協定;CSIS在5月發表前美國駐港澳總領事唐偉康(Kurt Tong)的文章,其中主張美台達成貿易協定,將能加強美國在亞洲領導地位。
Taiwan funding of think tanks: Omnipresent and rarely disclosed
Why not disclose?
Hudson may be the most extreme in its policy proposals, but the consistent behavior from the five think tanks is unmistakable: General support funding from Taiwan’s government is never disclosed when experts, whose salaries may well be partially funded by TECRO dollars, offer policy recommendations regarding U.S.-Taiwan relations.
“My philosophy is that if you’re producing any report, you should put right up front in an acknowledgment section that lists the specific funders, including general-support funders, that helped make this report possible and list any potential conflict of interest with the funders,” said Freeman of the Foreign Influence Transparency Initiative. “Let the reader judge for themself whether there’s a conflict of interest.”
Though the appearance or possibility of a conflict of interest does not mean that the funding flows from Taiwan influenced the work products produced by the think tanks, the decision not to prominently disclose the funding may undermine otherwise valuable analysis and policy proposals.
“It seems like because they hid it, they have something to hide,” said Freeman. “When the public trust in government is at all-time lows and people think D.C. is so corrupt, it’s even more important for think tanks and think tank scholars to put this information out there and try and restore the trust of the American public.”
Indeed, as acceptance of a cold war posture toward China becomes ever more accepted as a foregone conclusion by Washington influencers, one of them actually highlighted the danger of foreign funding going largely undisclosed.
CNAS’s 2020 report that advocated for a U.S.-Taiwan trade agreement warned of think tanks receiving “substantial funding from Beijing that is often targeted at shaping views and discourse on China.” CNAS recommended “higher degrees of transparency” to help “ensure that this funding is not generating hidden forms of foreign lobbying, self-censorship, or other activities that undermine core U.S. democratic principles.”
That self-awareness about the potential influence of foreign funding, and the ethical arguments for greater transparency, does not appear to extend to the omnipresent funding stream from Taipei to think tanks across the Beltway.
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