造句 與例句 手機版 · They rivalled one another in their appetites . · His appetite satisfied, his mood changed . · The rumours have taken the place of the appetite ...
appetite 造句 / 例句 · 1. He has a healthy appetite. · 2. All otters have a voracious appetite. · 3. Go for a walk. It'll give you an appetite.
Anxiety has taken away his appetite . 焦虑夺走了他的胃口。 It's difficult to find appetite in a sentence. 用appetite造句挺难的 ...
appetite noun (NEED) ... I've read an excerpt of the book on the Web and it's whetted my appetite (= increased my interest in it). 我在網路上讀了 ...
#5. appetite造句_用appetite造句子三年级|二年级|一年级简单的 - 字典
appetite造句. 1. At the moment she had no appetite for gossip. 此时此刻她无心闲聊。 2. Exercise gave her a good appetite. 运动使她胃口大增。
#6. appetite - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
#7. appetite造句_用appetite造句大全_快好知
A good appetite is a good sauce. 2. Appetite comes with eating. 3. All that walking has given me an appetite. 4. Don't eat too many nuts-you'll spoil your ...
#8. appetite造句_appetite造句- 3jyx网
5、These vegetables can improve children's appetite in the sweltering days. 6、In turn, this region secretes molecules that affect appetite. 7、But Ms Bachelet ...
#9. 用英语lost one's appetite造句 - 百度知道
用英语lost one's appetite造句. 我来答 ... she has lost her appetite for sweet food. 已赞过 已踩过<. 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...
#10. 【Small Talk】I'm not a vegetarian but this is so adorable!
熱到沒胃口,不想吃東西The heat kills my appetite. 小心不要在夏天感冒囉! 文/Zoe Chou ... 既然現在是夏天,就請大家照樣造句。「我不怕熱」的英文要怎麼說?
#11. appetite中文,appetite是什麼意思,appetite發音和翻譯
音標:[æpitait] 發音:[1]名詞複數:appetites 用"appetite"造句[2]"appetite"怎麼讀[3]"appetite"的同義詞[4]"appetite"meaning[5]中文翻譯手機版[6]n.1.
#12. have a good appetite中文翻譯 | 健康跟著走
用"have a good appetite"造句[1]"have a good appetite"怎麼讀[2] 例句與用法I have a good appetite , i had a good walk today
#13. appetite-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: risk appetite, insatiable appetite, little appetite, loss of appetite, up an appetite,在英语-中文情境中翻译"appetite"
#14. 2022最新【ppetite】評價、電話、營業時間
... 【餐廳美食】熱搜推薦-:appetite用法:appetite前菜:appetite醫學中文:appetite意思:appetite ... 翻譯:poor appetite醫學中文:appetite造句:How to pronounce appetite,
#15. 英文病歷書寫用語及常見錯誤 - 台中榮總
hospitalization). ▫ 2. During the three months before entry, the patient experienced progressive loss of weight and appetite.
#16. 用lose one's appetite for造句_作业帮
用lose one's appetite for造句. 限时免费领取内部精选学习资料. 作业帮APP 海量题库免费学. 搜索答疑. 多种解答. 视频讲解. 打开APP. 答案解析.
#17. whet 造句/ 例句 - 优词词典
The book will whet your appetite for more of her work. 你看了这本书就会更想多读她的著作。 《牛津词典》. 2. A really good catalogue can also whet customers' ...
#18. bon appetite 中文 - Fmcafe
a phrase, originally from French, meaning “good appetite “, said to someone who is about to eat, ... 發音: 用”bon appetite”造句“bon appetite”怎么讀.
#19. 我們是專業的藥師!不只是會包藥而已- 【臨床藥學】 促進食慾 ...
... 這樣的問題造句:藥師啊,有沒有什麼藥可以用來______?空格可能是任何情況… 而這次被問到的______是"增加食慾"。 關於治療厭食(anorexia)的食慾促進劑(appetite.
#20. 剛毅造句 - 三度漢語網
6、Exercise will make you work up an appetite。運動會引起你的食慾。 7、No centripetal force, I am still in a circular motion。沒有向心力,我仍在做圓周運動.
#21. 茶飯無心是什麼意思,茶飯無心的解釋,造句,成語故事,英文翻譯
沒有心懷喝茶吃飯。形容心情苦悶。 貶義. [茶飯無心]成語出處. 清·曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第14回:“忙的鳳姐茶飯 ...
#22. 倒胃口的意思 - 國語辭典
[例]他的演講油腔滑調,令人倒胃口。 英文to spoil one's appetite, fig. to get fed up with sth ... 「倒胃口」更多造句. 1、 拜託!千萬不要在吃飯的時候說這個,倒 ...
#23. 說一口道地英語一定要會的英語搭配詞- 語言學習 - Momo 購物
為了幫助大家都能夠道地使用英語搭配詞,本書還提供了聽力練習、簡短造句、翻譯練習、看圖造句四種學習方法與大家分享。英語是很生動的語言,只要將書 ...
#24. 起勁- 中英
... symptoms may lose interest or pleasure in almost everything, and their appetite and sleep will also be affected, which will further affect their health.
#25. 今日短语/ Don't judge a book by its cover 不要以貌取人 - BBC
To have no appetite for something 对事物“不感冒”. Episode 180717 / 17 Jul 2018. Learn the meaning of this phrase here ...
#26. 開胃是什麼意思_怎麼讀_拼音 - 古詩詞庫
to whet the appetite appetizing to amuse oneself at sb's expense to tease ... 開胃. 猜你喜歡. 守護是什麼意思_守護怎麼讀_造句_近義詞_拼音_解釋
#27. 《成語意思》好逸惡勞造句_好逸惡勞中英文解釋和造句
Youth means a tempera-mental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over of the love of ease.
#28. appetite是什么意思 - 英语词典
#29. 外籍配偶成人基本識字雙語教材
造句. Sentences. 團圓八月十五,月亮又圓又. 亮,是代表團圓。 Reunion - On August 15th, ... while eating, or it will affect your appetite and digestion.
#30. 美食篇- 四级高频词汇速记造句- 喵小小酥 - 豆瓣阅读
在线阅读《美食篇》。71. 【(take a) to fancy to sb./ sth.】喜欢上某人/ 某物To take a fancy to fry foamJump affixed to the muttonBurst out attractive appetite ...
#31. 用lose the game造句 - 雨露学习互助
用这些单词造句用patient的名词词性和形容词词性,patience,lose patience和impatient造. 1年前2个回答. 用lose one's appetite for造句. 1年前2个回答.
#32. 食不甘味的意思_拼音是什么_成语解释_造句_近义词 - 汉语大辞典
【英文】: have no appetite for food. 【故事】: 战国时期,纵横家苏秦用离间六国、各个击破的连横策略去游说秦惠文王,主意没被采纳,就改用六国联合抗秦的合纵 ...
#33. 學習範圍中及上(1~4)
However, they were so delicious that Tom had a good appetite. ... 造句. 我經常親自煮中國菜。 I ______ ______ Chinese food ______. 我昨晚去Joan's吃美國菜。
#34. 1.I thought parents will let he have it, but as u…… - 朗播
托福& 雅思| 遣词造句2016-10-21# 1. ... If she has to eat same dishes everyday again and again, she won't have much of an appetite.
#35. 烧烤英文造句-雨芍学习网
(4) in summer, we should pay attention to beer refreshing, cold water bathing, appetite loss, ice-cream refreshing, friends coming to dinner ...
#36. application的用法和例句_application造句简单 - 天天知识网
#37. 談天造句和解釋_談天的例句有哪些- 小孩子點讀 - 愛講古
聊天,閒聊。 [曹禺《雷雨》:“我回來的時候看見四鳳跟那個二少爺談天。”] 談天參考例句:. 1、難得 ...
#38. 《成語意思》坐臥不安造句_坐臥不安中英文解釋和造句
《成語意思》坐臥不安造句_坐臥不安中英文解釋和造句 ... appetite to drop, irritable, it is even getSmokeCareless and not hesitate character be ...
#39. [臨床藥學] 促進食慾的藥物
身為一個小藥師本來就有風險遇到這樣的問題造句:藥師啊, ... 關於治療厭食(anorexia)的食慾促進劑(appetite stimulants),2008年的一篇回顧性文章 ...
#40. 360问答,总有你的答案lose与lost有什么区别并造句
lose与lost有什么区别并造句 · get lose和be lost怎么造句? · lose的短语及造句 · lose的一般过去时造句 · 用lost and found造句,英语造句,拜托拜托 · 用lose one's appetite ...
#41. 食欲的意思|食欲的解释|食欲造句 - 乐乐课堂
食欲的解释◎ 食欲shíyù[appetite] 指人进食的欲望增进食欲引用解释人进食的要求。 宋梅尧臣《中道小...
#42. 【高中英语】Day3 | 和出道一起背3500词
造句 :. alphabet = A B C….. (3)多写几遍这个单词挺专业的你以后口语跟别人说到字母表要是知道这个 ... XX令人毫无appetite(XX可以是你讨厌的食物或者其他啥吃的).
#43. When saying "enjoy your meal" or "bon appetite" in Mandarin ...
请慢用is a formal saying especially between waitresses and customers, while 慢慢吃is more casual. In restaurant there's another common ...
#44. appetite (【名詞】食慾)意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
處於緊張狀態的人經常會出現食慾改變和壓力激素水平升高的情況,這會對一個人的心臟和免疫系統產生破壞性影響。 瀏覽教材. Writing in the food magazine Bon Appetit, ...
#45. appetite的形容词 - 容易答知识网
思考3:吃肉的胃口(appetite) 提示:appetite: [ 'æpitait ] n. 爱好,嗜好,食欲,胃口,欲望词形变化: 形容词:appetitive 例句与用法: 1.
#46. increase造句,speed造句简单九年级 - 会计知识网
Travel increases one's knowledge of the world.旅游增进人对世界的了解.Foreign investments there increased five times.那里的外国投资增加了五倍.
#47. appetite造句_appetite造句- hibbr网
appetite造句. 2020-12-06 09:51:21. 1、I had no appetite. 2、How's your appetite? 3、He has a ferocious appetite. 4、These dishes can quicken your appetite.
#48. 与appetite的搭配 - 品信网
appetite造句. appetite用法appetite可以用作名词appetite的基本意思是“欲望”,指人或动物对食物或性的欲望; 用于比喻可指“斗志”等。 appetite既可用作 ...
#49. bon appetit 意思 - Tanhoa
“appetit” 中文翻譯: appétit音標:[apeti]n.m. 胃口,食欲;欲望,渴望. 法語中“祝你胃口好”的意思, ... 用”bon appetite”造句“bon appetite”怎么讀. 中文翻譯手機版.
#50. gap造句,receptive造句-造句网
gap造句. 我不会~~~但还是要微笑~~~:). 1.豁口,裂口,缺口[(+in)]例如:She had gaps in her teeth. 她牙齿有缺缝. 2间断;间隔;(知识等的)空白[(+in)] ...
#51. 用make an effort造句 - 福华网
make an effort to do something 怎么造句全部回答1楼2019-10-04 14:48 ... 的用法和样例: 例句I have to make an effort to work up an appetite fo ...
#52. 學英文_ 跟吃東西有關的5個用法
appetite 這個字是食慾、胃口的意思,所以good/healthy appetite就是胃口好、食慾大開。 例句:These children have healthy appetites. 這些孩子胃口真好 ...
#53. 用be lost造句
用be lost造句,lose的短语及造句_百度知道,He knocked a big hole in the wall. ... 用lose one's appetite for造句1年前2个回答lose your cool等词组造句.
#54. 單字have an appetite for的中文意思與發音 - 線上字典
單字have an appetite for的中英文例句與用法. 如果都市居民確實對它感興趣,他們會願意掏錢去買。 If city dwellers do have an appetite for the square melon ...
appetite造句 在 我們是專業的藥師!不只是會包藥而已- 【臨床藥學】 促進食慾 ... 的推薦與評價
... 這樣的問題造句:藥師啊,有沒有什麼藥可以用來______?空格可能是任何情況… 而這次被問到的______是"增加食慾"。 關於治療厭食(anorexia)的食慾促進劑(appetite. ... <看更多>