温室氣體(英語:Greenhouse Gas, GHG)或稱溫室效應氣體,是指大氣中促成温室效應的氣體成分。自然温室氣體包含水蒸氣(H2O)、二氧化碳(CO2)大約佔所有溫室氣體 ...
#2. 溫室氣體專用名詞手冊
第三章溫室氣體專用名詞(類別排序). 28. 英文. 本署建議中文用語. Greenhouse gas activity data 溫室氣體活動數據. Greenhouse gas emissions. 溫室氣體排放(量).
#3. 溫室氣體(Greenhouse Gas, GHG)或溫室效應氣體 - 台灣中油
近年來最引人注意的反常全球氣溫快速上升,主要是由於人為作用,使大氣中溫室氣體的濃度急劇上升所導致的。人類近代歷史上的溫室效應,與過去相比特別的顯著,全球暖化即 ...
#4. greenhouse gases emissions - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他 ...
大量翻译例句关于"greenhouse gases emissions" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#5. greenhouse gas emissions-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: greenhouse-gas emissions, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, global greenhouse gas emissions, ...
#6. 溫室氣體盤查議定書- 企業會計與報告標準 - Greenhouse Gas ...
盤查議定書—企業會計與報告標準」的中文版,讓我們有機. 會將此重要且實用的溫室氣體盤查工具 ... Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimating System)。目前雪.
Carbon dioxide equivalent or CO2e 二氧化碳當量 ... See also Greenhouse gas or GHG, Scope 2 emissions 範疇2排放, Scope 3 emissions 範疇3排放 ...
#8. 什麼是淨零、碳中和、氣候中和?一次搞懂Net Zero
Net Zero、Carbon Negative、Carbon Neutral、Climate Neutral、Carbon Footprint,這些關鍵字,已成為2021年各國政府、各大國際企業與環境組織、民眾 ...
#9. 中國如何控制溫室氣體排放? | ChinaPower Project
Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions ... 中國高度仰賴煤炭,國內大約73%的二氧化碳排放量來自燒煤。與其他國家相比,中國燒煤產生的二氧化碳排放量比歐洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的總 ...
#10. 简介:什么是“范围三排放”? | The Carbon Trust
#11. 名詞、縮寫與單位索引 - 氣候變化綱要公約資訊網
名詞、縮寫與單位索引. 英文縮寫. 英文名詞. 中文名詞. AD. Activity data. 活動數據. BAU. Business as usual. 一往如常(基線排放量). CO2. Carbon dioxide.
#12. GHG Emission Reduction – 溫室氣體減量–
Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Germany since 1990. 自1990年以來德國溫室氣體排放量一欄表. 2016/11/25. 德國在台協會.
#13. 香港的溫室氣體排放量及碳強度Greenhouse Gas Emissions ...
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Intensity in Hong Kong. 年份. 溫室氣體排放總量. 人均排放. 碳強度. Year. (千公噸二氧化碳當量). (公噸二氧化碳當.
#14. 組織溫室氣體管理的新挑戰,全面採用ISO 14064-1:2018 - BSI
reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals. 2018 年12 月/ 第二版. ISO 14064-2:2019 Greenhouse gases - Part 2: Specification.
#15. Quantification, Validation and Verification 溫室氣體量化、審定 ...
GHG refers to the gaseous constituents of the atmosphere, both natural and ... The ISO 14064-2 focuses on projects that aim to reduce GHG emissions and/or ...
#16. 术语、缩略语和化学符号 - IPCC
排放限额(Cap,on emissions):在某一给定时期内作为排放. 上限的强制性约束。例如:《京都议定书》在一个预定的时间. 范围内针对附件B国家的人为温室气体(GHG) 排放量 ...
Carbon emissions, or greenhouse gases, are a major cause of global warming and climate change. They come from burning fossil fuels, such as coal for electricity ...
#18. greenhouse gas中文(繁体)翻译:剑桥词典
Using simulations, it is demonstrated that higher abatement activities may both reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lead to higher growth. 来自 ...
#19. 2020排放差距报告
Emissions Gap Report 2020: An Inflection Point. Despite a dip in greenhouse gas emissions from the COVID-19 economic slowdown, the world is ...
#20. EU ETS 歐盟排放交易體系查證 - LRQA
EU ETS 涉及全歐盟溫室氣體(greenhouse gas, GHG) 許可排放量的分配與交易,上限由各成員國設定。 然後,憑藉該體系將許可量分配給各個排放設施。
#21. 減量額度交易登錄管理制度策略研析與推動專案工作計畫
中文 摘要關鍵字:碳交易平台;減量額度;溫室氣體減量 ... instruments cover some 7 GtCO2e, equivalent to about 12 percent of the annual global GHG emissions.
#22. greenhouse gas emission 中文- 溫室氣體排放… - 查查在線詞典
greenhouse gas emission中文 :溫室氣體排放…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋greenhouse gas emission的中文翻譯,greenhouse gas emission的發音,音標, ...
#23. GHG(温室气体)_百度百科
由于人类活动或者自然形成的温室气体。 中文名: 温室效应气体; 外文名: Greenhouse Gas. 别 ...
#24. 國內外碳足跡規範
... 氣體排放生命週期評估規範」為英國標準協會(BSI)制定並集合碳信託(Carbon Trust)與 ... of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services).
#25. 基於生產的溫室氣體排放清單
許多空氣污染物對氣候有暖化影響。空氣局編製了溫室氣體(GHG) 排放清單,這些溫室氣體會顯著促進氣候變化,包括:. 二氧化碳; 甲烷; 一氧化二氮; 氫氟碳化物; 全氟化碳 ...
#26. EKOenergy与碳核算
(technical notes for accounting of scope 2 emissions). 温室气体核算协议(Greenhouse Gas Protocol). Greenhouse_Gas_Protocol_logo. 温室气体核算协议是一种针对碳 ...
#27. 什麼是碳揭露專案(Carbon Disclosure Project,CDP)
The United States said its greenhouse gas emission reduction target at 26 to 28 percent below the 2005 level. 例如,美國最近因巴黎協定表示 ...
#28. Green-e™ 詞彙表(Green-e Glossary)
另請參考本詞彙表中的「溫室氣體排放減量信用額度」(GHG Emissions Reduction Credit)。 Carbon Offset Content Label. 碳抵換內容標籤. 揭露文件,以標準化形式顯示減量 ...
#29. Summary of Carbon Footprint for Listed Companies 上市公司 ...
中文 : 渣打集團有限公司. Stock code: ... report (GHG emission-related chapter ) of the reporting entity, etc) ... 2.1 GHG Emission Data 溫室氣體排放數據.
#30. greenhouse gas emissions - 学术词典
【greenhouse gas emissions】的中文译词:温室气体排放; 温室气体排放量; 碳排放; 【greenhouse gas emissions】的相关专业术语翻译:City Greenhouse Gas Emissions ...
#31. 中小型企業碳審計工具箱
中小型企業碳審計工具箱, (English). (中文版) ... PAS 2050:2008 Specification for the assessment of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of
#32. 【氣候變遷Q&A】(5) 什麼是二氧化碳當量(CO2e)與全球溫暖化 ...
二氧化碳當量(CO2e, carbon dioxide equivalent)是測量碳足跡(carbon footprints)*的標準單位。概念是把不同的溫室氣體對於暖化的影響程度用同一種 ...
#33. 畜牧業的生命週期評估和溫室氣體排放量(Life Cycle ...
#34. ghg emissions mitigation 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
Based on cdm, developed countries can invest in ghg emissions mitigation projects in developing countries, so as to meet their ghg emission mitigation ...
THE GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“THE GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#36. 碳交易市場連結之法律研究
In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, every country should not only ... 下,本文使用「溢額」作為credit 之中文名詞翻譯。 35 總量管制與交易制度係指設定 ...
#37. 經濟、能源消費及政策工具與溫室氣體排放之探討
繁體中文. EKC ; GHG排放 ; 政策工具 ; 能源消費 ; GDP ; 經濟 ; EKC ; GHG emissions ; energy consumption ; policy instrument ; GDP ; economy.
#38. CO2 Emissions | Global Carbon Atlas
Global Carbon Atlas. Supported by ... Search form. Search this site. English, 简体中文, Español, Русский, Français. 概述 · 贡献者 · 联系我们 · 最新动态 ...
#39. 【國際譯文】溫室氣體排放量的計算:您的公司準備好改變了嗎?
Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Is Your Company Ready for Changes? 英國環境食品暨鄉村事務部 (DEFRA) 近期更新了溫室氣體排放計算的指南。
#40. 2050 淨零排放|Net Zero|經濟部|經濟部溫室氣體減量資訊 ...
碳邊境調整機制(Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, CBAM). 出口國產品的碳含量若高於進口國的規範,進口國將對產品課徵碳關稅. 歐盟 (2021.7.14草案公布).
#41. 報告:中國或將在2025年達到溫室氣體排放峰值
The content is also available in the following languages: English, 简体中文, ... China's “new normal”: structural change, better growth, and peak emissions.
#42. 5項基礎概念,一次看懂「碳定價」! – CSRone 永續智庫
「碳定價」(Carbon Pricing)意即「為二氧化碳制定一個 ... 包括30個碳稅(Carbon Tax)、31個碳排放交易系統(Emissions Trading System, ETS)。
#43. 中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会 - UNFCCC
mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing climate ... China has initiated carbon emission trading pilots in 7 provinces and.
#44. 碳中和– 中国在行动新的全国统一的碳排放权交易市场呼之欲来 ...
To fulfill China's obligations under the Paris Agreement and Kyoto Protocol, China announced its commitment to peak its carbon emissions by ...
#45. 美國技術性法規通知文件(TBT通知文件)
產品內容:, 【中文】. 美國通知-溫室氣體排放. 【原文】. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions standards; Environmental protection (ICS 13.020), ...
#46. 製造業因應氣候變遷策略及配套措施氣候相關財務揭露
(2019年10月日TCFD氣候相關財務揭露建議繁體中文版發表會講義) ... Increased pricing of GHG emissions. ‒ Enhanced emissions-reporting ...
#47. 以「淨零排放」漂綠?!國際興起反對聲浪
過去兩年以來,特別是過去12個月,全球數以百計的企業和政府機關將「淨零碳排放」(net-zero carbon emission)視為永續發展的北極星。
#48. 從企業碳審計尋找浪費源頭
related to greenhouse gas emissions and identify reduction opportunities. 2. 溫室氣體排放資訊的公開披露與參加溫室氣體自願性專案.
#49. 博碩士論文-多溫層食品運輸排程與溫室氣體排放研究 - 交通部 ...
On the other hand, sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to food transportation include energy consumption and refrigerant leakage.
#50. 术语表
English | 中文| Español | Français ... 人为排放(Anthropogenic Emissions) 人类活动造成的温室气体(GHG),温室气体前体和气溶胶温室气体前体和气溶胶的排放。
#51. 气候变化- Climate change -
While agriculture, forestry and fisheries do contribute to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, they also offer opportunities for climate change mitigation.
#52. 脱碳
However, the EU transport sector still relies heavily on fossil fuels and is responsible for one quarter of Europe's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions — a share ...
#53. Microsoft 排放量衝擊儀表板
更加了解Microsoft 雲端永續性的好處 ... 使用排放量衝擊儀表板,深入洞悉貴組織與Microsoft 雲端服務使用量相關的碳排放量。 ... Power BI 中的溫室氣體(GHG) 應對準備報告。
#54. “双碳”目标下青岛高新区低碳发展路径研究 - 中国环境管理
The greenhouse gas (GHG) emission inventory of QNHIDZ from 2016 to 2020 was ... The proportion of GHG emissions from domestic energy consumption is ...
#55. 中文摘要《产业生态学报》 第5卷第1期翻译施涵
手来减少GHG 的排放。 Journal of Industrial Ecology. 2001, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 55-75. Wrapping Up GHG Emissions: An Assessment of. Greenhouse Gas Emission ...
#56. Total greenhouse gas emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent) | Data
Total greenhouse gas emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent) from The World Bank: Data. ... Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research ( EDGAR ), EDGARv4.2 ...
#57. 溫室氣體盤查教育訓練
Indirect GHG emission. 間接溫室氣體排放. ➢ GHG protocol定義中,泛指非組織所擁有或控制的溫室氣體源的排放. 量。但將其拆分出能源間接排放的範疇二排放(Scope ...
#58. Press Release - ClassNK
ClassNK conducts third-party verification of GHG emissions from entire value chain - including Scope 3 emissions - of NS United Kaiun Kaisha and issues a ...
#59. 什麼是碳補償(Carbon offset)? - 台灣地球日Earth Day Taiwan
什麼是碳補償(Carbon offset)? ... 而類似「歐盟排放交易方案(European Union Emission Trading Scheme)」或是「潔淨發展辦法(Clean Development ...
#60. 我們吃的食物和氣候有關?食物碳排放之王是 - Greenpeace
Food production is responsible for one-quarter of the world's greenhouse gas emissions · 捐助提倡綠色生活. 延伸閱讀:. IPCC警告:全球超過1/4土地 ...
#61. 混合型生命週期評估(Hybrid LCAs)幫助企業評估範疇三(Scope ...
世界500強企業中有180多家公司發布其供應鏈和產品使用之溫室氣體範疇三(Scope 3)的排放。依照溫室氣體議定書(GHG Protocol)對於範疇三的定義,在價值鏈上所有間接排放 ...
#62. CDM減量方法應用與抵換專案撰寫注意事項
Methodology for zero-emissions grid-connected electricity generation from ... Estimation of GHG emissions related to fossil fuel combustion in A/R CDM ...
#63. Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act - Article ...
3. GHG emission source (Emission Source)means any unit or process that directly or indirectly releases GHG into the atmosphere. 4. Global-warming potential ( ...
#64. 能源消費與碳排放之因素拆解法:方法論與挑戰
Source: Global Carbon Project; Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) ... “Kaya identity for analysis of the main drivers of GHG emissions and ...
#65. 淺談環境管理之嶄新議題-價值鏈- 邁向綠色行銷碳水足跡節能減 ...
近年來於環境管理議題上,價值鏈的概念逐漸被提及。2011 年WRI與WBCSD合作,同時推出了GHG Protocol 「企業價值鏈(範疇3) ; The Corporate Value ...
#66. 綠色金融新標準促進投資與世界永續共榮
資金提供者可從碳密集(carbon-intensive)活動中撤資以管理與氣候相關之風險暴露。 ... 氣體排放之評估與報告(Assessing and reporting the GHG emissions associated ...
#67. How carbon emissions are estimated - Travel Help
Google Flights shows carbon emission estimates next to each flight. Flights are labelled as higher, typical, lower, or unknown emissions.
#68. Pricing Carbon - World Bank Group
A carbon tax directly sets a price on carbon by defining a tax rate on greenhouse gas emissions or – more commonly – on the carbon content of fossil fuels. It ...
#69. Scope 3 價值鏈溫室氣體盤查心得(上) - Bistro S
要談溫室氣體,就一定要先提溫室氣體盤查議定書(Greenhouse Gas Protocol ... 另一個重要概念,就是溫室氣體排放係數(emission factor):基本上,企業 ...
#70. CDP Climate Change 2021 Questionnaire
American Petroleum Institute Compendium of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Methodologies for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry, 2009(美国石油学会油气行业温室气体排放量 ...
#71. Background - 產品碳足跡資訊網
... with the goal of reducing daily per capita carbon emissions by one kilo. ... Taiwan is now the 11th country in the world to develop a carbon-footprint ...
#72. MassDEP Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Program
Facility reporting of greenhouse gas emissions provides data that helps Massachusetts develop emission reduction targets and plans, and measure progress ...
#73. Greenhouse Gas Bulletin: Another Year Another Record
The abundance of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere ... As long as emissions continue, global temperature will continue to ...
#74. ISO 14064-1:2018 溫室氣體盤查標準 - 領導力企管
ISO 14064-1:2018 溫室氣體盤查標準 Greenhouse gases Part 1:Specification ... and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals )。
#75. Welcome to Taiwan GHG Emissions Registry
Home | sitemap | 中文網 · UNFCCC · CDM · US EPA- Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program · Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative · European Union Emissions Trading ...
#76. Greenhouse gas emissions - Microsoft Open Source
Greenhouse gas emissions. Measuring and reporting GHG emissions such as carbon dioxide and methane are key first steps to reducing your emissions; these ...
#77. 水利署中文版全球資訊網-水利工程
溫室氣體排放量評估, GHG emissions evaluation. 備援出水工, Backup Outlet. 運用規線修訂, Revision of Operation Directions. 契約工期及工率, Construction Period ...
#78. 社會及管治報告- 附錄二:環境關鍵績效指標匯報指引 - HKEX
EMFAC-HK Vehicle Emission Calculation. 汽車排放計算模型 ... 有用參考資料. • 全球報告倡議組織305 溫室氣體排放2016(GRI 305 GHG Emissions 2016):.
#79. “碳中和”、“净零排放”、“气候中性”的含义及差别
摘要:“碳中和”(carbon-neutral)、“净零排放”(net-zero emission)、“气候中性”(climate-neutral)经常出现在气候变化相关的新闻里,这几个术语 ...
#80. 不同施肥条件对稻田温室气体排放特征的影响 - 全球变化知识 ...
中文 关键词: 温室气体; 甲烷(CH4) ; 氧化亚氮(N_2O) ; 稻田; 施肥 ... A field experiment was conducted to examine GHG emissions under three different ...
#81. Performance Standard 3 - International Finance Corporation
... and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Download: English | Français | Español | Português | Türkçe | русский | 简体中文 | عربي.
#82. 燃烧蓝色氢取暖所排放的温室气体比使用传统天然气多出20%
#83. Can China's CO2 Trading System Avoid the Pitfalls of Other ...
阅读中文评注 ... The first greenhouse gas emissions trading systems were implemented just over a decade ago, making each of the early ETSs ...
#84. Climate Change - GovHK
Carbon Emissions and Hong Kong. We have set an ambitious carbon intensity target of 65% to 70% by 2030 using 2005 as the base, which is equivalent to 26% ...
#85. 净零碳设计研讨会Zero Net Carbon Professional Training ...
The building sector is responsible for about 1/3 GHG emissions globally. To achieve the Paris Agreement, ... 中国净零碳设计研讨会议程信息(中文版).
#86. How the circular economy tackles climate change - Ellen ...
Released in collaboration with Material Economics, the paper sets out that while moving to renewables can address 55% of global GHG emissions, to achieve UN ...
#87. 上品兴业氟塑料(嘉兴)有限公司
Disclosure of Annual GHG Emissions, Water Consumption and Total Weight of Waste in the Past Two Years. In response to the current and future potential risks ...
#88. China Airlines Commits to Net-Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050
Each year an inventory check is conducted for all GHG emissions from aviation fuel consumption worldwide and all domestic ground operations.
#89. 碳排放交易实践:设计与实施手册
本手册( 中文翻译版) 由德国国际合作机构和国际碳行动伙伴组织(ICAP) 组织翻译,最终校对审核由ICAP 秘书 ... 区正在推行碳定价机制,涉及每年全球温室气体(GHG)排放.
#90. 温室气体排放| 亚德诺半导体 - Analog Devices
Read about what Analog Devices is doing to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
#91. Intel and the Environment
Our environmental projects and company-wide targets are driving reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, water use, and waste generation around ...
#92. 碳排放交易网——全球领先的碳市场门户中文网站
中国碳排放交易门户网站中国最权威的碳排放交易行业资讯网站,为碳交易行业从业者和投资人提供碳排放交易最新资讯、碳市场行情走势和碳交易市场行业数据分析报告, ...
#93. What Is Climate Change? - the United Nations
Examples of greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate change include carbon dioxide and methane. These come from using gasoline for driving a car or ...
#94. What are low-carbon emitting technologies? An expert explains
Energy efficiency brings a variety of benefits: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing demand for energy imports, and lowering our ...
#95. Net Zero Cloud Overview -
Analyzing carbon emissions from energy usage and company travel can be daunting and time-consuming. With all your data flowing directly onto one platform, ...
#96. Carbon Markets – Everything You Need to Know as 2022 ...
Carbon Market State of the Union with KraneShares and Climate Finance ... submitted improved national plans on cutting emissions – known as ...
#97. Low-Carbon Water Treatment
The Carbon Footprint of Water. Global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions has a severe impact on the water security of industries and society. Companies ...
ghg emissions中文 在 Greenhouse gas emissions - Microsoft Open Source 的推薦與評價
Greenhouse gas emissions. Measuring and reporting GHG emissions such as carbon dioxide and methane are key first steps to reducing your emissions; these ... ... <看更多>