Hey guys! So.....I was bored and felt basic as a blonde... I've been blonde for so0o0o long now, I just knew it was time for a change. And I am SO happy to have my natural hair color back. Definately need to readjust to the dark hair color but I am really loving the whole look, and I am so happy. Feels like something new and fun! BLONDE to BRUNETTE
Love Laura xox
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Hey, I’m Laura Ribeiro. I am Brazilian-Portuguese, raised in London. I moved to Tokyo in 2014.
I work as a full-time model, and a singer-songwriter musician. My channel is based on lifestyle, beauty & fashion videos. I have always loved documenting everything, and being able to look back.
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HAIR TRANSFORMATION..... *I felt basic and bored as a blonde* | BLONDE to BRUNETTE
#TokyoVlog #Japan #hairtransformation