【 點先睇到第93屆奧斯卡?】
造圖,諗落咩字,腦海中想到甚麼便打出來,一看,就連自己也忍不住笑 ── 「點先睇到第93屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮」,乜料?繼而想起,每年奧斯卡舉行前夕,總會分享「奧斯卡神婆」畢明的預測文章,再例牌寫一句:「一年容易奧斯卡」!來到今年,同一句話,要再加多句:「一年容易奧斯卡之其實過去一年已經好不容易」。怎會估到,自中學時代開始,總會倒搭咁早打開電視看明珠台直播奧斯卡/夜晚一邊睇字幕一邊學英文的習慣,來到2021年竟然冇得繼續,更要翻牆收睇?
身處網絡世代,閱後即焚,看直播的重點不是直播的過程,而是知道結果、得獎者在台上說些甚麼,或者留意唱歌環節,帶起話題,跟友儕討論,僅此而已,反正近年的主持及講稿質素已大不如前,收視每況愈下,去年甚至不再有主持,想起那些年親眼見證Billy Crystal,或Whoopi Goldberg,或Steven Martin,或如今已經變成乞人憎代表的Ellen DeGeneres,他們於頒獎典禮開始一刻,站在台上講一大輪,或播放惡搞短片,大放笑彈,笑到台下全部人收唔到聲,夜深偶爾也會在YouTube上找來重溫。我相信,就算大家今早不看直播,賽果也會如叫外賣般透過社交平台直接送到眼前,然而香港與國際社會脫鉤,真真正正成為中國大陸的一個沿海城市,折射政治現實和虛偽,這才是最教人痛苦吧。
記得那天(29/3)一覺醒來看見《英文虎報》(The Standard)率先爆的料,指香港將會自1969年以來,首次不轉播奧斯卡頒獎典禮,霎時間有種嘔吐的感覺,連帶暈眩的反應一併襲來,我實在接受不來,這個世界真的名副其實的「黐L綫」!原本以為,HBO會是看直播的「最後機會」,可惜早幾日再向有關人士打聽,得到的答案是:「香港嘅HBO唔播!」查實台灣那邊的HBO也沒有直播,所以死心,決定買VPN算數。聽薯伯伯(Pazu)的建議,花了數十美元,買下ProtonVPN來翻牆看台視直播,作為媒體工作者,這些錢不得不花。
假如讀者不急於一時,可以密切留意twitter更新,或者鎖定幾大美國娛樂網站:《Hollywood Reporter》、《Variety》、《Entertainment Weekly》或者《Vox》等社交平台,一定能夠知道誰人獲獎,更有耐性的話,Oscars的YouTube頻道也很大機會會上載得獎者領獎片段。如果大家有興趣,亦可以在早上八時開始,留意影視評論人:月巴氏、方俊傑、紅眼和小雨於Clubhouse的直播,今時今日,從事媒體或者娛樂事業的人,應該互相幫忙,搞旺個場,而不是分黨分派,各不相干。至於賽果,老實講,今年入圍,看了的很少,想看的又未上畫/未有時間看,故無意亂說,多等一回,便知分曉。
【 第93屆奧斯卡足本提名名單 】
《爸爸可否不要老》(The Father)
《Judas And The Black Messiah》
《超犀女王》(Promising Young Woman)
《寂靜的鼓手》(Sound of Metal)
《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》(The Trial of the Chicago 7)
Thomas Vinterberg《醉美的一課》 (Another Round)
大衛芬查(David Fincher)(《曼克》
Lee Isaac Chung《農情家園》
Emerald Fennell《超犀女王》
Riz Ahmed《寂靜的鼓手》
查特域克保斯曼(Chadwick Boseman)《藍調天后》
安東尼鶴健士(Anthony Hopkins)《爸爸可否不要老》
加利奧文(Gary Oldman)《曼克》
Steven Yuen《農情家園》
Viola Davis《藍調天后》(Ma Rainey's Black Bottom)
Andra Day《The United States vs. Billie Holiday》
雲妮莎卻比(Vanessa Kirby)《心碎的女人》(Pieces of a Woman)
法蘭絲麥杜曼(Frances McDormand)《浪跡天地》
嘉莉慕萊根(Carey Mulligan)《超犀女王》
沙查巴朗高漢(Sacha Baron Cohen)《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
Daniel Kaluuya《Judas And The Black Messiah》
Leslie Odom Jr.《One Night in Miami》
Paul Raci《寂靜的鼓手》
Lakeith Stanfield《Judas and the Black Messiah》
Maria Bakalova《波叔出城2》(Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan)
格蓮高絲(Glenn Close)《Hillbilly Elegy》
奧莉花高雯(Olivia Colman)《爸爸可否不要老》
雅曼達施菲(Amanda Seyfried)《曼克》
Will Berson、Shaka King、Keith Lucas、Kenny Lucas《Judas And The Black Messiah》
Lee Isaac Chung《農情家園》
Emerald Fennell《超犀女王》
Abraham Marder、Darius Marder、Derek Cianfrance、D. Marder《寂靜的鼓手》
Aaron Sorkin《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
沙查巴朗高漢、Peter Baynham、Jena Friedman、Anthony Hines、Lee Kern、Dan Mazer、Erica Rivinoja、Dan Swimer、Nina Pedrad《波叔出城2》
Christopher Hampton、Florian Zeller《爸爸可否不要老》
Kemp Powers《One Night in Miami》
Ramin Bahrani《白老虎》(The White Tiger)
《Fight For You》《Judas And The Black Messiah》
《Hear My Voice》《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
《Io Sì (Seen)》《前路有你》
《Speak Now》《One Night in Miami》
Terence Blanchard《誓血五人組》(Da 5 Bloods)
Tent Reznor、Atticus Ross《曼克》
Emile Mosseri《Minari》
James Newton Howard《結叛同行》(News of the World)
Trent Reznor、Atticus Ross、Jon Batiste《靈魂奇遇記》(Soul)
Sean Bobitt《Judas And The Black Messiah》
Erik Messerschmidt《曼克》
Dariusz Wolski《結叛同行》
Joshua James Richards《浪跡天地》
Phedon Papamichael《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
Alexandra Byrne《EMMA:上流貴族》(Emma)
Ann Roth《藍調天后》
Trish Summerville《曼克》
Bina Daigeler《花木蘭》(Mulan)
Massimo Cantini Parrini《木偶奇遇記》(Pinocchio)
《Hillbilly Elegy》
《Love and Monsters》
《The One and Only Ivan》
《The Man Who Sold His Skin》(突尼西亞)
《Quo Vadis, Aida?》(波斯尼亞)
《飛奔去月球》(Over the Moon)
《超級無敵羊咩咩大電影之天外飛咩》(A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon)
《希望之夏:身心障礙革命》(Crip Camp)
《The Mole Agent》
《我的八爪魚老師》(My Octopus Teacher)
《A Concerto Is a Conversation》
《Do Not Split不割席》
《Hunger Ward》
《A Love Song for Latasha》
《Genius Loci》
《無論如何我愛你》(If Anything Happens I Love You)
《Feeling Through》
《The Letter Room》
《The Present》
《Two Distant Strangers》
《White Eye》
#游大東 #游大東影視筆記 #奧斯卡 #第93屆奧斯卡 #OSCARS2021
月巴氏 / Work Super Guy 紅眼 方俊傑 小雨 快樂的 做乜膠睇電視 我睇咗啲乜嘢 港人講電視 葉一知 Pazu 薯伯伯 潘小濤 午夜翻牆 電影潭 The Tarnished Angels
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過122萬的網紅Trinh Pham,也在其Youtube影片中提到,➫ Instagram: https://instagram.com/trinh.phamm/ ➫ Facebook: https://facebook.com/Trinh-Pham-1524428337794116/ ➫ Snapchat: http://snapchat.com/add/trin...
round da world 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
David Parfitt, Jean-Louis Livi and Philippe Carcassonne
《父親 The Father》
Shaka King, Charles D. King and Ryan Coogler
《猶大與黑色彌賽亞 Judas And The Black Messiah》
Ceán Chaffin, Eric Roth and Douglas Urbanski
♥《曼克 Mank》
Christina Oh
《夢想之地 Minari》
Frances McDormand, Peter Spears, Mollye Asher, Dan Janvey and 趙婷
★《游牧人生 Nomadland》
Ben Browning, Ashley Fox, Emerald Fennell and Josey McNamara
《花漾女子 Promising Young Woman》
Bert Hamelinck and Sacha Ben Harroche
《靜寂的鼓手 Sound of Metal》
Marc Platt and Stuart Besser
《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判 The Trial Of The Chicago 7》
湯瑪斯.凡提柏格(Thomas Vinterberg)《醉好的時光 Another Round》
大衛.芬奇(David Fincher)《曼克》
鄭李爍(Lee Isaac Chung)《夢想之地》
♥艾美爾拉德.芬內爾(Emerald Fennell)《花漾女子》
薇拉.戴維斯(Viola Davis)《藍調天后 Ma Rainey's Black Bottom》
安德拉.戴(Andra Day)《哈樂黛的愛與死 The United States v. Billie Holiday》
凡妮莎.寇比(Vanessa Kirby)《女人碎片 Pieces Of A Woman》
★法蘭西絲.麥多曼(Frances Mcdormand)《游牧人生》
♥凱莉.墨里根(Carey Mulligan)《花漾女子》
里茲.阿邁德(Riz Ahmed)《靜寂的鼓手》
★查德威克.鮑斯曼(Chadwick Boseman)《藍調天后》
♥安東尼.霍普金斯(Anthony Hopkins)《父親》
蓋瑞.歐德曼(Gary Oldman)《曼克》
史蒂芬.連(Steven Yeun)《夢想之地》
瑪麗亞.巴卡洛娃(Maria Bakalova)《芭樂特電影續集 Borat Subsequent Moviefilm》
葛倫.克蘿絲(Glenn Close)《絕望者之歌 Hillbilly Elegy》
奧莉薇亞.柯爾曼(Olivia Colman)《父親》
阿曼達.塞佛瑞(Amanda Seyfried)《曼克》
莎夏.拜倫.柯恩(Sacha Baron Cohen)《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
★♥丹尼爾.卡盧亞(Daniel Kaluuya)《猶大與黑色彌賽亞》
小萊斯利.奧多姆(Leslie Odom Jr.)《邁阿密的一夜 One Night in Miami》
保羅.拉西(Paul Raci)《靜寂的鼓手》
拉基斯.史坦費爾德(Lakeith Stanfield)《猶大與黑色彌賽亞》
Alexander Nanau and Bianca Oana
《一場大火之後 Collective》
Nicole Newnham, Jim LeBrecht and Sara Bolder
★《希望之夏:身心障礙革命 Crip Camp》
Maite Alberdi and Marcela Santibáñez
♥《The Mole Agent》
Pippa Ehrlich, James Reed and Craig Foster
《我的章魚老師 My Octopus Teacher》
Garrett Bradley, Lauren Domino and Kellen Quinn
《談 Time》
Anthony Giacchino and Alice Doyard
Ben Proudfoot and Kris Bowers
《A Concerto Is a Conversation》
Anders Hammer and Charlotte Cook
♥《不割席 Do Not Split》
Skye Fitzgerald and Michael Scheuerman
《Hunger Ward》
Sophia Nahli Allison and Janice Duncan
★《獻給拉塔莎的詠嘆調 A Love Song For Latasha》
Doug Roland and Susan Ruzenski
《Feeling Through》
Elvira Lind and Sofia Sondervan
《The Letter Room》
Farah Nabulsi
《The Present》
Travon Free and Martin Desmond Roe
★♥《遙遠的陌生人 Two Distant Strangers》
Tomer Shushan and Shira Hochman
《單車失蹤記 White Eye》
Dan Scanlon and Kori Rae
《1/2的魔法 Onward》
Glen Keane, Gennie Rim and 周珮鈴
《飛奔去月球 Over the Moon》
Richard Phelan, Will Becher and Paul Kewley
《笑笑羊大電影:外星人來了 Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon》
Pete Docter and Dana Murray
★♥《靈魂急轉彎 Soul》
Tomm Moore, Ross Stewart, Paul Young and Stéphan Roelants
Madeline Sharafian and Michael Capbarat
★♥《挖道兔 Burrow》
Adrien Mérigeau and Amaury Ovise
《她的異想世界 Genius Loci》
Will McCormack and Michael Govier
《無論如何我愛你 If Anything Happens I Love You》
Erick Oh
Gísli Darri Halldórsson and Arnar Gunnarsson
Will Berson & Shaka King(編劇);Will Berson & Shaka King and Kenny Lucas & Keith Lucas(故事)《猶大與黑色彌賽亞》
★♥Emerald Fennell《花漾女子》
Darius Marder & Abraham Marder(編劇);Darius Marder & Derek Cianfrance(故事)《靜寂的鼓手》
Aaron Sorkin《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
Peter Baynham, Sacha Baron Cohen, Jena Friedman, Anthony Hines, Lee Kern, Dan Mazer, Nina Pedrad, Erica Rivinoja, Dan Swimer《芭樂特電影續集》
Christopher Hampton, Florian Zeller《父親》
Kemp Powers《邁阿密的一夜》
★♥Ramin Bahrani《白老虎 The White Tiger》
Terence Blanchard《誓血五人組 Da 5 Bloods》
Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross《曼克》
Emile Mosseri《夢想之地》
James Newton Howard《讀報人 News Of The World》
★♥Jon Batiste, Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross《靈魂急轉彎》
H.E.R. and Dernst Emile II(作曲);H.E.R. and Tiara Thomas(作詞)
“Fight For You”《猶大與黑色彌賽亞》
Daniel Pemberton(作曲);Daniel Pemberton and Celeste Waite(作詞)
“Hear My Voice”《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
Savan Kotecha, Fat Max Gsus and Rickard Göransson(作詞+
“Husavik”《歐洲歌唱大賽:火焰傳說 Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga》
Diane Warren and Laura Pausini(作詞+作曲)
“lo Sì (Seen)”《來日同行 The Life Ahead》
★♥Leslie Odom, Jr. and Sam Ashworth(作詞+作曲)
“Speak Now”《邁阿密的一夜》
Sean Bobbitt《猶大與黑色彌賽亞》
Erik Messerschmidt《曼克》
Dariusz Wolski《讀報人》
★♥Joshua James Richards《游牧人生》
Phedon Papamichael 《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
Yorgos Lamprinos《父親》
Frédéric Thoraval《花漾女子》
Mikkel E.G. Nielsen《靜寂的鼓手》
★♥Alan Baumgarten《芝加哥七人案:驚世審判》
Peter Francis, Cathy Featherstone《父親》
Mark Ricker, Karen O’Hara, Diana Stoughton 《藍調天后》
★♥Donald Graham Burt, Jan Pascale《曼克》
David Crank, Elizabeth Keenan《讀報人》
Nathan Crowley, Kathy Lucas《TENET天能 Tenet》
♥Alexandra Byrne《艾瑪 Emma》
★Ann Roth《藍調天后》
Trish Summerville《曼克》
Bina Daigeler《花木蘭 Mulan》
Massimo Cantini Parrini《皮諾丘的奇幻旅程 Pinocchio》
Marese Langan《艾瑪》
Patricia Dehaney, Eryn Krueger Mekash, Matthew Mungle《絕望者之歌》
★Matiki Anoff, Mia Neal, Larry M. Cherry《藍調天后》
Kimberley Spiteri, Gigi Williams《曼克》
♥Dalia Colli, Anna Kieber, Sebastian Lochmann, Stephen Murphy 《皮諾丘的奇幻旅程 Pinocchio》
Odin Benitez, Jason King, Christian P. Minkler, Michael Minkler, Jeff Sawyer《怒海戰艦 Greyhound》
Ren Klyce, Jeremy Molod, David Parker, Nathan Nance, Drew Kunin 《曼克》
Michael Fentum, William Miller, Mike Prestwood Smith, John Pritchett, Oliver Tarney《讀報人》
Coya Elliott, Ren Klyce, David Parker《靈魂急轉彎》
★♥Jaime Baksht, Nicolas Becker, Phillip Bladh, Carlos Cortés, Michelle Couttolenc《靜寂的鼓手》
♥Matt Sloan, Genevieve Camilleri, Matt Everitt and Brian Cox《愛與怪物 Love and Monsters》
Matt Kasmir, Chris Lawrence, David Watkins《永夜漂流 The Midnight Sky》
Sean Faden, Steve Ingram, Anders Langlands, Seth Maury《花木蘭》
Santiago Colomo Martinez, Nick Davis, Greg Fisher《八號出口的猩猩 The One and Only Ivan》
★Scott Fisher, Andrew Jackson, Andrew Lockley《TENET天能》
★ 《醉好的時光》丹麥🇩🇰
《少年的你 Better Days》香港🇭🇰
《販膚走卒 The Man Who Sold His Skin》突尼西亞🇹🇳
♥《阿依達的救援行動 Quo Vadis, Aida?》波士尼亞及赫塞哥維納🇧🇦
round da world 在 JUST ดู IT. Facebook 的最佳解答
รายชื่อหนังเข้าชิงรางวัล Oscars ครั้งที่ 93
เวทีใหญ่อย่าง 93rd Academy Awards หรือ Oscars ครั้งที่ 93 เผยรายชื่อหนังที่ได้เข้าชิงรางวัลสาขาต่าง ๆ ออกมาแล้วเป็นที่เรียบร้อยครับ โดยรายชื่อทั้งหมดประกอบไปด้วย
- The Father
- Judas and the Black Messiah
- Mank
- Minari
- Nomadland
- Promising Young Woman
- Sound of Metal
- The Trial of the Chicago 7
- Riz Ahmed จาก Sound of Metal
- Chadwick Boseman จาก Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom
- Anthony Hopkins จาก The Father
- Gary Oldman จาก Mank
- Steven Yeun จาก Minari
- Viola Davis จาก Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom
- Andra Day จาก The United States vs. Billie Holiday
- Vanessa Kirby จาก Pieces of a Woman
- Frances McDormand จาก Nomadland
- Carey Mulligan จาก Promising Young Woman
- Sacha Baron Cohen จาก The Trial of the Chicago 7
- Daniel Kaluuya จาก Judas and the Black Messiah
- Leslie Odom Jr. จาก One Night in Miami…
- Paul Raci จาก Sound of Metal
- LaKeith Stanfield จาก Judas and the Black Messiah
- Maria Bakalova จาก Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
- Glenn Close จาก Hillbilly Elegy
- Olivia Colman จาก The Father
- Amanda Seyfried จาก Mank
- Yuh-Jung Youn จาก Minari
- Lee Isaac Chung จาก Minari
- Emerald Fennell จาก Promising Young Woman
- David Fincher จาก Mank
- Chloé Zhao จาก Nomadland
- Thomas Vinterberg จาก Another Round
- “Husavik (My Hometown)” จาก Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga
- “Fight for You” จาก Judas and the Black Messiah
- “Io Se (Seen)” จาก The Life Ahead
- “Speak Now” - One Night in Miami…
- “Hear My Voice” จาก The Trial of the Chicago 7
- Da 5 Bloods
- Mank
- Minari
- News of the World
- Soul
- Judas and the Black Messiah
- Mank
- News of the World
- Nomadland
- The Trial of the Chicago 7
- Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
- The Father
- Nomadland
- One Night in Miami…
- The White Tiger
- Judas and the Black Messiah
- Minari
- Promising Young Woman
- Sound of Metal
- The Trial of the Chicago 7
- Onward
- Over the Moon
- A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon
- Soul
- Wolfwalkers
- Colette
- A Concerto is a Conversation
- Do Not Split
- Hunger Ward
- A Love Song For Latasha
- Collective
- Crip Camp
- The Mole Agent
- My Octopus Teacher
- Time
- Another Round
- Better Days
- Collective
- The Man Who Sold His Skin
- Quo Vadis, Aida?
- The Father
- Nomadland
- Promising Young Woman
- Sound of Metal
- The Trial of the Chicago 7
- Emma
- Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom
- Mank
- Mulan
- Pinocchio
- Emma
- Hillbilly Elegy
- Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom
- Mank
- Pinocchio
- The Father
- Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom
- Mank
- News of the World
- Tenet
สาขาเทคนิคพิเศษยอดเยี่ยม (Visual Effects)
- Love and Monsters
- The Midnight Sky
- Mulan
- The One and Only Ivan
- Tenet
- Greyhound
- Mank
- News of the World
- Soul
- Sound of Metal
- Burrow
- Genius Loci
- If Anything Happens I Love You
- Opera
- Yes People
- Feeling Through
- The Letter Room
- The Present
- Two Distant Strangers
- White Eye
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round da world 在 Trinh Pham Youtube 的最佳貼文
➫ Instagram: https://instagram.com/trinh.phamm/
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Product Mentioned:
The Body Shop Round Body Brush
The Body Shop Spa of the World™ French Grape Seed Scrub
Eos Shave Cream
Gillette Venus Swirl Flexiball Razor with Refills
Soap & Glory Smoothie Star Body Milk Lotion
Lush Ocean Salt
Paula's Choice SKIN PERFECTING 2% BHA Liquid
La Roche Posay Serozinc Zinc Sulfate Solution for Oily Skin
Paula's Choice RESIST Weightless Body Treatment with 2% BHA
➫ Video filmed by Mạnh Cường
➫ Video edited by Trinh Phạm
➫ Thumbnail by Ann Le : bit.ly/annle0394
Song Used: Morning Light - Onda Norte
FTC: This video is not sponsored

round da world 在 Arewzo Youtube 的最佳貼文
Nano - Nevereverland Nightcore
Game Music Video
Game used:
God Eater Resurrection (PC)
Darksiders 2 (PC)
Mabinogi (PC)
Song: https://youtu.be/hsVfl3P3eTQ (Nano Nevereverland Nightcore)
Long ago, inside a distant memory,
There is a voice that says
Do you believe a world of happy endings?
Even when the road seems long,
Every breath you take will lead you closer to
A special place within
Your Nevereverland
Komaku wo tataki tsudzuketeru SAIREN
Kono sakebigoe wo oshikoroshite
Nanimo shirazu ni
Shin’on dake wo tsunagitomete
Genjitsu no TORAPPU ni ochite yuku
Koukai wa shinai yo
Tsumiageta chigireteta miraizu wo nagame
Iki wo tomete
Sabitsuita kioku no hari
Atama n naka
Mawaru yo
As I close my eyes
Nokosu ato mo naku kobosu oto mo naku iku ate mo naku
I know that this is what I want, this is what I need
Ima mo kurikaeshiteku zanzou
Kizutsuita kako no bokura wa
Ienai mama de
Sonna karamawari kawaranai hibi wa
Mou tozashite ikun da
So now
Kore wa boku ga nozonda
My Nevereverland
NAIFU no you ni tsukisasu kotoba ga
Kono kurushimi wo azawaratte
Nanimo dekizu ni
Furueru koe wo nomikonde
Kodoku no TORAPPU ni ochite yuku
Mayoikonda kono ashidori
Tsumazuite sonzaikan wo ushinatte
Namida de somatta
Higeki no SUTEEJI kuruoshiku
Kokoro n naka
Odoru yo
As I take your hand
Kakenukete iku kokoro no kioku iroasete iku
I know that this is what I want, this is what I need
Asu mo kurikaeshiteku zanzou
Tobidashita hizumu sekai ga
Kienai mama de
Sonna karamawari kawaranai hibi wa
Mou tozashite ikun da
So now
Kore wa boku ga nozonda
My Nevereverland
Yume no ato no you na komorebi ga
Mabuta no ura shimi wataru
Subete ga kanatta hazu da to omotte mo mata
Ochite iku
As I close my eyes
Nokosu ato mo naku kobosu oto mo naku iku ate mo naku
I know that this is what I want, this is what I need
Ima mo kurikaeshiteku zanzou
Kizutsuita kako no bokura wa
Ienai mama de
Sonna karamawari kawaranai hibi wa
Mou tozashite ikun da
So now
Kore wa boku ga nozonda
My Nevereverland
Long ago, inside a distant memory,
There is a voice that says
Do you believe a world of happy endings?
Even when the road seems long,
Every breath you take will lead you closer to
A special place within
Your Nevereverland
I wake up
A siren keeps beating at my eardrums
I stifle this scream to death
Without knowing anything
I hold on to only my heartbeat
And fall into the trap of reality
I won’t regret
I gaze at the piled up, torn apart picture of the future
I hold my breath
In my head
The hands of my rusted memories
Round and round
As I close my eyes
There is no mark left behind, no noise spilling out, no destination
I know that this is what I want, this is what I need
The afterimage that is repeating even now
We who have a wounded past
Are, without being healed
Already shutting away
Such uselessly revolving, unchanging days
So now
This is what I desired
My Nevereverland
I wander around
Words that pierce like knives
Laugh at my pain
Without being able to do anything
I swallow back my trembling voice
And fall into the trap of solitude
These footsteps that have gone astray
Stumble, lose their presence
And are dyed in tears
In my heart
The stage of tragedy maniacally
And unsteadily
As I take your hand
I run past you from behind, my heart’s memories fade away
I know that this is what I want, this is what I need
The afterimage that will repeat tomorrow as well
The distorted world that suddenly appeared
Is, without disappearing
Already shutting away
Such uselessly revolving, unchanging days
So now
This is what I desired
My Nevereverland
I wake up
The sunlight shining through the trees like after a dream
Pierces through to the other side of my eyelids
Even though I think, “All of it should have come true”
Again, I fall
As I close my eyes
There is no mark left behind, no noise spilling out, no destination
I know that this is what I want, this is what I need
The afterimage that is repeating even now
We who have a wounded past
Are, without being healed
Already shutting away
Such uselessly revolving, unchanging days
So now
This is what I desired
My Nevereverland

round da world 在 渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe Youtube 的最佳貼文
Here is my most recent English translation, a song called "Chouchou Musubi" (Butterfly Bow) by Aimer, a Japanese singer-songwriter who has recently become popular.
This is by request, and also a song that I wanted to try. It was quite a challenge to translate into English because the lyrics include specific instructions and I had to keep them in tact, so I had to be as literal as possible. It took several tries to get this right, but I am quite proud of the finished product, so I hope you enjoy it!
Incidentally, "chouchou musubi" is technically the word for "bow," but it literally means "butterfly bow," and I used the word "butterfly" throughout the song to refer to the bow. There is a completely different knot called a "butterfly knot" in English :)
Video location: Shiroyama Park in Matsuyama City, Ehima Prefecture, Japan
Aimer (エメ)/蝶々結び
英語詞: 渡辺レベッカ
Aimer / Chouchou Musubi (Butterfly Bow)
Released 2016
Music/Lyrics: Yojiro Noda (of RADWIMPS)
English Lyrics: Rebecca Butler Watanabe
リンク / LINKS
■HP⇒ http://BlueEyedUtaUtai.jimdo.com
■Facebook⇒ http://facebook.com/blueeyedutautai
■Twitter⇒ @BlueEyedUtaUtai
You first make a circle with the right side
And hold it snug and sound
Then you bring the left side behind the circle you made
And you loop it right around
And then you put it through the pocket that opens up
Between and wait until you see
Until you see it coming out, then you meet it halfway
And pull on one, two, three
On the very first go-round
Well, even if it comes out uneven
Put your strength into it once again, try again
I'll teach you how to tie, to tie a perfect butterfly
Pull it out until the wings are wide
And make the knot extra tight
Keep your arms here where they lay
And keep your memories far away
Always there in the back of your mind for someday
Now see, if you pull on just either side
The knot will surely break
For some things are just so much easier to tear apart
Than they are to create
But even when you untie your bow
Yes, take it slow, unlace it carefully
I know that it's dull, but come on, now and pull
On the count of one, two, three
There are times you pull too hard
As you pray that the knot you've tied won't come loose
The wings come out too wide and you don’t know
Know what to do
I'll teach you how to tie, to tie a perfect butterfly
Pull it out until the wings are wide
And make the knot extra tight
Keep your dreams here by your side
And let your memories soar up high
'Cause the ones that return
When you need them are the best kind
So don't stand in silence as you pull your side
Don't make an uneven butterfly
You'll end up loosening the string that you planned to tie
Or further tightening the knot you wanted to unwind
From all the threads in the world, too many to count
Infinite paths on this big, blue earth spread about
The two of us came from the ends of two separate roads
And found each other on the end of the threads that we chose
It wasn't chance that brought us here, it was all you and me
We took a side each and we pulled on the count of three
We put our strength into it so it wouldn't turn out
Too narrow or wide, wouldn't be too loose or too tight
kono aokute hiroi sekai ni
musuu ni chirabatta naka kara
betsu-betsu ni futari eranda ito wo
otagai taguri yose-atta n' da
musubareta n' ja naku musunda n' da
futari de "sei no" de hippattanda
大きくも 小さくも なり過ぎないように
ookiku mo chiisaku mo narisuginai you ni
chikara wo kometa n' da
