#唐鳳 社會創新就是「眾人之事,眾人助之。」,任何社會上想解決的問題,大家可以一起組織來想出解決辦法。
什麼是 #社會創新?
追蹤社會創新平台掌握最新消息 https://si.taiwan.gov.tw/
#數位社會創新(Digital Social Innovation, DSI)又是什麼?
群眾集資 #Crowdfunding:如萬人響應集資,讓 #TaiwanCanHelp 廣告登上紐約時報,在廣告刊出後,社群接力二創改圖也是數位社會創新的經典案例。香港銅鑼灣書店在臺灣重啟,透過群眾集資獲得近 600 萬臺幣支持也屬於這類。
地理圖資協作:你知道每年光臺灣就消費 10 億瓶瓶裝水嗎?民間團隊 CircuPlus為了減少瓶裝水造成的塑膠污染跟碳排,與環保署合作,整理飲水機的開放地理圖資,並邀請全臺企業、商圈共同加入,成為奉茶據點,民眾可以透過奉茶 App 新增站點,這樣一來,用自備杯找水喝就更容易,還可以累積點數換商品。另外像是地球公民基金會推出的農地違章工廠回報行動、以及公民科學計畫路殺社也都屬於地理圖資協作喔。
開放資料/開放政府:如這次疫情期間誕生的口罩地圖,是民間開發者透過政府提供的開放資料,快速做出能即時反應口罩供需數量的平台,讓每個人都能獲得公平資訊。另外像是使用教育部 CC 授權辭典的萌典(超好用)、還有成為 2020 總統盃黑客松卓越團隊,找出適合植樹公有地的「臺灣好植地」,也都屬於這類喔!
【Startup Adventure 】Social Innovation Lab Sharing What is social innovation?
Why does everyone talk about "social innovation"? You probably curious about what exactly is social innovation?
Audrey Tang said “everyone’s business, everyone helps.” People work together to find out the solution for solving the problem in society. Now
*Let’s know more about what is “Social innovation”`?
The core concept of social innovation is to find ways to solve social problems in an "innovative" way. Through these innovation ways can create better value to the whole society! Social innovation has no specific form or rules, no matter who you are, you can always be an important part of promoting social innovation!
Follow the newest information here: https://si.taiwan.gov.tw/
*What is “Digital social innovation”?
As long as you add “digital” elements to social innovation actions, it is “Digital Social Innovation (DSI)”.
Here are some successful cases with digital innovation features:
For example, tens of thousands of people joined the fundraising of “Taiwan Can Help” advertisement to let the advertising appear on the New York Times. After the advertisement published, the community made the second creation of it is also a classic case of digital social innovation. Another example was the Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay Bookstore reopened in Taiwan, it got the support of nearly 6 million Taiwan dollars through crowdfunding as well.
*Geographic Information Cooperation
First example, do you know
Do you know that people in Taiwan use at least 1 billion bottles of bottled water every year? In order to reduce the plastic pollution and carbon emissions caused by bottled water, “CircuPlus” cooperate with the Environmental Protection Agency to sort out the open geographic map of drinking fountains. Besides, CircuPlus invited enterprises to join together and to set more drinking fountains bases in Taiwan. As long as you download the APP, you can not only find the way to get drink but also can easily add new drinking fountain bases as well. Then you can also accumulate CircuPlus points for goods exchanging.
In addition, the “Citizen of the Earth, Taiwan” encouraged people to join the Illegal Factory established on Farmland action, the “Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network” raise people to report the situation of killed animals on roads are also parts of the geographic map information collaboration.
*Open data/open government:
For example, the mask map was been created during this epidemic period. The mask map is a platform that can quickly corresponding to the supply and demand of the amount of masks. This platform was developing by private programmers who use open data provided by the government, so that everyone can get fair information.
You could check the other successful cases such as the Mengdian (super easy to use) using the CC authorized dictionary of the Ministry of Education, and the 2020 Presidents Cup Hackathon, finding a "good planting land in Taiwan" suitable for tree planting public land as well.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過70萬的網紅Spice N' Pans,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Singapore is a multiracial and multicultural country with ethnic Chinese (about 76% of the citizen population), Malays (15.0%), and ethnic Indians (7%...
super digital citizen 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
[教育資源] 美國哈佛大學線上課程
Here are more free classes from Harvard while we are stuck at home waiting for school to reopen! The following are seven courses that will help prepare you for the challenges of today’s dynamic and fast-changing world.
當我們被困在家等待學校重新開放時,有更多來自哈佛大學的免費課程提供給大家! 這裡提供七項課程來幫助大家,應對來自當今這充滿活力與快速變化的世界的挑戰。
1. Introduction to Computer Science 電腦科學導論
Knowing how to code is a vital skill in in today’s digital world. This entry level course teaches the basics of computational thinking, programming problem solving, data structures, and web development, among other things. It will leave the learner able to code in several languages including C, Python, and Java.
在當今的數位世界中,知曉如何編碼乃是至關重要的技能。 本入門課程教授運算思維、程式編寫與問題解決、資料結構和網頁開發等基礎知識。 它將使學習者能夠使用多種程式語言包括C,Python和Java進行編碼。
2. The Architectural Imagination 建築的想像力
Art and science are often viewed in opposition to one another, but in the field of architecture they meet in fantastic and beautiful ways. In this class, students will learn both the technical and cultural aspects of architecture, and gain a better understanding of how the buildings we inhabit relate to history, values, and pragmatic concerns.
3. Super-Earths and Life 超級地球與生命
What life lies beyond our small world? Thirty years ago we only knew about nine planets; today we know of thousands nearby stars. In this course, students will learn about exoplanets, which ones might be the best candidates for harboring life, and why those planets are of the greatest interest. Combining concepts in astronomy and biology which have rarely been put together before, the class is an excellent introduction to one of the most interesting eras in astrobiology; today.
在我們的小小世界之外,還有什么生命存在? 三十年前,我們只知道九大行星。 如今,我們知道附近有數千顆恆星在沿著軌道運行著。 在本課程中,學生將學習系外行星的知識,哪些可能是庇護生命的最佳選擇,以及為什麼這些行星最受關注。該課程將天文學和生物學的概念相結合乃少有前例,這堂導論在如今這個天文生物學領域中最有趣的時代之一是極精彩的。
4. Leaders of Learning 學習的領導者
How do you learn? Why do you learn? Can you name three people who would share your answers? In this class, students will identify their own style of learning and find out how that style fits into the ever-changing landscape of education. Later lectures focus on how to apply that knowledge to leadership, organizational structure, and the future of learning.
你如何學習? 你為什麼要學習? 你能說出三個可以分享答案的人嗎? 在本課程中,學生將辨認自己的學習風格,並了解該風格如何適應不斷變化的教育環境。 後段課程聚焦於如何將這些知識應用於領導力、組織結構和未來。
5. Using Python for Research 運用Python於研究
Do you want to learn to code, and then learn how to actually use it? In this course, students will review the basics of the Python coding language and then learn how to apply that knowledge to research projects by means of tools such as NumPy and SciPy. This class is an intermediate level course, and a basic understanding of the Python language is ideal before beginning.
你想學習編碼,然後學習如何實際使用它嗎?在本課程中,學生將回顧Python編碼語言的基礎知識,然後學習如何通過NumPy和SciPy等工具將這些知識應用於研究計畫。 該課程是中級課程,在上課之前對Python語言有基本的了解為佳。
6. American Government 美國政府
The federal government of the United States can seem like a far off and alien system, one which acts in strange ways; but it is a powerful force in the life of every American. To not understand how it works, and your place in it as a citizen and voter, is to be an irresponsible citizen. This course introduces students to the function, history, institutions, and inner workings of American government. No previous study or understanding of American politics is required, making the course ideal for non-American students who want to understand what exactly is going on there.
美國聯邦政府看起來像個運作方式奇特,遙不可及的陌生體系。 但在每個美國人生活中這是一股強大的力量。 如果不了解它是如何運作的,以及自己作為公民和選民在其中所處的位置,會成為不負責任的公民。 本課程向學生介紹美國政府的職能、歷史、機構及其內部運作。 無需對美國政治的事前學習與了解,使該課程成為想要了解美國到底發生了什麼的非美國學生的理想選擇。
7. Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster 人道主義對衝突與災難的應對
We live in a world with staggering humanitarian crises, and responses to them that are often lacking. In this class, students will ask questions on how to deal with humanitarian disasters through the case studies of Zaire, Syria, The Balkans, and elsewhere. The history of humanitarian responses, and the frameworks that those responses past and present operate in, will be covered as well, and students will be challenged to ask if they remain sufficient.
我們生活在充滿令人震驚的人道主義危機的世界中,而對這些危機往往缺乏應對。 在本課程中,學生將通過薩伊、敘利亞、巴爾幹地區和其他地區的案例研究,提出有關如何應對人道主義災難的問題。本課程還將涵蓋人道主義應對的歷史以及過去與現在的應對所運行的框架,並且挑戰學生去提出這些應對是否足夠。
美國名校的免費線上課程 (MOOCs)
留學獎學金: https://bit.ly/3e9vrT0
英文資料來源: https://bit.ly/2Y7p1gR
圖片來源: https://bit.ly/2UipYC2
super digital citizen 在 Spice N' Pans Youtube 的最讚貼文
Singapore is a multiracial and multicultural country with ethnic Chinese (about 76% of the citizen population), Malays (15.0%), and ethnic Indians (7%). We also have Eurasians as well as other non-Singapore citizens in Singapore. Given our racial proportion, one would have imagined that our coffeeshops or foodcourts only have Chinese, Malay or Indian food but no matter what, there will always be one stall selling what we term affectionately as Western food. In case you're wondering how a Western food stall looks like in Singapore, just google it and there are plenty of images out there. Interestingly, the Western food we get at coffeeshops or foodcourts are usually marinated in Chinese style. :)) We grow up eating this type of Western food and we love it! My favourite order at a Western food stall is always chicken chop. Roland's favourite is mixed grill because he likes variety. What's yours?
See the ingredient list below for your easy reference.
Hope you can recreate this yummy dish in the comfort of your home. Happy cooking!
Thanks for dropping by our channel. Please subscribe to stay tuned to our home cooking videos.
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Thanks for watching!
See you soon.
Singapore / Malaysian Style Chicken Chop 西式鸡扒
Serves 3 pax
Marinated chicken
3 boneless chicken leg - butterflied (roughly around 220g or 7.76oz each)
3 tablespoons light soy sauce
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
0.5 teaspoon sugar
2 cloves crushed garlic
A few dashes of white pepper
20g (0.7 oz) unsalted butter
1 teaspoon grounded black pepper
1/3 of chicken stock cube
8g or 0.5 tablespoon all-purpose flour
200ml (6.76 fl oz) water
0.5 teaspoon dark soy sauce
Other ingredients
Some french fries
Some baked beans
Some mixed vegetables
Some dinner rolls or bread
Don't know where to get the ingredients or don't know how they look like? See the links below.
Oyster sauce https://amzn.to/3bBQfE7
Light soy sauce https://amzn.to/3dBZuBY
Grounded white pepper https://amzn.to/2Pr9YOa
Grounded black pepper https://amzn.to/2QBigUu
Chicken stock cube https://amzn.to/3lLD47g
All-purpose flour https://amzn.to/3sqRoVm
Premium dark soy sauce https://amzn.to/3lckuDa
Looking for similar cooking equipment like the one we used in the video? These might interest you:
Granite pan (used for blanching) https://amzn.to/2V5v9oT
Buy the exact set in Singapore: https://heyhommies.com/product/la-gourmet-shogun-twister-family-set/
Filming equipment: iPhone 11 Pro Max (Get from Amazon https://amzn.to/3eA24tz)
Microphone: Sennheiser AVX digital wireless microphone system
Get Sennheiser wireless microphone in Singapore: https://singapore.sennheiser.com/products/avx-mke2-set-3-uk?_pos=2&_sid=adb86a9d8&_ss=r
Get Sennheiser wireless microphone from Amazon: https://amzn.to/2NILqMR
If you like this recipe, you might like these too:
Super Easy Taiwanese Braised Pork Rice Recipe 台湾卤肉饭 Chinese Pork Recipe
Simplified Recipe • Super Crispy Pork Belly 脆皮烧肉 Airfryer/ Oven • Chinese Roasted Pork
Super Easy Chinese Braised Pork Belly Buns 扣肉包 Kong Bak Bao Recipe | Chinese Pork Recipe
Disclaimer: Spice N' Pans is not related to these products and cannot guarantee the quality of the products in the links provided. Links are provided here for your convenience. We can only stand by the brands of the products we used in the video and we highly recommend you to buy them. Even then, preference can be subjective. Please buy at your own risk. Some of the links provided here may be affiliated. These links are important as they help to fund this channel so that we can continue to give you more recipes. Cheers!
