#葉郎每日讀報 #一週大事版
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呼風喚雨的好萊塢三大經紀公司 CAA、UTA 和 WME 向來是好萊塢權勢排行榜的前幾名,因為自從片廠明星制敗亡之後,最靠近明星、最能影響一部電影開拍與否的就是這些明星的經紀人。
過去一週先有 WME 的合夥人 Phillip Sun (同時是 John Boyega 、Donald Glover、Idris Elba 、Michael B. Jordan、Rihanna 和 Henry Cavill 的經紀人)宣佈脫離 WME 自己出來創業,和另一位製片Charles D. King的製片公司整併為一家新的經紀公司 M88。新公司的第一個簽約客戶就是從 WME 挖來的藝人 Michael B. Jordan。
不過真正的震撼彈還是這一波集體離職:CAA 四位資深經紀人 Jack Whigham、Dave Bugliari、 Michael Cooper 和 Mick Sullivan 同時出走,引發了 CAA 領導階層的大震撼。這四位經紀人將加入另外一個 CAA 前輩 Peter Micelli 即將成立的新經紀公司。
這家名稱未定的新公司背後的金主也引發議論,因為這位出手撼動好萊塢經紀公司版圖的藏鏡人正是著名的 Trump 支持者、美國史上最成功的對沖基金經理、身價141億美元的華爾街超級富豪 Steven Cohen。好萊塢因此充滿耳語,認為 Cohen 背後的右派勢力正想藉此清洗好萊塢向來堅貞的左派樂土。
Hollywood Reporter 獨家取得這家新經紀公司的募資簡報,揭露其獨特的商業模式。這些資深經紀人在簡報中批評目前好萊塢小的經紀公司沒有夠水準的人才服務客戶,大的經紀公司又大到無法專心服務好萊塢前1%的頂尖人物。他們同時認為過去半年編劇工會和經紀公司之間的對抗是娛樂產業史上最嚴重的分裂。因此未來新公司將會召募資深經紀人和頂尖節目統籌(通常是編劇),來創造史無前例的合作關係。
下一個 Spotify 會是什麼?
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上週,一家2018年才成立的音樂VR新創公司 MelodyVR 宣佈以 7000萬美元併購上個世紀的音樂新創公司 Napster。
如果這家被併購的企業聽起來有點耳熟,你沒記錯,它就是曾出現在電影《The Social Network 社群網站》惡名昭彰真實人物 Sean Parker(Justin Timberlake 飾演)所創辦的公司。Napster 一方面是按下音樂產業末日鍵的那個反派,同時也是建構如今 Spotify 仍在使用的P2P傳輸技術基礎的英雄。
MelodyVR 的執行長 Anthony Matchett 接受 Rolling Stone 訪問,解釋他們收購 Napster 的真正動機——他們想要變成下一個音樂串流巨人,下一個 Spotify。
當年的盜版平台 Napster 早已轉型成為音樂串流平台,MelodyVR 則是在疫情中得到非常多注目的演唱會 VR 體驗的內容提供者。Matchett認為兩者結合之後,將可以同時服務對「聆聽專輯」和「體驗演唱會」有需求的愛樂者。Matchett 認為目前擁擠的音樂串流平台有一個致命的要害:他們都不是內容的擁有者,最後都會像 Spotify 那樣淪為替唱片公司到處收租的跑腿者,把所有的利潤都供上給唱片公司。MelodyVR 的優勢就是演唱會 VR 體驗的內容是自製的,而不是去向別人高價取得授權來的。
許多人看好 MelodyVR 正在發展的虛擬實境音樂互動體驗會再次顛覆音樂產業,而 Napster 一個不小心又涉入了另一個破壞式創新的未爆彈。
在此同時,Spotify 則忙著繞過 MelodyVR 執行長口中的致命要害:
Spotify 剛剛簽下該公司第一個全球性的贊助合約,將成為《League of Legends 英雄聯盟》電競比賽的贊助商。Spotify 的行銷主管June Sauvaget說這兩個領域的消費者原本就有大量重疊:「玩家正紛紛在用音樂來配上他們的遊戲體驗」。在此同時,Spotify也開始在軟體上提供英雄聯盟專屬歌單,並準備為英雄聯盟製作一系列專屬Podcast節目,踩進電競轉播、報導、訪談的全新領域。成為玩家的專屬音樂平台是一回事,但顯然 Spotify 念茲在茲的還是擺脫唱片的束縛,試圖扮演聲音版的電競影音社群Twitch(附帶一提,Spotify也開始推影片版Podcast,所以他們跟Twitch的差別真的會越來越小了。)
此外,Spotify 快速茁壯的 Podcast 版圖上週又增加新的板塊。繼簽下Kim Kardashian、TikTok 影音網紅 Addison Rae 後,Spotify 再度簽下生活時尚領域的 Instagram 網紅 Rickey Thompson和Denzel Dion。前者在 Instagram 上有590萬訂閱者,後者則有180萬。兩人將為 Spotify 主持一個每週更新的 Podcast 節目。
在Spotify 到處蒐集網紅的同時,Spotify 平台上的重量級 podcaster Joe Budden 則突然宣布要跟 Spotify 終止合作,因為他認為自己節目的價值被 Spotify 低估。Spotify 從過去仰賴唱片公司授權內容到現在積極生產自己的內容,但它也終於必須開始面對服伺這些創作者的苦差事。究竟是要伺候已成大明星的,還是要加緊培養還未成氣候的,這是個難題。
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《Tenet 天能》在全球第四大電影市場韓國上映後雖拿下票房冠軍(首日即累積近60萬美元票房),但每日票房卻因為首爾疫情回溫而出現逐日下滑的現象。在此同時《Mulan 花木蘭》在韓國的上映計畫也因為疫情的不確定因素臨時喊卡。
另一方面,中國市場的票房仍然表現強勁,《八佰》的票房到昨日為止已經逼近18億人民幣,同時也使中國市場年度總票房在幾天前突破50億人民幣的關卡。英國的電影產業分析公司 Gower Street 在最新的報告中指出中國已經成為全世界第一個從疫情中完全恢復的電影市場,因為已經有90%的中國電影院已經恢復營業,而且過去一週的票房17.4億人民幣已經比去年同期的14.4億成長了18%。在此同時,全世界的電影院目前只有將近65%恢復營業。
加州州長 Gavin Newsom 昨天發佈了新修訂的防疫準則,使舊金山和聖地牙哥等城市符合初步解封標準,可以讓電影院以25%上座率(不超過100人)的標準重新開放營業。但好萊塢所在的洛杉磯郡官員隨即發表聲明,表示即便該郡真的達到州政府的解封標準,郡政府仍打算在可預見的未來繼續實施該郡原有的防疫準則,禁止包含電影院在內的所有室內服務場所和購物中心開門營業。也就是說我們幾乎可以確定,即使是好萊塢從業人員,也可能必須長途旅行到其他城市才有機會在9月3日第一部疫情後上映的片廠大片《天能》上映時躬逢其盛。
有些好萊塢從業人員則積極勸阻大家不要這麼做。漫威電影《Doctor Strange 奇異博士》導演 Scott Derrickson 在網路上警呼籲美國觀眾「請千萬不要去電影院看《天能》或是其他任何電影。」他引用美國民主黨政治人物同時也是醫生、流行病學家、公衛學教 授 Abdul El-Sayed 博士的發言,主張對美國人來說現在進電影院絕對不是好主意。順便更新一下美國疫情:昨日單日新增確認案例為44258例(累計597萬例),昨日新增死亡案例為870人(累計18.2萬人)。
另一方面 Warner 仍力挺美國電影院復甦之路:媒體消息來源指出 Warner 將要求必須當地的普通室內電影院可以照常營業,才會容許當地的汽車電影院放映《天能》。比如屆時如果洛杉磯的普通電影院無法正常營業,當地的汽車電影院將不得映演該片。IndieWire 認為 Warner 之所以封殺這些汽車電影院,是因導演 Christopher Nolan 仍然比較屬意傳統電影院的放映品質,並且不希望《天能》對於票房的刺激作用落在汽車電影院上,致使汽車電影院數量繼續增長。電影院體驗的最後一位聖盃騎士封號完全不是當假的!
2012年中國萬達集團以26億美元收購美國 AMC 電影院,2016年 AMC 再以11億美元收購另一家連鎖電影院品牌 Carmike,藉以成為全美國以及全世界最大的連鎖電影院。不過當年為了併購案可以獲得政府核准,AMC 向反托拉斯法的主管機關司法部承諾退出15個地區的電影院市場,來避免影響市場公平競爭。四年之後,AMC 傳出向法院請求撤銷當年的協議,使他們可以買回當年被迫出售的幾家電影院。
有趣的是AMC似乎正在跟母公司的另外一個事業體萬達電影採取相同的策略,趁著疫情致使各電影院競爭體質弱化的良機,拉攏這些電影院成為自己的一部分。萬達電影採用的是加盟體系,AMC 則打算直接併購瀕臨破產的電影院。手段不太一樣,但目的是一樣的:透過規模擴充來降低經營成本,並增加對發行商的談判力量。
問題是已經半年沒有一毛錢票房進帳的 AMC 還有多少流動現金可以用?
WME Partner Phillip Sun, Macro’s Charles D. King Launch M88 Representation Firm, With Michael B. Jordan as Sun’s First Client(https://bit.ly/34JzML5)
The Great Agency Exodus: Top Reps Flee the Majors As Management Civil War Looms(https://bit.ly/34zqUaV)
After Agency Exodus, New Firm Pitches Investors On Star-Driven Production "Cash Cow"(https://bit.ly/3jte2ra)
Spotify Buys Exclusive Sponsorship for Riot Games ‘League of Legends’ Esports(https://bit.ly/2ElxlUm)
Why ‘Tenet’ Is Limiting Drive-In Screenings: Here’s the Logic Behind the Policy(https://bit.ly/2EyekOk)
The director of 'Doctor Strange' told people not to see 'Tenet' in theaters(https://bit.ly/2EjY97C)
Napster’s New Bosses Want To Make A New Kind of Music-Streaming Giant(https://bit.ly/31wcExI)
Spotify Inks Podcast Pact With Influencers Rickey Thompson, Denzel Dion(https://bit.ly/3b29DIA)
China Is World’s First Market to Achieve Full Box Office Recovery, Says Analytics Firm(https://bit.ly/3hB5WfC)
Los Angeles Won't Reopen Theaters in Near Future, Even If State Allows It(https://bit.ly/3jmLGif)
AMC Moves to Take Over Theaters Impacted by COVID-19 Crisis(https://bit.ly/2YNkBNn)
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Thuvan Pham,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Trying out the cute stuff that influencers tend to pick from YesStyle! I'm trying on 27 items so watch it till the enddd. I have another yesstyle pac...
「top music influencers on instagram」的推薦目錄:
- 關於top music influencers on instagram 在 葉郎:異聞筆記 / Dr. Strangenote Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於top music influencers on instagram 在 AppWorks Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於top music influencers on instagram 在 Thuvan Pham Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於top music influencers on instagram 在 Natalia Natchan・itsPiNKII Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於top music influencers on instagram 在 Helen's Recipes (Vietnamese Food) Youtube 的最佳解答
top music influencers on instagram 在 AppWorks Facebook 的最佳貼文
[How to find the right marketing channel that’ll work for you]
In the world where almost every app, website, and even internet browsers are tracking our digital footprint, more than ever before, we have the ability to place our adverts in front of any customer. But increasingly, I’ve seen this act as a double edged sword for founders and their startup, they end up buying all types of advertising, retargeting tools, across multiple platforms and channels, burning through their marketing budget without really moving the needle. This got me thinking, what’s the best practice in selecting the right marketing channel, especially with a constrained budget?
We start with the customer journey, what hurdles does your customer need to overcome in order to purchase your product. Can this decision be made by the customer alone? Or do they have to discuss this with their significant other? maybe a parent? or their manager? or even the CEO. Understanding the decision process and parties involved, lets you narrow down the audience segment and how to target them. You want to have marketing strategies for both your customer and the decision makers, selling to engineers and selling to CEOs are equally important but they are very different. The fundamental difference lies between:
Your customer will most likely have a very different digital footprint compared to the decision maker. Just like a parent doesn’t watch as much Youtube as their kids, neither will a CEO compare to the average engineer. So if your customer’s decision marker hasn't heard about you, the hurdle you’ll need to overcome is much higher.
There is a high chance their digital footprint falls into the biggest websites in the world, like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and local forums like Dcard/Reddit. So as these websites invest millions of dollars in R&D to compete for screen time, the only way to increase your exposure is to find the touch points they engage with on these platforms. Which brings me to my last point:
As the entertainment industry follows the retail industry’s footsteps in decentralization, we become less influenced by mainstream media and top down commercials. Customers now have direct and uninterrupted access to influencers, opinion leaders, and entertainers, who they resonate with on a much deeper level. Whether it is their taste in food, music, fashion, or personal values. I’m very bullish on influencers, KOLs, and the future of social commerce. Although it is a very fragmented space, but with diligent testing and supervision, I have seen startups successfully operate influencers and KOLs as a positive ROAS channel.
If you're a founder interested in growing your startup. You will love our community and mentors, check our website to add your name to the mailing list when the next application kicks off @ www.appworks.tw/accelerator
by Jack An
Analyst at AppWorks
top music influencers on instagram 在 Thuvan Pham Youtube 的最讚貼文
Trying out the cute stuff that influencers tend to pick from YesStyle!
I'm trying on 27 items so watch it till the enddd. I have another yesstyle package waiting to be tried on by yours truly. If possible I will try to have that up this weekend. For now, enjoy this try on haul and happy shoppinggg.
Stay safe, stay healthy and stay thriving x Thuvan ?
‣ I'm 167cm tall
‣ typically wear size XS
#yesstyle #tryonhaul #influencerpicks #yesstyleinfluencer
$$ Discount code:
THUVANPHAM for YesStyle https://ys.style/TXLxdCGZVdb
+ Honet - Floral Print Mesh Halter Top
pink, size S, $8.71
+ LIVIE - Ruched Cropped Camisole Top
tea green, size S, $11.62
+ Trisica - Lace-Trimmed Cropped Camisole Top
white, size M, $8.18
+ Sosana - Short Sleeve Lace Top
black, size L, $10.00
brown, size L, $10.00
+ Bulgaris - Short-Sleeve Lace Smocked Shirt
white, size M, $17.92
+ KAKAGA - Long Sleeve Plain Shirt
white, one size, $16.75
+ Yinyanna - Wide-Leg Sweatpants
gray, size L, $20.16
+ Whoosh - Spaghetti Strap Dress
G- Strap dress - black, size S, $18.82
+ Nabla - Floral Embroidered Bustier
white, size S, $20.68
+ Serendipitous - Mini Pencil Skirt
black - size S - $14.68
+ Coshield - Undershorts
black, size L, $4.24
almond, size L, $4.24
+ Windflower - Strapless Bra
black, one size, $11.37
nude, one size, $11.37
+ Shinto - Cutout Hair Claw
4 - blue, one size, $3.83
+ 4.4 STUDIO - Plain Hair Claw
amber, one size, $3.62
transparent, one size, $3.62
+ Yukami - Plain Hair Claw
grass green, one size, $4.24
+ Gold Beam - Butterfly Hair Claw
transparent butterfly hair clip, one size, $3.72
yellow transparent butterfly hair clip, one size, $3.72
+ Gemsha - Freshwater Baroque Pearl Ring
white, one size, $4.45
+ Studio Nana - Faux Pearl Butterfly Dangle Choker
silver, one size, $7.03
+ YUGGI - Butterfly Charm Chain Necklace
1 pc - butterfly charm chain necklace, one size, $4.14
+ Studio Nana - Faux Pearl Double-Layered Necklace
1 pc - double layers - gold, one size, $5.90
+ Seirios - Beaded Flower Choker
2501 - necklace - multicolour, one size, $4.75
2501 - necklace - blue, one size, $4.75
‣ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thuvnn/
‣ Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSCmnWqQ/
‣ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thuvnn
‣ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/thuvnnp
‣ Pinterest: https://pin.it/7lxenr9
‣ Business inquiries: business@thuvanpham.co
‣ Music by DJ GONZ - The Sweet Life - https://thmatc.co/?l=6D2969A0
☁︎ ☁︎ ☁︎
Name: Thuvan Pham
Content: Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Travel
Camera (video specific): Canon g7x mark ll
Editing program: Final Cut Pro
$$ Discount code:
THUVANPHAM for YesStyle https://ys.style/TXLxdCGZVdb
FTC: YesStyle links are affiliate.
top music influencers on instagram 在 Natalia Natchan・itsPiNKII Youtube 的最讚貼文
What do you guys think of the photos before and after? Do you edit your photos at all?
original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bF3x-NtCcZ8
I'm an american girl from Missouri, who's lived in Japan for 4 years. I make music and youtube videos. doya♡
For business inquiries please contact me on the “contact” section of my homepage.
For vocal/songwriting work please contact me on Airgigs:
My online shop https://pinkiistore.bigcartel.com/
You can find my music here
My song used in the end of this video: https://songwhip.com/album/pinkii/bubblegum-gang
old music videos on this channel
Join the BUBBLEGUM GANG Discord Server!
Please Like and Subscribe!
and Follow me here~
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・Twitter https://twitter.com/itspinkii
・Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@itspinkii
・Amino https://aminoapps.com/u/itsPiNKII・Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/itspinkii
top music influencers on instagram 在 Helen's Recipes (Vietnamese Food) Youtube 的最佳解答
Join me and 24 other top food and travel influencers from Southeast Asia in a trip to Singapore to visit Google Asia Pacific Head Quarter and take part in the Google Cookoff event.
Cùng Helen và 24 influencers khác từ các quốc gia khắp khu vực Đông Nam Á tham dự sự kiện Google Cookoff ở Singapore để có một cái nhìn sâu hơn về một khía cạnh của Singapore bạn có thể chưa từng được thấy. Với sự hỗ trợ của Google như một trợ lý cá nhân, bọn mình tìm hiểu về nền nông nghiệp địa phương và nếm thử những tinh hoa ẩm thực của đất nước này.
►Full recipe | Xem công thức đầy đủ : https://helenrecipes.com
►GET MY COOKBOOKS | Đặt mua sách nấu ăn của Helen http://helenrecipes.com/cookbook/
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►Items in my kitchen: www.amazon.com/shop/helenrecipes
Các sản phẩm trong bếp nhà Helen: https://shopee.vn/m/Helenrecipe
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►Some of your favorites | Các video được yêu thích nhất:
Best ever Pho Recipe | Phở: https://youtu.be/EpRBxau3ou0
Original Bun Bo | Bún Bò Huế: https://youtu.be/4222YFNqDP8
Vietnamese Baguette | Bí Kiếp Bánh Mì Gia Truyền: https://youtu.be/Dz9r3vNRxPA
Cooking with Grandma | Vào Bếp cùng Ngoại: https://youtu.be/UkZL4Dkjqpg
All Vietnamese desserts | Các món tráng miệng https://bit.ly/3rAMEvn
Everyday family meals | Bữa cơm gia đình https://bit.ly/3jzuiZ0
Music from Youtube music library
Music: Dreams by Joakim Karud
→ https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
→ https://twitter.com/JoakimKarud
#HelenRecipes #vietnamesefood #vietnameserecipes