【沒有了白宮聯署點算 - Twitter 戰線小貼士 - 請詳閱 - 並廣傳】by 是但哥 Is But
請各位 Twitter User 準備作戰了。既然白宮聯署網唔知幾時先整好,我哋都唔好依賴,每人都幫手在美國國會議員的 Twitter 度留言,請佢哋復會後盡快通過《香港人權及民主法案》吧。以下內容,請搵個方便自己做事嘅地方 save 低。
1/ Twitter 留言寫法:
而家有四個寫法畀大家參考,字數上係過到 Twitter 限制的,可以拎去用,但當然你有自己寫法係最好,畀議會感覺先唔會咁機械。
Please help Hong Kong people and pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. #LiberateHK #FreeHK #hkpolicebrutality #hkprotest
Please pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act in order to ensure that all residents of Hong Kong are afforded freedom from arbitrary or unlawful arrest, detention, or imprisonment.
We have been on the streets in recent months, fighting for freedom. Those HK politicians who recently visited Washington are looking after Beijing's interest, they do not represent us. By passing the #HK Human Rights and Democracy Act, America will help us achieve our goal.
Please pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act and help us. We are entering a somber phase of what must inevitably be a protracted and broadening struggle. We shall defend our home and her status as an "internationalized autonomy" under Sino-British Joint Declaration.
2/ 美國國會議員 Twitter 列表
下面條Link係美國國會議員的Twitter list,但要慢慢follow,加得太急會唔畀你加。
3/ 圖
「unlawful detention」的推薦目錄:
unlawful detention 在 介意哥 Cut Spaghetti Facebook 的最讚貼文
【沒有白宮聯署的子 - Twitter 戰線小貼士 - 請詳閱 - 並廣傳】
請各位 Twitter User 準備作戰了。既然白宮聯署網唔知幾時先整好,我哋都唔好依賴,每人都幫手在美國國會議員的 Twitter 度留言,請佢哋復會後盡快通過《香港人權及民主法案》吧。以下內容,請搵個方便自己做事嘅地方 save 低。
1/ Twitter 留言寫法:
而家有四個寫法畀大家參考,字數上係過到 Twitter 限制的,可以拎去用,但當然你有自己寫法係最好,畀議會感覺先唔會咁機械。
Please help Hong Kong people and pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. #LiberateHK #FreeHK #hkpolicebrutality #hkprotest
Please pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act in order to ensure that all residents of Hong Kong are afforded freedom from arbitrary or unlawful arrest, detention, or imprisonment.
We have been on the streets in recent months, fighting for freedom. Those HK politicians who recently visited Washington are looking after Beijing's interest, they do not represent us. By passing the #HK Human Rights and Democracy Act, America will help us achieve our goal.
Please pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act and help us. We are entering a somber phase of what must inevitably be a protracted and broadening struggle. We shall defend our home and her status as an "internationalized autonomy" under Sino-British Joint Declaration.
2/ 美國國會議員 Twitter 列表
下面條Link係美國國會議員的Twitter list,但要慢慢follow,加得太急會唔畀你加。
3/ 圖
unlawful detention 在 周庭 Agnes Chow Ting Facebook 的精選貼文
【🚫 #撤回逃犯條例修訂 聲明】
極權司法威脅全球在港人士 不容移送中國大陸法院受審
【Retract the Changes to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance】
Authoritarian Judiciary Threatens Global Citiznes in Hong Kong Protest Against Extradition Allowing Trial in Mainland China
(👇please scroll down for English Ver.)
然而首當其衝的,仍然是港台兩地反抗中共強權的異議人士,《逃犯條例》本身包含「叛變性行為」、「違禁品進出口」、「非法使用電腦」等罪行,令政府易於羅織罪名。中國政府向有以「經濟犯罪」對付國內維權人士的積陋,早已臭名遠播。惡法之下,誰都有可能是下一個林榮基、下一個桂民海、下一個李明哲 —— 下一個極權司法的受害者。
The Security Bureau recently suggested changing the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance, allowing Hong Kong suspects to be extradited to Mainland China where they would be tried in Court. According to the proposed changes, should the Chinese government confirm that the individual has offended any of the terms stated in the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance, after getting permission from the Chief Executive and the Hong Kong Court, the individual may be extradited to Mainland China to await trial without deliberation in the Legislative Council.
The Hong Kong government’s proposition to change a current law is an attempt to prepare to entrap oppositional voices for China, and is a step towards judicial integration and eroding Hong Kong’s legal system, allowing Hong Kong citizens to be subjected to an autocratic Court. China’s threat to Hong Kong also places people from Taiwan and other parts of the world who pass by Hong Kong in jeopardy. The situation merits attention from the international community.
The current Chinese judicial system is controlled by the Party and its ideology, Chinese citizens do not enjoy fair and open trials. Individuals, such as the Party’s political opponents and activists, have be “disappeared”, falsely accused, lawyers have been arrested and even tortured. Its behaviour has been been condemned by the international community. Hong Kong should not hand over suspects to places that do not meet the standards of international human rights law, let alone to a legal system that is completely different from our own.
Not only would Hong Kong people not be protected by the common law system, but people from all over the world would be exposed to the risk of retaliatory detention in China. Since the arrest of Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of Huawei, in Canada, China has retaliated and arrested three Canadian citizens in China. The Chinese government’s move has casted a shadow over the revision of the law. Hong Kong would deteriorate into an international hostage exchange ground, aiding dictatorial China in countering international pressure is something that Hong Kong people cannot tolerate.
However, the first to bear the brunt will be the dissidents of China’s powers in Hong Kong and Taiwan. The Fugitive Offenders Ordinance itself includes offences such as mutiny, smuggling and unlawful use of computers, making it easy for the government to sue these dissidents. The Chinese government has long been notorious for the accumulation of "economic crimes" against domestic activists. Under the new law, anyone may become the next Lam Wing Kee, the next Gui Minhai, and the next Lee Mingche - the next victim of the “totalitarian justice”.
Demosisto strongly urges the Hong Kong government to retract the changes to be made to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance which would allow extradition to Mainland China, and to instead follow a reasonable and democratically-supervised manner in resolving the current extradition relating to the Taiwan murder case. At the same time, we encourage Hong Kong citizens and the international community to voice out their opposition against the proposed changes in order to protect the dignity of Hong Kong’s rule of law and their own citizens.
17th February 2019