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When echolocating, the sperm whale emits a directionally focused beam of broadband clicks. Clicks are generated by forcing air through a pair of phonic lips ( ...
#4. Sperm whale long-range echolocation sounds revealed by ...
While foraging, sperm whales produce short duration sound signals named clicks. Usual clicks are produced in a 10 Hz–30 kHz frequency band, ...
#5. Why do sperm whales use so many types of clicks?
Clicks & Creaks ... The first reason why sperm whales use echolocation is to locate their prey. As they dive, the sperm whales click 'normally' ...
#6. The monopulsed nature of sperm whale clicks - Acoustical ...
由 B Møhl 著作 · 2003 · 被引用 357 次 — Traditionally, sperm whale clicks have been described as multipulsed, long duration, nondirectional signals of moderate intensity and with a spectrum ...
#7. Waveform of sperm whale click, selected to illustrate the multi
Uniquely, sperm whales can be measured from the interpulse interval (IPI) of their echolocation clicks, which contain information on the length of the head, ...
#8. sperm whale clicks in relation to environmental conditions off ...
The seasonal acoustic occurrence and diel-vocalizing patterns of sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus off the west coast of South Africa have ...
#10. Marine Mammals Voices - Sperm Whale - CIBRA
The vocalizations of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) are made by very brief impulsive sounds, called clicks, organized in variable length sequences ...
#11. Sperm Whale - Discovery of Sound in the Sea
In addition to echolocation, in social situations, sperm whales produce repeated patterns of clicks called codas (see How do marine mammals ...
#12. Time and frequency domain characteristics of sperm whale ...
The clicks of smaller female sperm whales showed similar spectral peaks, shifted to 1.2 and 3 kHz, respectively, but these peaks were less pronounced than those ...
#13. Sperm Whale Vocalizations | Ocean Conservation Research
The sperm whale “clicks” when heard in aggregation sound like a busy team of carpenters hammering away on a job – giving them the colloquial ...
#14. Can We Learn Sperm Whale Language? Researchers Are ...
The clicking isn't just for communication, though. Since sperm whales are capable of hunting at depths of up to 4,000 feet, they also use them ...
#15. Sperm Whales Are Loud Enough to Burst Your Eardrums
That's only slightly larger than the 200-decibel click of a sperm whale's echolocation, which speaks to the animal's impressive power.
#16. Sperm Whales Clicking You Inside Out — James Nestor
#17. Groundbreaking effort launched to decode whale language
Sperm whales, including this adult and calf swimming near the Caribbean nation of Dominica, communicate in clicks. In what may be the ...
#18. The long-range echo scene of the sperm whale biosonar
Mounting circumstantial evidence suggests that sperm whales indeed use their powerful clicks to echolocate prey over long ranges at great depths ...
#19. Diving With Sperm Whales Can Be Painful or Deadly - For ...
While normal human speech takes place between 60 and 65 decibels (dB), sperm whale clicks, described as such because we hear them as “tak-tak-tak”, can reach as ...
#20. Sperm Whales Are So Loud They Could Potentially "Vibrate ...
Sperm whales are so loud that their clicks are capable of killing a human within their vicinity, says one science and adventure journalist.
#21. Male sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) acoustics in a ...
click types from male sperm whales in a high-latitude habitat, we deployed a large-aperture array of calibrated hydrophones off northern Norway (N69, E15).
#22. Decoding the communicative clicks of sperm whales | MIT CSAIL
Sperm whales make some of the most powerful animal sounds on the planet, using a system of click patterns called 'codas'. For the last 16 years ...
#23. Automatic acoustic estimation of sperm whale size ...
The waveforms of individual sperm whale clicks often appear as ... Nonetheless, since sperm whales click very frequently, it is possible to.
#24. A Sperm Whale's Clicks Can Deafen Divers - Ripley's Believe ...
Not just used for hunting, the sperm whales song is also used to communicate with other whales, and to investigate their surroundings. The sound ...
#25. Sperm whales' clicks suggest the animals have culture
Sperm whales communicate using clicks. Individuals learn their clicks from those around them, and different groups of sperm whales use ...
#26. Sperm whale 'clicks' help scientists understand behaviour
Scientists have recorded thousands of hours of "clicks" that sperm whales make to forage for food and communicate, helping them better ...
#27. Clicks of dwarf sperm whales (Kogia sima) - Merkens - 2018
Clicks of dwarf sperm whales (Kogia sima) ... Kogia comprises two species, the dwarf (Kogia sima) and the pygmy sperm whale (K. breviceps).
#28. Bio-inspired Covert Underwater Acoustic Communication ...
According to the different frequency-band distribution of clicks issued by the same sperm whale at different times or different sperm whales, we modulate the ...
#29. Sperm whale sound production - CiteSeerX
Key words: sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus, pneumatic, sound production, click, tag, biosonar, communication, nasal complex, spermaceti organ, diving, ...
#30. The sperm whale's clicking tale - Off Track - ABC Radio National
Next to nothing was known about sperm whales in the Southern Ocean. That is, until the Australian Antarctic Division started listening to ...
#31. A first acoustic density estimate for sperm whales in Irish ...
Sperm whales are however extremely vocal, producing long trains of characteristic clicks for most of the time that they are foraging. These clicks can be ...
#32. The Sounds of Sperm Whale Calves | SpringerLink
The development of the click sounds of sperm whales ( Physeter catodon) has been investigated through comparisons of these vocalizations from calves of ...
#33. Male sperm whale acoustic behavior observed from ...
Sperm whales generate transient sounds (clicks) when foraging. These clicks have been described as echolocation sounds, a result of having ...
#34. How Far Away Can Sperm Whales Detect Their Prey?
It produces unidirectional clicks of 235 dB re 1 μPa (underwater pressure unit: decibels with respect to 1 μPa), which is comparable to the ...
#35. Sperm Whale Behaviour Indicates the Use of Echolocation ...
During foraging dives, sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) produce long series of regular clicks at 0.5-2 s.
#36. Are We on the Verge of Chatting with Whales? | Hakai Magazine
The clicks of sperm whales are ideal candidates for attempting to decode their meanings—not just because, unlike continuous sounds that other ...
#37. The view from a sperm whale's nose - Oceanbites
But, based on the sound levels recorded from outgoing clicks and the average distances to prey, it appears that sperm whale clicks are not loud ...
#38. Three-dimensional beam pattern of regular sperm whale ...
The three-dimensional beam pattern of a sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) tagged in the Ligurian Sea was derived using data on regular clicks from the ...
#39. The monopulsed nature of sperm whale clicks - International ...
Traditionally, sperm whale clicks have been described as multipulsed, long duration, nondirectional signals of moderate intensity and with a spectrum ...
#40. An Attractive Alternative for Sperm Whale Click Detection ...
This paper presents some of the advantages of the wavelet transform and the spectrogram in analyzing sperm whale clicks. The coefficients of the ...
#41. After 3 decades, a sperm whale is heard in the Salish Sea
Two types of sperm whale click patterns in a 1-minute clip. The slow clicks are separated by ~3.8 seconds and have peak power near 1.5kHZ; the ...
#42. The Man Who Talks to Sperm Whales - Avaunt Magazine
Sperm whales are the loudest animals on the planet. Their clicks can be heard by other whales for hundreds of miles across the ocean; some researchers believe ...
#43. PBS - The Voyage of the Odyssey - Papua New Guinea - PBS
Sperm whales are highly acoustic animals that emit powerful, regular clicks almost continuously while they are underwater. In large males, up to ...
#44. Powerful Sound Sources in the Ocean: Sperm Whales and ...
Marine mammals perceives and are affected by the energy in a sound pulse as well as the instantaneous sound pressure. Because sperm whale clicks are very short ...
#45. Behaviour and vocalizations of two sperm whales (Physeter ...
As it concerns the second whale, the first series of creaks (creak 1) was composed of 43 click trains of 942 clicks in total. The number of ...
#46. Sizing them up! Scientists use sound to measure sperm whales
UnCoda-ing Sperm Whale Clicks ... Sperm whales, like other toothed whales, or odontocetes, use various types of clicks. to forage, feed, socialize ...
#47. How do Sperm Whales communicate?
Toothed whales such as the sperm whale use echolocation to hunt their prey. They send out high frequency clicks then listen for their echo as they bounce ...
#48. Sperm whale clicks: directionality and source level revisited.
Previously published properties of sperm whale clicks underestimate the capabilities of ... In sperm whales (Physeter catodon L. 1758) the nose is vastly ...
#49. Neural network-based sperm whale click - ProQuest
Recordings of a group of foraging sperm whales usually result in a mixture of clicks from different animals. To analyse the click sequences of individual ...
#50. Click production during breathing in a sperm whale (Physeter ...
The sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), the largest of the toothed whales, emits click sounds for echolocation. (Møhl et al., 2003a) and communication ...
#51. Movement and Biosonar Behavior During Prey Encounters ...
Deep-diving marine mammals such as sperm whales (Physeter ... However, sperm whale usual click levels and frequency content appear to be ...
#52. Sperm whale | Lobosonda
By clicking 'Accept All', you consent to the use of cookies to enhance your user experience, security, analytics and customization. For more information and to ...
#53. Sperm Whales Clicking You Inside Out — James Nestor at ...
#54. The Beautiful & Powerful Call of Sperm Whales - Go Green
Sperm whales are one of the loudest animals on the planet with clicks that can be as loud as 236 Decibels. These clicks can create waves under ...
#55. The monopulsed nature of sperm whale clicks - NASA/ADS
Traditionally, sperm whale clicks have been described as multipulsed, long duration, nondirectional signals of moderate intensity and with a spectrum ...
#56. Sperm Whales | Capt. Dave's Dolphin & Whale Watching Safari
Not only do these clicks and whistles enable sperm whales to seize up their supper, but they also have fascinating and serious effects on the human body. Due to ...
#57. sperm whale clicks - Spanish translation – Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "sperm whale clicks" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.
#58. 'Have we met?': Sperm whales can talk, and even have dialects
(Marina Milligan/The Dominica Sperm Whale Project) ... A new study suggests these whales might be able to identify themselves with clicking ...
#59. Stunning Footage of Sperm Whales Attempting to Communicate
And the whales amazingly reorient themselves as if to start a conversation. In fact they send clicks (recordings of which Nestor plays onstage) ...
#60. James Nestor's CETI Project to Research Sperm Whale Clicks
Someone recorded that there were 1,600 microclicks in a single second sent to one sperm whale from the other. An animal is not doing that by accident. That's ...
#61. Species – Sperm Whale - The Mammal Society
Sperm Whale – Physeter macrocephalus. Taxon: Cetacea. General fact sheet (click to download). Sperm whale © Peter Evans, Sea Watch Foundation.
#62. Differences in sperm whale codas between two waters off Japan
Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) make stereotypical broadband clicks termed codas, mostly when socializing at the surface as a group (Watkins and Schevill ...
#63. Sperm whale's emergency evacuation... of its bowels - New ...
But in this case, it was tempered somewhat by a rarely seen defence mechanism: emergency defecation. Sperm whales are the largest toothed ...
#64. Opinion | A Conversation With Whales - The New York Times
We know little about sperm whale clicks and behavior because sperm whales are too large to put in a laboratory and, until recently, few ...
#65. Estimating the number of sperm whale (Physeter ...
Estimating the number of sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) individuals based on grouping of corresponding clicks. Carlos de Obaldıa Pastor, ...
The hydrophone array was towed for 14,500 km, and locations were estimated acoustically for 45 distinct sperm whale groups. Whales producing slow clicks.
#67. Acoustic Repertoire of Sperm Whale (Physeter ...
Figure 1. Sperm whale spermaceti organ and sound production. Figure 2. Click type and description. Figure 3. Oscillograms and spectrograms of ...
#68. The nose of the sperm whale: overviews of functional design ...
Recent examinations interpret this enor- mous nasal apparatus of sperm whales as a bio-acoustic machine capable of generating extremely loud click sounds.
#69. Humans could soon TALK to whales: AI is learning to decode
The initiative, called Project CETI, is harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to interpret clicking sounds, or 'codas,' Sperm ...
#70. The freedivers who swim with whales - BBC News
A different type of vocalisation, using what are known as coda clicks, is also used to communicate with other sperm whales and can be heard ...
#71. Decadal Assessment of Sperm Whale Site-Specific ... - MDPI
Click Detection. In order to detect the acoustic signals of sperm whales and other marine mammal clicks, we developed a multiband spectral energy detection ...
#72. TIL that a sperm whale's clicks are powerful enough to easily ...
Sperm Whales hit 230 decibels. The decibel scale is logarithmic, so a sperm whale's click, brief though it is, is thousands of times louder than ...
#73. On the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) ecology, - IRIS ...
autocorrelation Moran's I and Getis-Ord General G methods) plots of sperm whale click pauses in the study area. Figure 42. Heatmap (Kernel Density Estimator ...
#74. From Sperm-Whale Clicking To Human Finger-Ta… - POD
#75. Male sperm whale behaviour during exposures to distant ...
contained both air gun pulses and sperm whale clicks. The seismic survey pulses received were smeared-out in time and high-pass filtered due to.
#76. Is it true that sperm whales stun giant squid with sonar?
He believes that sperm whales' low clicking sounds could be capable of disorienting prey by overloading their senses, rather than through ...
#77. The function of male sperm whale ... - University of St Andrews
Sperm whales produce different click types for echolocation and communication. Usual clicks and buzzes appear to be used primarily in foraging while codas ...
#78. Sperm Whales |
Sperm whales are among the most vocal whales and dolphins, producing their characteristic clicks between 50 and 70% of the time. Their vocal behaviour presents ...
#79. Science Says Sperm Whales Are Loud AF - Yahoo News
But for sperm whale clicks, the human hearing threshold is around 15 decibels." Furthermore, perception of a sound's intensity is correlated ...
#80. Sperm whale distribution and seasonal density in the Faroe ...
However, sperm whales are highly vocal animals, producing loud clicks. (Backus and Schevill, 1966), for most of the time spent underwater. They can be detected ...
#81. Detection of Sperm Whale Clicks on Deep Seafloor in Sagami ...
Introduction. At the cabled observatory off Hatsushima. Island in Sagami Bay, biogenic click sounds have sometimes been observed.
#82. Sperm whale - Norsk Polarinstitutt
The sperm whale is the largest toothed whale and the most sexually dimorphic whale. ... The most common click trains are thought to be echolocation; ...
#83. Sperm whales form clans with distinct cultures and dialects
Each clan has a signature set of clicks that announce their affiliation, and this signature is taught to each generation. Whale calves take two ...
#84. Sperm Whale Clicks | Fact | FactRepublic.com
Sperm whales click loud enough to hear each other from thousands of miles away. Some researchers believe this is how they can communicate with each other ...
#85. Sperm whale 'clicks' help scientists understand their behaviour
SYDNEY (AFP) - Scientists have recorded thousands of hours of "clicks" that sperm whales make to forage for food and communicate, ...
#86. Sperm whales have local dialects, new study shows - The ...
A sperm whale's “click” is the loudest sound produced by any animal – and it has an identifying dialect. In fact, according to a study ...
#87. Glider-based monitoring of Sperm whale (Physeter
Sperm whales produce at least four types of clicks, each with a seemingly specific purpose: usual clicks – long range echolocation, buzzes (also called ...
Small toothed whales of the family Phocoenidae and delphinid genus Cephalorhynchus produce long-duration, narrowband biosonar clicks above 100 kHz, ...
#89. Using a coherent hydrophone array for observing sperm ...
main beamforming that provided high coherent array gain in sperm whale click signal-to-noise ra- tio. Whale ranges from the receiver array center were ...
#90. Sperm whales, and how they communicate - Fun Kids
Did you know that sperm whales communicate with other members of their family pod using a handful of patterned clicks. All whales in a pod use the same ...
#91. Will humans ever learn to speak whale? | Live Science
The CETI project currently has recordings of about 100,000 sperm whale clicks, painstakingly gathered by marine biologists over many years, but ...
#92. Behavioural ecology of the sperm whale (Physeter ...
Abstract. Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) rely on sound for the majority of their activities. They produce different click types for echolocation and ...
#93. Science Says Sperm Whales Are Loud AF - Mic
But for sperm whale clicks, the human hearing threshold is around 15 decibels." Furthermore, perception of a sound's intensity is correlated ...
#94. Researchers make new findings on sperm whale survival tactics
A Canadian researcher says new findings into sperm whale escape ... Click to play video: 'Researchers celebrate birth of new orca calf in 'L ...
#95. The Freedivers Who Eavesdrop on Whales - Outside Online
Sperm whale clicks could not only blow out human eardrums from hundreds of feet away, but vibrate a human body to pieces. The extraordinary ...
#96. Spermaceti Organ of the Sperm Whale
process burst-pulsed clicks; (2) the nasal pas- ... the sperm whale skull is the amphitheatre- ... in sperm whale click production, it must be.
#97. Sperm whale clicks: Directionality and source level revisited
In sperm whales (Physeter catodon L. 1758) the nose is vastly hypertrophied, accounting for about one-third of the length or weight of an ...
sperm whale click 在 Sperm Whales Clicking You Inside Out — James Nestor 的推薦與評價
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