Impeachment could upend Senate control. The GOP senators who vote to acquit ... 中文(简体) · English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) · Français (France). ... <看更多>
Impeachment could upend Senate control. The GOP senators who vote to acquit ... 中文(简体) · English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) · Français (France). ... <看更多>
upend 翻譯:使顛倒;倒放。了解更多。 ... upend 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. upend. verb [ T ] ... See the definition of upend in the English dictionary ...
英文解釋 · set, turn, or stand on end; "upend the box and empty the contents" · become turned or set on end; "the airplanes upended" ...
倒立;倒置;顛倒;(使)混亂. Dr.eye 譯典通 · upend · 查看更多. IPA[ʌpˈend]. 美式. 英式. vt. 立起;倒放. 牛津中文字典. upended. upend的動詞過去式、過去分詞 ...
#4. upend 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#5. upend-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: The knowledge you are destined to learn will upend the established order of things.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"upend"
upend中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:vt. 倒放,顛倒;豎立。英漢詞典提供【upend】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
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#8. "upend"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)的問題| HiNative
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#9. upend翻译为:颠倒,倒放
upend 的中文意思:颠倒,倒放,点击查看详细解释:upend的中文翻译、upend的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握upend这个单词。
#10. upend是什么意思? upend翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
upend 的解释是:颠倒, 倒放… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:upend的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
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upend (vt.)(vi.)顛倒,倒放. ... 線上英漢字典/中文拼音/計算機 · Chinese-English Dictionary / Calculator ... Upend \Up*end"\, v. t. To end up; to set on end, ...
#12. Upend 释义| 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Dictionary
upend. (ʌpend ). 词形3rd person singular present tense upends , present participle upending , past tense, past participle upended.
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#14. upend 中文- 英文词典
upend 中文 · 动词(Verb)SGupendsPRupendingPT, PPupendedPREup-SUF-end + -. VT To end up; to set on end. To tip or turn over. · 更多范例. 用于句中.
#15. upend的意思在线翻译,解释upend中文英文含义,短语词组,音标 ...
up.end. upend的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: [ʌpˈend] KK音标发音: [ʌpˈɛnd]. upend的词性: v.(动词). upended, upending, upends. upend的词性:
#16. upend 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
upend 中文 意思是什麼. 英 美 澳. upend 解釋 ... The discoveries are helping to refine the prevailing theories of genetics or even upend them.
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#19. Upend the Horizon 2021 MSI創作者大賽
The image featured a figurative MSI RTX3090 SUPRIM X graphic card and a set of inverted binary codes...
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#22. upend中文怎么翻译_英汉词库
upend 什么意思,upend中文翻译,vt.,vi.(使)颠倒,(使)倒竖,倒置,倒转。
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end的意思漢英字典upend 音標[ʌp'end] 中文翻譯:vt. 顛倒, 倒放vi. 顛倒, 倒放字典網英文解釋:動詞upend:become turned or set on endset, turn, or stand on end 詞 ...
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主要翻译. 英语, 中文. upend, upend [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat.
#25. upend 中文
upend 的中文意思:vt.,vi.(使)顛倒,(使)倒豎,倒置,倒轉。,查閱upend的詳細中文翻譯、發音、用法和例句等。
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單字upend的中英文例句與用法. 此外,中國不斷惡化的環境也讓全球變暖的地緣政治“本末倒置”。 China's worsening environment has also upended the geopolitics of ...
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检查“ upend”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中upend的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
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英文單字中文解釋及字源解析upend 顛倒. ... upend 中文翻譯及解析. upend. [ʌpˈend] up‧end. 動顛倒, 倒放. © 2020 - 英語字源解析 -.
#30. upend - 翻译为中文
upend 从英文到中文的翻译. ... On the CO's order, you will upend your canteen. 听长官的口令 全体把水壶倒过来. 来源. 抱怨. Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018.
#31. Bartenders enjoy sports day in Taipei, upend nocturnal ...
Bartenders enjoy sports day in Taipei, upend nocturnal stereotypes (2020/08/11) Morning exercise is usually associated with early birds and health-conscious ...
#32. 皇室綠帽模擬《十字軍之王3》貴圈亂到爆,還可建立開放性 ...
... 整個畫面都填滿密密麻麻要顧及的資訊,而3 代則改良了許多顯示與操作問題,還附上簡體中文(相信繁中應該很快會出),那麼3 代這次的表現如何呢?
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Find upend stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#34. Apple's latest feature may upend OOH advertising - The Trade ...
中文.. 日语.. 德语.. French.. Spanish. Apple's latest feature may change OOH advertising — for the better.
#35. upend 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English Dictionary ...
Free online talking dictionary with handwriting recognition, fuzzy pinyin matches, word decomposition, stroke order, character etymology, etc.
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upend 相关例句和用法. He upended the beer, and swallowed..他把啤酒倒出来,大口喝了。 upend英英释义.
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#39. How Millennials Could Upend Wall Street and Corporate ...
Morley Winograd and Michael Hais outline the cultural force of the Millennial generation on the economy as Millennials increasingly dominate ...
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Your enemies conspire to upend the peaceful realm. Can you unite the lords to expel the invaders ... 不支援繁體中文. 本產品尚不支援您的目前所在地的語言。
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#43. Solar Trade Case, With Trump as Arbiter, Could Upend Market
阅读简体中文版. Millions of Americans now get their electricity, at least in part, from the solar panels that have rapidly spread throughout ...
#44. 在"英语"词典里upend}的意思 - Educalingo
该章节所呈现的将upend由英语向其他语言的翻译是通过自动统计翻译获得的;在英语中基本的翻译单位是单词«upend»。 zh. 翻译者英语- 中文. 颠覆. 1,325 数百万发言者.
#45. Google, CME Cloud Partnership Could Upend Tech ... - LinkedIn
High-frequency #traders have spent years building systems designed to work with the #exchange's data center.
#46. Tariffs to upend American brides' wedding dress dreams
* Most wedding dresses in the world come from China. * Tariffs will bankrupt American wedding dress manufacturers who import materials from ...
#47. Hosts criticize Airbnb's refund policy in response to ...
This page is not available in 繁體中文and is being displayed in English ... What she did not expect was a pandemic that would upend her ...
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2.6 萬個讚,595 則留言- Instagram 上的The New York Times(@nytimes):「 The #coronavirus pandemic is leading people everywhere to use masks ...
#49. upending中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
upending中文意思是1. 倒瞒2. 破坏3. 变动. upending中文意思是n.倒置,破坏,变动. upend中文是什么意思,upend中文翻译 · upfaulted中文是什么意思,upfaulted中文翻译 ...
#50. 观看: Tax reform plan could upend US oil trade flows - S&P ...
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#51. Revealed: Australian miner used arbitration threat to upend ...
In the early 2000s, Australia-based Newcrest Mining was one of 13 companies to win an exemption from Indonesia's 1999 Forestry Law, ...
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創業工場(英語:Startup studio),也稱為創業工作室、創業鑄造廠或是風險創業工作室,指的是其 ... 翻譯者可能不熟悉中文或原文語言,也可能使用了機器翻譯,請協助翻譯本條目或 ...
#53. UpEnd Navy Strength Gin | ReserveBar
UpEnd Navy Strength Gin is our flagship gin that pays homage to the spirit's history. At 57% abv, this is an unapologetic Navy Strength gin, so we've turned ...
#54. Upend - The Free Dictionary
Define upend. upend synonyms, upend pronunciation, upend translation, English dictionary definition of upend. v. up·end·ed , up·end·ing , up·ends v. tr. 1.
#55. upend 中文- 外匯網站大全
我接觸金融衍生品近4年。目前還沒有從市場上獲得像樣的利潤。保持盈利時間最長的記錄是三個月,450元,三個月時間翻了十倍。盈利最高的時候,是第一次 ...
#56. GE Additive Chief Explains How 3D Printing Will Upend ...
Jet engines are large and complicated machines. But sometimes surprisingly small parts can make a big difference in how they work.
#57. upend 中文- 長沙外匯交易平臺
upend 中文. 2021-10-28 07:43:11 分類: 閱讀(21944) 評論(13719). "到1978年,我已經做了8年的證券分析員。我對這種工作極為厭倦。我知道是時候做出改變了。
#58. What does UPEND mean? -
upend verb. become turned or set on end. "the airplanes upended" · upendverb. set, turn, or stand on end. "upend the box and empty the contents" ...
#59. 微信 - FT中文网
Trump presidency will not upend dollar's pivotal role - FT中文网. 分享到微信. 1. 打开微信,点击“发现”,调出“扫一扫”功能. 2. 手机摄像头对准左边的二维码,打开 ...
#60. Rahm Emanuel - Impeachment could upend Senate control ...
Impeachment could upend Senate control. The GOP senators who vote to acquit ... 中文(简体) · English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) · Français (France).
#61. 鱼油和鱼粉| GLOBEFISH-专注世界渔业贸易分析与信息 -
09-09-2020 Although COVID-19 continues to upend the global economy, surprisingly, Peru has reported good progress in achieving the quota set for the first ...
#62. Uživatel 美国之音中文网na Twitteru: „学个词- upend ...
美国之音中文官方推特@voachinese 美国之音中文网您可靠的信息来源- 通晓美中大事锁定美国之音 ...
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Taiwan中文. 變更. 未找到符合的項目. Taiwan中文 · TaiwanEnglish · GlobalEnglish. 本地網站. AlbaniaEnglish · Algeriafrançais · AngolaEnglish ...
#64. 英國今日大選,保守黨或將連任 - SBS
Young Voters Helped Upend the Last UK Election. ... 中文集锦: 收看SBS委托制作的澳洲故事中文简体字幕版以及浏览我们广受欢迎的中文电影集锦.
#65. Antebellum - Google Play 電影
But a shocking turn of events is about to upend Veronica's existence, ... 支援字幕的語言:德文、波蘭文、簡體中文、英文、葡萄牙文(巴西)和西班牙文(拉丁 ...
#66. Scott Morrison's willingness to upend submarine policy shows ...
There is no such luxury for the Prime Minister when it comes to re-setting Australia's emissions reduction target. The need for a recalibration ...
#67. “我们将利用轨道技术颠覆市场” | B&R Industrial Automation
中国- 中文. 请选择国家和语言. Asia. Europe; Asia; North America; South America; International. Please choose a continent, Europe, Asia, North America ...
#68. By 2040, Artificial Intelligence Could Upend Nuclear Stability
Artificial intelligence has the potential to upend the foundations of nuclear deterrence by the year 2040. While AI-controlled doomsday ...
#69. Can Amazon upend the luxury sector? | Bain & Company
Ecommerce has momentum: by 2025, consultancy Bain & Company estimates that roughly one-third of luxury's annual sales will be made online, ...
#70. 分享近期我积累的10个英文表达_upend - 手机搜狐网
#71. Google, CME Cloud Partnership Could Upend Tech ...
High-frequency traders have spent years building systems designed to work with the exchange's data center.
#72. Can the Yahoo Japan-Line merger upend the global tech ...
Japan's biggest search engine and most popular messaging app have announced a merger that is set to shake up the country's tech industry.
#73. Study Predicts Millions of Unsellable Homes Could Upend ...
正文(中文). Millions of American homes could become unsellable -- or could be sold at significant losses to their senior-citizen owners ...
#74. US Department of Education Prepares to Upend Title IX ...
For the first time in 40 years, the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) will make significant regulatory changes to Title IX, the federal law ...
#75. Taiwan's Leader's Words Threaten to Upend U.S.-China Ties
Comments from Taiwan's president are threatening to upend U.S.-China ties. On Oct. 10, Tsai Ing-wen said Taiwan and the mainland are “not ...
#76. After COVID-19, will movie fans return to the theater ... - Deloitte
Will the popularity of PVoD and streaming options—and viewer reluctance to return to theaters—inspire movie studios to reevaluate their ...
#77. Educators too must work to upend the roots of racial violence
The Chicago Teachers Union is an organization that values and respects the needs of our students and their communities.
#78. WSJ: "Low Appraisals Upend Home Sales" - JVM Lending
Buyers and sellers often seem to think the appraisal process is too subjective, but I would argue that it is often far less subjective than ...
#79. HGG Top 8 to Battle at BlizzCon - 爐石戰記 - Hearthstone
... to take a single game, but pulled off a miracle run like Hong Kong's to ultimately upend the Portuguese players in the decider match.
#80. Direct brands upend the purchase funnel | WARC
Sign in Get a demo Get news Do I subscribe? English · English · 中文 · 한국어.
#81. AWS's Santanu Dutt and Anand Iyer on Why Blockchain ...
AWS's Santanu Dutt and Anand Iyer on Why Blockchain Technology Will Upend Industries. by Michael V. Copeland | on 07 FEB 2018 | in Startup | Permalink | ...
#82. upended的中文意思翻譯和英語場景例句- 留聲詞典
upended的中文翻譯是什麼意思. upended. US/ʌ'pendɪd/. UK/ʌ'pendɪd/. v. 顛倒,倒放( upend的過去式和過去分詞); 頂鍛. 查看完整釋義 ...
#83. Beach Read - 博客來
海外專區. 繁體中文 ... 繁體中文. 前往博客來電腦版. 與我們聯絡 ... challenge that may just upend everything they believe about happily ever afters.
#84. UOB joins forces with Fave to upend the traditional rewards ...
This makes UOB Rewards+ the largest merchant rewards programme in Singapore and UOB customers can enjoy more savings when they pay for exclusive ...
#85. 相關本末倒置的英語章節
倒置是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋: 倒置詞語:倒置解釋:upend詞典:廣播專業漢英詞典倒置相關解釋upend〔名詞〕豎立upend〔及物動詞〕豎立,頂鍛upend〔名詞〕 ...
#86. 全部期刊列表 - X-MOL
当前位置: X-MOL 学术 › Nature › 论文详情. A 'smart' system could upend a decades-old method of cell analysis ... 中文翻译: ...
#87. El Segundo's Navitas plans to upend device charger market ...
Gene Sheridan hopes to expand his power company's market from cell phones to data centers, solar panels and electric vehicles with a $1 billion public ...
#88. Manchester derby fires blanks, fans help Everton upend ...
Manchester United and Manchester City did their Premier League title ambitions little favours in a drab 0-0 draw at Old Trafford as ...
#89. As the Classic Department Store Falters, These 4 Challengers ...
As the Classic Department Store Falters, These 4 Challengers Want to Upend the Retail Model. An adjacent industry is cropping up.
#90. SEC Disgorgement Authority May Be Limited Event After ...
Against this backdrop, some have suggested the amendments “neuter” or “upend” Liu's limitations on disgorgement.
#91. How the McDonald's Franchise Labor Case Could Upend an ...
The NLRB is backing employees of McDonald's franchisees who want the fast food firm to be treated as a “joint employer” along with the franchise ...
#92. upend - 維基詞典,自由的多語言詞典 - Wiktionary
upend. 語言 · 監視 · 編輯. 目錄. 1 英語. 1.1 發音; 1.2 動詞; 1.3 詞源; 1.4 近義語. 英語. Car upended by hurricane. 颶風將車吹起,車的一部分不再接觸地面 ...
#93. China Property Turmoil Risks Upending Green Debt Market
(Bloomberg) — The debt crisis engulfing the Chinese real estate sector is threatening to upend developers that have borrowed billions in ...
#94. Personal insults are a poor substitute for policy - The Australian
They are on a permanent mission to upend the establishment, seize control and save the day. To the left, be it mistreating refugees, ...
#95. Hitting the Books: An ode to the joy of antibiotics | Engadget
... new research would be applied to battle not just the pandemics of old, but daily infections that could upend people's lives.
#96. Bill would let school districts divert local tax money to private ...
Democrats have blasted the efforts as attempts to upend the public school funding system; school administrators have worried the new ...
#97. 任__西南北_:___中外_典_著前言后_集_:中文、英文 - Google 圖書結果
In line 2 the word“upend”is employed to show that the poet believed there was a Creator in the universe,for who could upend a stream but gods and immortals?
#98. Who Will Defeat Inflation? |
However, while the drama helped uplift the USD Index and upend the PMs, the 'hawk talk' is likely far from its peak.
#99. 老外說你很basic是什麼意思?課本上學不到!2015最潮的10大 ...
on fleek 中文 rekt意思 turn up 意思 turn up意思 bae 意思 rekt 意思 basic 中文. 自己英文自己救. VoiceTube看影片學英語.
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