【 失落的符號 ── 成敗皆因丹布朗 】
九月忙到「甩肺」,全天候追趕Schedule,就連睇電視也變得奢侈。為了不想脫節,只好捱眼瞓深宵追劇,照道理應該看Netflix人氣劇《魷魚遊戲》(Squid Game),但最後還是選擇剛於9月14日推出的美劇《失落的符號》(The Lost Symbol),完全因為「丹爺」!
當然不是劉丹,是鼎鼎大名的暢銷作家丹布朗(Dan Brown)。2003年《達文西密碼》(The Da Vinci Code)出版後,全球至今賣出超過8,000萬冊,並推出44種翻譯本,之後更改編成同名電影,由奧斯卡影帝湯漢斯(Tom Hanks)主演,還記得2006年上映時,仍在大學唸書,擔心「湊熱鬧」買飛入場睇唔明,勁有誠意買下台灣中譯本,一邊上堂一邊在枱底下靜靜偷看,結果就算沒有到過巴黎的羅浮宮看過蒙羅麗莎真跡,仍能一看到底。
事實上,因為《達》與前作《天使與魔鬼》(Angels and Demons/2000)太受歡迎,令共濟會(Freemasonry)一下子成為全球熱門搜尋的關鍵字,而Dan Brown亦從此成為流行文化領域中一道「吸Like」的生招牌,只要有新書,都會令人有想追看的意欲,可惜往後幾本著作:《失落的符號》(2009)、《地獄》(Inferno/2013)和《起源》(Origin/2017)推出後無法超越前作,令外界懷疑「丹爺」是否已江郎才盡。
畢竟小說與影像的呈現方式各異,好書不代表能夠拍成優質的影像作品,反之亦然,正因為有《達文西密碼》電影版的成功,心想《失落的符號》的劇集也可以一試,值得留意的是,此劇由TVB跟Imagine Entertainment 合營協製。全劇10集,已看過兩集,得出以下總結:成也Dan Brown,敗也Dan Brown。因為他既是原著作者,也是劇集監製之一。《失》原著小說發生在《天》及《達》之後,但劇集版時間則設定為前傳,劇情和人物亦有少許改動。講述哈佛大學教授兼符號學專家Robert Langdon(Ashley Zukerman飾)收到恩師Peter Solomon(Eddie Izzard飾)助手電話後,趕赴華盛頓國會山莊演講。到埗不久,現場竟然出現一隻指著天花壁畫的斷掌。Langdon靠無名指上的光明會戒指,辨認出實為Peter斷掌,從而得知恩師遭綁架,此後神秘人再來電,要求他查出一個關於共濟會並涉及全球安危的秘密,否則Peter性命不保,Langdon才發現已陷入一連串的致命謎團中。
個人認為,若將「丹爺」作品改編成影視作品,拍成劇集遠比電影理想,後者需要在兩個小時至三個小時內講完整個故事,觀眾或會覺得劇情交代得太倉促,卻未能充分將Langdon的内心完全刻畫出來 ── Langdon這個木獨的角色不易演,Tom Hanks將情緒拿捏準確而不令人不討厭,已是超額完成。
首集劇情推進方面尚算不錯,沒有拖泥帶水直入重點,Langdon要避開CIA追捕的過程中帶著金字塔裝置,並需要尋找消失的金字塔頂部(尖頂石),從而打開通往宇宙力量的神秘之門。觀眾很快便知道綁架的策劃者是誰,亦知道案件跟Peter的兒子Zachary(Keenan Jolliff飾)在土耳其獄中身亡有關,背後涉及共濟會中的極神秘組織,需要透過Langdon解密找到答案,成功借助重重疑點營造出追看氣氛,就算如我那樣,對共濟會的背景及另類暗黑歷史毫不理解,也依然想看故事的發展。
可惜來到第二集,劇情沒有明顯進展,鋪排上亦有不少反駁位,Langdon在沒有遇上任何困難而成功找到綫索,然後繼續過下一關,最誇張一幕,是他與Solomon女兒Katherine(Valorie Curry飾),竟然「一個唔該」就能夠將中槍傷的國會山莊執勤的警員Alfonso Nuñez(Rick Gonzalez飾)送出醫院,並讓他找到本屬證物、Peter斷掌上的戒指,會不會太過簡單?,
另一個問題是「丹爺」重複自己。《失》劇開首,跟電影《天使與魔鬼》幾乎一樣,都是Langdon在大學授課,只是由Tom Hanks變成Ashley Zukerman而已,換句話講,《失》劇複製《達》的解密過程是意料之中,很難不將兩者比較,原以為Ashley擔正會有亮眼的表現,可惜他沒有像Tom Hanks般讓Langdon討人歡喜,相反變成讀稿機器,頗為失望。反而個人比較喜歡警員Nuñez,皆因他跟Henry Golding有幾分相似,協助解謎過程中帶來不少喜感,成功突圍,而由Sumalee Montano飾演中情局探員井上佐藤(圖三左),據劇情設定,明顯是另一個關鍵人物,她的角色設定亦正正邪,對Langdon有事隱瞞,相比主角和大奸角Mal'akh(Beau Knapp飾)更為吸引,成為追看劇情發展的主要動力。整體而言,跟電影系列相比,《失》劇確實非同一級數,但作為電視節目導賞員,也要多看一兩集才能夠驗證,剛才提到的第二集問題,是偶爾失手,抑或是為了之後的劇情發展而刻意為之,誘使觀眾入局。
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美劇系列報道 ──
《Sex Education》第三季: https://bit.ly/3hECA1G
《Friends: The Reunion》:https://bit.ly/3fmUzsX
《Emily in Paris》:https://bit.ly/37VcLpf
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#游大東影視筆記 #美劇 #失落的符號 #danbrown #丹布朗 myTV SUPER Dan Brown #共濟會 #thelostsymbol 美劇狂人 TV Drama Queen 黑咖啡聊美劇 美劇咁樣睇 做乜膠睇電視 港人講電視 快樂的 #AshleyZukerman #SumaleeMontano #ValorieCurry #RobertLangdon #達文西密碼 #TheDaVinciCode #TomHanks
同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,640的網紅鍾翔宇 Xiangyu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我們平常接觸的有關朝鮮的訊息是怎麼來的呢?可以看看這紀錄片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eclCfjP7hLM 關於朝鮮戰爭內幕: https://bit.ly/2I9WzU3 臉書專頁: https://www.facebook.com/ComradeXi...
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- 關於the lost symbol 在 Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol | Official Trailer | Peacock Original 的評價
- 關於the lost symbol 在 The symbols in The Lost Symbol - By Dan Brown - Facebook 的評價
the lost symbol 在 方以文 睇電視喇喂 Facebook 的最佳貼文
[美劇][失落的符號] 古代傳說、神秘學、古文明等等一直都係唔少創作者嘅靈感泉源,因為太多謎團難以證實,又同真實歷史撈埋一齊,搞到似是而非咁,可以靠創作者嘅想像去無限串連同延伸。我都好鍾意睇呢啲嘢,當故事咁聽都覺得好神奇,每個星期都等老高同馬臉姐出片~
不過呢排應該要再追多樣嘢,就係新嘅美劇《失落的符號 The Lost Symbol》。其實佢一有消息話拍,唔只係我,而係全世界有好多人都好開心。因為男主角係Robert Langdon!即係《達文西秘碼》、《天使與魔鬼》、《地獄解碼》嘅男主角,亦即係Dan Brown所寫嘅系列小說。
我冇睇小說,以為故事時空順序係按照書嘅出版順序:《天使與魔鬼》、《達文西密碼》、《失落的符號》、《地獄解碼》。今次演Langdon嘅演員Ashley Zukerman後生過Tom Hanks勁多,搞到我有啲錯亂。但原來電視劇《失落的符號》嘅時空係喺電影系列之前,咁就啱返數喇。
無綫大股東黎瑞剛喺之前狠批TVB嘅訪問當中,曾經講過無綫喺美國會投資一啲「精品內容」製作公司,當中包括Imagine Entertainment。而Imagine Entertainment就係今次製作《失落的符號》嘅其中一間公司,佢亦都係電影《天使與魔鬼》、《達文西密碼》、《失落的符號》嘅製作公司嚟。即係話呢套美劇係有無綫份,唔知無綫之後會投資開啲咩種類嘅美劇?最重要係可唔可以將技術引入嚟香港呢邊?
《失落的符號》 myTV SUPER 逢周五上架
[首集免費睇] https://bit.ly/3lDDEV0
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แด่ พี่ ๆ เพื่อน ๆ น้อง ๆ ผู้ใหญ่ ที่คือผู้กล้าในการออกมาเป่านกหวีดในครั้งนึง หากพวกท่านมีเวลา ลองอ่านสักหน่อย ส่วนพี่ ๆ นักข่าว หากจะเอาไปแชร์ต่อ ไม่ต้องพาดหัวข่าวให้รุนแรง ถ้าทำไม่ได้ ไม่ต้องแชร์ต่อนะคะ นักข่าวทีวีช่องใดจะเอาไปอ่านออกอากาศ ขอให้อ่านทุกบรรทัดโดยไม่ใส่ความเห็นตัวเองลงระหว่างบรรทัด ถ้าท่านทำไม่ได้ เพราะอาจจะอ่านผิด ตีความผิด แปลผิด และใส่น้ำเสียงผิด (น้ำเสียงของผู้พูดไม่ได้ต้องการเสียดสี เหน็บแนม ประชดหรือฟาดใคร) หากท่านจะใส่อารมณ์ตัวเองลงไป ขอให้ท่านอย่าเอาข้อความนี้ไปทำข่าวเลย ให้ทุกคนเขาลองแปลกันเองเถิด คนที่อ่านข้อความนี้จบ จะรู้สึกอย่างไร จะมีความเห็นอย่างไร แล้วแต่พวกท่านเลย วันนี้ลูกกอล์ฟได้พูดความในใจแล้ว
A whistle was once seen as hope. It was used as a symbol of democracy. You can't deny that it was a historic movement when there were millions of whistles on the streets nationwide. There was a time when people divided into small groups and the biggest group dominated the scene, which paved the way for the military regime. I was in one of those small groups and it felt right at the time. After a few years, I realised I was wrong... I made a mistake. I was deeply sorry. I decided to choose democracy once again because I couldn't side with any form of dictatorship. It was hard to admit that I was wrong but that's how democracy works! You can be wrong but you get a chance to criticise freely, you can have a chance to express your views. Your voice matters. On the spectrum of democracy, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, and that's fine. That's the beauty of having democracy. But if you choose to be on the spectrum of dictatorship, you have already lost without fighting. The choice is yours.
the lost symbol 在 鍾翔宇 Xiangyu Youtube 的最讚貼文
我們平常接觸的有關朝鮮的訊息是怎麼來的呢?可以看看這紀錄片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eclCfjP7hLM
關於朝鮮戰爭內幕: https://bit.ly/2I9WzU3
臉書專頁: https://www.facebook.com/ComradeXiangyu
專訪: https://blow.streetvoice.com/41873
編曲: Ransom-Notes https://soundcloud.com/ransom-notes
母帶後期製作工程: Glenn Schick
Follow Xiangyu on Twitter https://instagram.com/notXiangyu
Follow Ransom-Notes on Twitter https://twitter.com/ransom1992
假如互聯網是在 1930 年代的德國發明的,而非 20 世紀下半葉的美國,而德國情報機構能暗中監督和控制一切連上該網路的任何設備(正如斯諾登透露美國國安局所做的那樣),同盟國會讓一般老百姓連上同個互聯網嗎?還是他們會跟朝鮮一樣建設自己的網路?
朝鮮是個小國家。雖然它從 1953 年一直呼籲正式停戰,但它從 1950 年到現在一直與大部分西方國家處於戰爭狀態。只要戰爭狀態不變,這些政策不是「反自由」的,而是任何理性的政府(無論是資本主義國家還是社會主義國家)會施行的防禦性措施。
Who are our friends? Who are our enemies?
我們能否 追究這個問題而不自欺欺人
Can we look into this question without lying to ourselves?
Whose allies? Whose profits?
Whose struggle and sacrifice are stirred by righteous indignation?
饒舌的激進份子 被說是憤世
The radical rapper is said to be cynical.
我只想引人深思 和去偽存實
I just want to get people to think, cast aside falsities, and retain the truths,
because througout our lives, too many hypocrites
灌輸錯誤認識 使人愚昧無知
have instilled false understandings, causing us to ignorantly
地無視 顯而易見 的壓迫和暴行
disregard the clearly visible oppression and atrocities,
使人固執己見 而失去批判思考力
causing us to stubbornly cling to our own opinions and lose our ability to think critically.
一旦遇到陌生的意見 認知就失調
When we encounter unfamiliar opinions, we experience cognitive dissonance.
Doubling down on our mistaken views
成為了心理防禦機制 也使我們無意識地
has become a psychological defense mechanism which causes us to unknowingly
become pawns of the system that oppresses us
although we think of ourselves as just and morally courageous people,
it is actually us who are lost in deliberately misinterpreted history.
而敵視 並歧視 被壓迫的各國人民
We vilify and discriminate against the oppressed peoples of all countries;
自以為仁義 卻把壓迫者 奉若神明
we think we are righteous, yet we deify the oppressors.
We don't differentiate between aggression and defense, we simply ask for unprincipled peace,
gaining the approval of slave masters but not their respect.
The country with the highest incarceration rate is considered to be a symbol of freedom;
we call it our friend as it leads in overthrowing democratically elected governments.
We make praises and criticisms based on conclusions made from bad information,
stubbornly refusing to investigate the truths hidden by liars.
別人飢餓 我們說是領導人無人性
When others starve, we say their leaders are devoid of humanity
卻不記得制裁的目的 是經過餓死人民
while failing to remember that the goal of sanctions is to sabotage stability
破壞穩定 以迫使 革命群眾 放棄革命
through starvation in order to extort the revolutionary masses into giving up revolution.
如果這不是恐怖主義 那麼你的定義可能有問題
If this isn't terrorism, then your definition might be flawed.
我問你 唯一動用核武器的到底是誰?
I ask you, who is the only one to have used nuclear weapons?
Why is it considered a crime when (DPR) Korea develops nukes?
Whose slave mentality's been been dominated to the point where right and wrong are inverted,
使我們把自衛視為威脅 把威脅視為慈悲?
having us believe defense is threatening and threats are benevolent?
Who unknowingly repeats lies written by Goebbels
while at the same time calling others brainwashed,
while unreasonably being hostile towards those who use their iron-firm willpower
to heroically drive out aggressors through rebellion?
#朝鮮 #DPRK #Korea

the lost symbol 在 SHO STIME Youtube 的最佳解答
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French Montana - Ain't Worried About Nothin REMIX SHO MUSIC VIDEO
SHO (S.Time Style Records) was born in Takayama in 1982, SHO is to the Japanese representative of Alpine skiing until 2004 played an active part in. This year, he is no longer able to ski as before by the serious injury in training had. He has lost his dream of Olympic gold medal. But its was a song 2PAC's saved him Na does. The rebuilding himself, he is gold in a different stage decided medal. I had decided to pour into the music life of the second. This is because saved in him to but because they respect you and love Black Hip Hop me. Immediately after returning to Japan, he is music activities in Yokohama started moving. There is also the fact that his team was in the respect THE GAME is the SHO, is sent to THE GAME direct messages with your own photos, and headed to LA. After he met with THE GAME, in his own right arm to put a tattoo of the logo of "THE BLACK WALL STREET", and flew to LA again. Then, the observed THE GAME, I had shared the eight stages, including LA and Japan. This experience pushes him on the back, release the 1st album "RIZE & PEACE" on January 20, 2008. Rated as the classic "NEVER GIVE UP" has been recorded for this album. Upon release of the album, in the sense that real name "Shohei" of his was placed in a chest there is also a tattoo of "RIZE & PEACE", the left arm a tattoo of his own sword was designed by then it was not. I have a symbol and "fight", "brave" This "strength". In the same year, complete the 2nd album "BRAND", he was released on September 19. This all 15 songs including the "BRAND", "LET'S GO feat. OX", "POWER" on the album has been recorded. "He wanted to tell in this album in the sense themselves.'s the brands like LOUIS VITTON and GUCCI "and, of" BRAND "in his left arm I put a tattoo. By that you put this tattoo, you have and stick to original style of their own I became strong intention will is increased before. I decorated the one page in 4.5 month issue of hip hop magazine "THE SOURCE" in the United States in 2009. This is one artist the SHO was a great opportunity to show the world with. 3rd album "ENERGY" long-awaited delivery is preceded in the world on April 25, 2010, and was released on May 26 in Japan. Female R & B singer A in the United States in this album song "Even If It Ends" with z One is recorded. ENERGY of SHO is expressed well in this song, feeling it was a blockbuster stir up a vortex of motion. And further promotional video of world-class wheel of excitement has spread to the whole world. NEW single to release on the 20th October 2010 in [Hustle hard], HAVOC of MOBB DEEP and (former G-UNIT), I achieved Fu~yucharingu in SHO name was. This song, song power that was born with the (MOBB DEEP) HAVOC and SHO is stunning rise to collaboration, can feel the tremendous strength has become. Continue to make a song to grab the dream of gold medal, SHO to respect even now the hip hop in the United States, day by day progress.

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New Video coming soon SHO comment Jun 14. 2013
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SHO (S.Time Style Records) was born in Takayama in 1982, SHO is to the Japanese representative of Alpine skiing until 2004 played an active part in. This year, he is no longer able to ski as before by the serious injury in training had. He has lost his dream of Olympic gold medal. But its was a song 2PAC's saved him Na does. The rebuilding himself, he is gold in a different stage decided medal. I had decided to pour into the music life of the second. This is because saved in him to but because they respect you and love Black Hip Hop me. Immediately after returning to Japan, he is music activities in Yokohama started moving. There is also the fact that his team was in the respect THE GAME is the SHO, is sent to THE GAME direct messages with your own photos, and headed to LA. After he met with THE GAME, in his own right arm to put a tattoo of the logo of "THE BLACK WALL STREET", and flew to LA again. Then, the observed THE GAME, I had shared the eight stages, including LA and Japan. This experience pushes him on the back, release the 1st album "RIZE & PEACE" on January 20, 2008. Rated as the classic "NEVER GIVE UP" has been recorded for this album. Upon release of the album, in the sense that real name "Shohei" of his was placed in a chest there is also a tattoo of "RIZE & PEACE", the left arm a tattoo of his own sword was designed by then it was not. I have a symbol and "fight", "brave" This "strength". In the same year, complete the 2nd album "BRAND", he was released on September 19. This all 15 songs including the "BRAND", "LET'S GO feat. OX", "POWER" on the album has been recorded. "He wanted to tell in this album in the sense themselves.'s the brands like LOUIS VITTON and GUCCI "and, of" BRAND "in his left arm I put a tattoo. By that you put this tattoo, you have and stick to original style of their own I became strong intention will is increased before. I decorated the one page in 4.5 month issue of hip hop magazine "THE SOURCE" in the United States in 2009. This is one artist the SHO was a great opportunity to show the world with. 3rd album "ENERGY" long-awaited delivery is preceded in the world on April 25, 2010, and was released on May 26 in Japan. Female R & B singer A in the United States in this album song "Even If It Ends" with z One is recorded. ENERGY of SHO is expressed well in this song, feeling it was a blockbuster stir up a vortex of motion. And further promotional video of world-class wheel of excitement has spread to the whole world. NEW single to release on the 20th October 2010 in [Hustle hard], HAVOC of MOBB DEEP and (former G-UNIT), I achieved Fu~yucharingu in SHO name was. This song, song power that was born with the (MOBB DEEP) HAVOC and SHO is stunning rise to collaboration, can feel the tremendous strength has become. Continue to make a song to grab the dream of gold medal, SHO to respect even now the hip hop in the United States, day by day progress.

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