大家在舊金山旅行時有吃過這項當地佳餚嗎?如果好奇的話,今明兩天下午2:00-晚上10:00,來 #圓山花博有趣市集 #美國精釀啤酒美食專區,我們特別請到 #SmithWollenksy 現場料理並販售 #舊金山生蠔烘蛋,讓台灣消費者有機會體驗美國淘金時期的傳奇菜餚!
Have you tried Hangtown Fry when you visited San Francisco? If you are curious, come to try it at U.S. Craft Beer Festival at FunTasty Seafood Fair March 13-14 at Yuan Shan Floral Expo. We invite famous Taipei restaurant Smith & Wollensky to prepare and sell this classic dish for you!
美國美食報你知 United Tastes in Taiwan
(Photo credit: Smith & Wollensky Taipei)