Hey guys!Thumbs up if you like my music !
I am Kelly, I love singing and playing the guitar. I have been self teaching for a year :) I like to write songs, no matter in English, Chinese or Japanese.
Not alone is my first English song, a song for those who feel lonely and hopeless. Life is always full of struggles and lack of directions. But, hey ! You are not the only one, we are here for you, the song is here for you! I hope you enjoy the song and feel the energy from it ^^.
Don't forget to like and subscribe my channel. I need your support!
Not alone 是我第一首英文原創歌。想表達出人生總有許多不如意的事。但細心一看,身邊也是人經歷過相似的事情,所以不要害怕!你不是唯一的。有大家伴著你走。
Not alone是首正能量滿滿的歌,希望你聽到後也能重新振作^^
喜歡的話別忘了Like 和訂閱喔!
So if you cry, close your eyes
Think about how short life can be
Think about how long you wanna go
And if you're tired.
Close your eyes.
Think about the one who need you.
Think about the one who you need.
And there's my prayer.
Take it slow.
Life is short, life's unfair, not a miracle
But I hope you can hold on.
It's not a must there'll be an angle by your side.
But if you close your mouth, the words don't gone.
Won't you share with me so we can make it lighter.
Look around, you not alone, the broken heart are meant to build as a hold.
Every step that you take every mistake you made.
You fall and you crawl you feel low and you're down.
Well look around. And you will see. You're NOT ALONE.
There's nothing I could tell you my friend.
I could only sing this song for you.
All the pain that you had. All the demons in your head. Don't you keep it on your own.
Oh life is short and life's unfair the broken hearts are everywhere
keep holding on I'm here with you.
We meant to build as a whole
Every step that you take build the way that you walk
Every mistake you made is the lesson you take.
Let go the demon you had open your eyes.
Look around, and you will find.
Open your heart, and you will find.
You're not alone.
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