Kung Hei Fat Choi !
Happy Lunar New Year !
收爐前最後一條片係為9dargonsultra The 9 Dragons Steven Carr 拍攝比賽。三分鐘嘅短片,我哋兩日用咗接近三十個小時拍攝,如果將footages真係要剪可以剪到一個鐘嘅紀錄片。呢個比賽嘅 cut-off 時間相當之緊湊,根本冇乜留力跑嘅本錢。
參賽兩日50/50 嘅跑手我真係好佩服
Day 1 89km (50miles) + Day 2 50km
Film by Zoey Chann / Joshua Leung 仁在野 / Vincent TakShing Chan Composethestory
Drone shot by Vincent TakShing Chan Composethestory
Film Edited by Vincent TakShing Chan Composethestory
The 9 Dragons
What a weekend!
With The 9 Dragons presented by HOKA ONE ONE still lingering in our minds, we are pleased to present our official film.
In the 50 Miles race we had Justin Andrews overcoming stomach issues to win the race. Edith Fung dominated the ladies race and won by over an hour.
In the 50 kilometre race, Guomin Deng held a masterclass of running in Hong Kong obliterating the course record. The ladies race was a tense affair with the top three ladies battling all day, to come in consecutively at the finish with Charlotte Taquet taking the win.
Then the 50/50.
Magda Boulet demonstrated what a class act she is by leading from the start of the race to the finish. Always with a smile on her face. A hard earned second place from Jcy Ho demonstrating what an immense amount of potential she has.
Wow! A two day battle between Julien Chorier and Kazufumi Ose with Julien taking a 9 minute lead on day one. On the second day they stuck together like glue until Needle Hill where Kazufumi started to add to a lead as the Hong Kong weather got hot. It was a tense wait and Kazufumi had built up enough of a lead to win by 3 minutes.
Whether you finished or DNF'd, we know that you battled against your fellow runners and yourself. You pushed yourself to the limit and learned about yourself.
Next year - we have something up our sleeve....
Registration opens 5th August.
Video Credit: Composethestory and Joshua Leung