曖昧不明關係研究學會 將會在 Vancouver International Film Festival 溫哥華國際電影節 參展,選片的人,是當年,選了烈日當空的 Shelly Kraicer ,生命,如此微妙。當年只得我一個人,第一次坐這麼遠程的飛機,沿途得到了很多人的照顧,我記得,我在放映裡遇上一位七十歲的老先生,他握著我的手說,他從沒到過香港,他也不懂我們的語言,"I can't understand youngsters, but I can "feel" what's "youth" in your film." 感恩有人告訴我,青春,不是用來明白的,而是用來感受的。每一個人,都有自己的路,無論繞了幾多個圈,沒有一步是白費的,只要細心欣賞,沿途的風景,感恩遇上珍惜我的人,守護我的人,下一步,定能走得更堅定。
Hong Kong pop meets movie-art in Heiward Mak’s latest feature, a rich, moving, and deeply, sympathetically savvy look at the amorous and professional lives of five twenty-something Hong Kongers.
Lam Yat Min (Anjo Leung, an unusually talented HK youth idol with a promising future, here singing and playing impressively) is a soulful musician who feels trapped writing lemonade jingles. He and his high-school classmate, the beautiful Li Ling (Venus Wong, in a powerful debut) have a most ambivalent relationship, hovering on the boundary between best friends and something more. Li Ling plays the same complex games with Lee Choi-wa, an intensely pretty male classmate of hers who’s now a hairdresser, and whose own relationship with his handsome roommate Ho Yip (Sing Lam, destined for stardom) seems fraught with hints of something more than buddy-friendship. Into this achingly undefined, fluid web of relationships walks brooding, bleached blond Leung Wai On (Lo Chun-yip, a powerful screen presence) whose emotional truth-talking is poised on the edge of sadism.
Their complex, ambivalent lives play out over six years in fascinating, interlocking stories that are intertwined in Mak’s typical fashion: she mixes chronologies with complete freedom, but with a vibrant emotional thread that links the stories in ways that are simultaneously moving and revealing.
Mak’s fiercely contemporary sensibility creates an essential snapshot of today’s Hong Kong, its hopes, anxieties, and pleasures.
— Shelly Kraicer