He calls himself the Sharp Tongue, capable of scaring the daylight out of any theatre troupe! 😂How humorous!
I’m quite happy to meet Amos Leong, an editor, film critic and media maven.
Thank you for your kind and sincere review, we will surely learn from it so we can bring our audiences the best!💓
#红楼梦 #梁文聰
Jessie Chung锺潔希
About author
Jessie Chung is an international recording artist and actress based in Australia, currently under the management of Future Entertainment & Music Group. True to her multitalented status, she is also a doctor of medicine in oncology, naturopathic doctor (US), certified nutritional consultant (US), homeopathic doctor, certified iridologist, biotech researcher, accomplished entrepreneur, author, martial arts coach, and philanthropist from Malaysia. Besides holding a doctor of medicine degree (M.D.) in Clinical Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine—Oncology from Guangzhou University of TCM, China, she also possesses a Master of Business Administration from The University of South Australia and a Bachelor of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Oriental Medical Institute, Hawaii, USA. In recent years, she was the only naturopathic oncologist selected as one of the Hummingbird Cancer Centre leading members to head their natural therapy department.
Her passion for music was evident at a young age as she racked up numerous singing competition awards. In junior high school, Jessie was the only youth representative in the entire district selected to sing at the National Day Celebration. She then proceeded to perform on many TV programmes in subsequent years. Her high school years in Canada was highlighted by her participation in an international talent contest held by TVB, and she successfully entered into the finals at the ripe age of sixteen. Besides singing, Jessie also has a gift for musical instruments, passing grade 8 organ at a young age with distinction, under the examination of Japanese auditors.
After her studies, she devoted herself into the entertainment industry and charity; so far, she has released eight albums and starred in three feature films. In 2013, she took on lead actress in the Chinese film Faces and Malaysian film Unchanging Love. She also appeared in the 2014 film Kungfu Taboo.
She is known for her ebullient and enigmatic concert performances in countries all around the world, including the United States, Canada, China, Taiwan, and Malaysia. With experience in dozens of concerts in five different languages, Jessie yielded huge responses from fans around the world during her 2015 Love Unity Concert, leaving barely any space in the arena. Building on her success from the previous year, she proceeded to perform in the Jessie Chung Exquisite Chinese Orchestra Concert in 2016, selling out all ten performances. Besides touring and performing in concerts, she has also starred in several stage plays, tackling lead roles in Malaysia, Singapore and Canada. Her recent stage production Moonlight was also well received by the visual arts community, and the organizer has brought Moonlight to numerous locations around the country.
By now, she has released six Chinese albums and two English albums. Her single Love in You was selected as the theme song for the Korean TV series My Secret Garden in Taiwan, whereas her album of the same name topped Malaysia’s aiFM Top Hits Chart, staying at number 1 for many consecutive weeks. In China, her album Loving You charted among the top 10. Her recent album Tearless Sky rose to 4th place on the I Radio Top Hits Chart and 6th place on the Pop Radio Top Ten Music Chart just within two weeks of initial release in Taiwan. The album was well received by the public and has received appraisal from music journalists. She has appeared on numerous TV shows in Taiwan, and her album was strongly recommended by the TV hosts of the programmes, one of them being Kevin Tsai (Cai Kang Yong), in his legendary TV show Kangsi Coming. Exhibiting a strong presence on TV shows, Jessie has recently been invited to host TV shows in both China and Australia.
Although she spends a great deal of time releasing albums and performing on stage, Jessie also enjoys a retreat from the hectic world once in a while to recharge and ponder upon her life. During these quiet times squeezed out of her schedule, she authored Stay Away from Cancer, Stay Away from Diseases, and the Jessie Diary series, informing the world with her medical experiences while also giving them a peek into her soul. She has authored more than ten literary and medical works to date, most of them in English and Chinese, with translations in Malay.
As an accomplished martial arts practitioner, Jessie has successfully achieved the 5th Duan of Chinese Wushu Duanwei; she is also a certified Wushu coach, referee, and instructor. She has won a total of 12 gold medals and 5 silver medals in various international Wushu competitions.
Jessie has been honoured with countless awards received from various ministers of Malaysia for her achievements, particularly two awards from the prime ministers of Malaysia.
除了考获中西医结合临床医学博士学位,她也考获澳洲南澳大学工商管理硕士学位、美国夏威夷东方医药学院中医及针灸学士学位,成为了自然医学大师伯纳德医生(Dr Bernard Jensen)的得意门生。近来,她也是唯一一位被选入蜂鸟癌症治疗中心(The Hummingbird Cancer Centre)的自然医学肿瘤医生,并担任该治疗中心自然疗法医药部的主席。
钟洁希从小就受到音乐的薰陶,多次在校际歌唱比赛中得奖。初中时,钟洁希被选为全省区域代表,参于大马国庆日演出,也是当时唯一的少年歌手。之后,她也陆续代表音乐学院上电视节目独唱。 16岁那年,她也在加拿大参加香港无线国际性新秀大赛,成功进入决赛。除了唱歌天赋,洁希也热衷于乐器演奏。高中时,洁希也在日本电子琴考级考试中以特优成绩考获第八级。
博士毕业后,钟洁希全心投入演艺圈,至今已发行8张个人专辑及演出3部电影。在2013年,钟洁希接拍北京电影公司制作的《面孔》及马来西亚制作的电视电影《女侠》,担任女主角。 2014年也被邀请参与集合马新港三地演员同台打造的贺岁动作片《百武禁忌》。她在世界各地的演出深受大众喜爱,包括在美国、加拿大、中国、台湾和马来西亚,累积了许多舞台经验。
迄今,她共发行了六张中文专辑和两张英文专辑。 2012年发行的《爱在转瞬间》被选为卫视中文台韩国电视剧《秘密花园》的主题曲,该张专辑也曾多次在马来西亚爱FM“我们的排行榜”中夺冠。 2006年发行的《爱你》也曾在中国的音乐排行榜排名第8。在台湾发行的华语专辑《没有泪的天空》仅仅发行两个星期就已在台湾I Radio“金曲榜”荣升第4名,也在台湾Pop Radio“10大全球华语歌曲排行榜”排名第6名。
Jessie Chung is a Malaysian musician, singer, songwriter, oncologist, actress, author, naturopath, a
Jessie Chung is a Malaysian musician, singer, songwriter, oncologist, actress, author, naturopath, a