高血壓 health update #2
We did a blood test to see exactly what kind or reality I will have to face.
初頭佢哋抽咗血做咗個Test. 我最擔心就係糖尿病心臟病高血壓同埋膽固醇. 我都覺得自己可能有脂肪肝. 但係原來我冇同埋唔使太擔心糖尿病 😅。
Family history: diabetes, heart disease, high BP and cholesterol = biggest worries. I assumed that I have fatty liver even though I famously don’t drink alcohol.
Surprisingly, I am not AS bad as I thought. No fatty liver and no worries in the diabetes department! What a relief!
New find: Oestrogen levels were high and testosterone was low = a vicious cycle of fat. Looking at some photos of “Hormone Imbalance Body Types” it explains why my waist and bum and legs are so huge. So we are working on this now. It's a long, slow process but I am very excited about this discovery.
New discovery = low vitamin D (apparently very common)! Something to look out for because it helps the respiratory function and may help fight against Covid.
SO… Update:
After 14 days detox - avoidance of toxifying foods supplements and a mild medication prescribed by Dr Ho (pictured) and my blood pressure has come down from a shocking 170/150 to 134/97 - a whole 40 beats!!!!!
During the detox there is a lot you have to do your best to avoid. The key phrase is “Try your best”. So the tricks Lifehub have been telling me to try is:
Chew more 趙多啲
Eat greens first 先食菜
Sleep more 瞓多啲咁個人就冇咁肚餓啦
Drink green tea 飲綠茶
I was never hungry during the detox, and I was a but cheeky and didn’t do too much portion control. So I ate a lot of raw vegetables. I didn’t eat raw because of nutrients, I ate raw because I am cheap! You can cook a bag full of vegetables and then only end up with a cup of cooked vegetables, so I imagined 1.) Surely raw raw veggies will be more filling for the same price! 2.) Maybe my body will work harder to break down raw vegetables.
排毒嘅時間真係唔係太肚餓因為我食咗好多生嘅菜。我成日主菜嘅時候都見到有一包咁大嘅變咗一碗咁細我就知唔係咁抵食啦咁我就決定趙多啲生嘅菜咁就會飽肚啲囉。So far我覺得健康生活要靠信任要搵一個信得過嘅醫生同埋要比信心自己係做得到. Thank you for letting me share.
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mild fatty liver 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
佛手 — 又名佛手柑,性溫味辛苦酸,外形如佛手姿態而得名。果實成熟前是綠色表皮,成熟後轉變成金黄色。製成乾品則是常用中藥,能疏肝理氣,養胃止痛 。適合因為壓力而引起的胃脹不適症狀。佛手亦是精油熱門之選,清新的橘子香可放鬆身心,紓緩勞累、思慮過多的症狀。由於屬性偏溫,陰虛內熱、沒有氣滯及體質虛弱者,不宜進食以免耗氣。
佛手瓜 — 性平味甘,呈梨形,瓜上明顯有五條縱溝,所以又名合掌瓜。具健脾開胃、清肺化痰之功效,適合脾胃欠佳、胃口不佳者食用。佛手瓜涼拌、炒菜都可以,而廣東人最常見用來煲湯,味道清甜,亦適合高血壓、糖尿病、肥胖症、脂肪肝者食用。
Two treasures to relieve abdominal discomfort
Some ingredients have similar names in Chinese but are totally different. Like Buddha's hand citron and chayote, Buddha’s hand citron is plant of rutaceae and citrus, and looks like a hand with fingers, the dried version is used as Chinese medicine. Chayote is the plant of curcubitaceae and sechium, and looks like folded palms. They both can relieve abdominal discomfort symptoms. If you are under stress and have indigestion, chest pain or stomach bloating, you can appropriately consume both of them to nourish your body.
Buddha’s hand citron- also know as bergamot, warm in nature, tastes bitter and sour. It is named due to it looking like the Buddha hands. The fruit has green skin before maturing, it turns to golden colour after it ripens. The dried one is used as Chinese medicine. It can relieve depression and nourish qi, as well as nourish stomach and relieve pain. It is suitable for abdominal discomfort symptoms caused by stress. Buddha’s hand citron is also a hot choice for essential oil. The fresh citron smell can calm the mind and body. It can relieve symptoms like fatigue and excessive thinking. As it is warm in nature, those with yin deficiency and heat, asthenic body type should not have it to avoid consuming qi.
Chayote- mild in nature and sweet with a pear shape. You can visibly see 5 grooves on the outside. It can strengthen the spleen and stimulate appetite, clear lungs to relieve phlegm. Suitable for those with weakened spleen and stomach and poor appetite. There are many ways to cook it- served as cold side dish or stir fried. Cantonese use it in soup as it is sweet and suitable for those with high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and fatty liver.
#男 #女 #我煩躁 #我有壓力 #胃脹 #咳嗽 #腸胃炎 #嘔吐
mild fatty liver 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
佛手瓜 - 又名合掌瓜,屬性平和,呈梨形,瓜上明顯有五條縱溝,具健脾開胃、清肺化痰之功效,適合脾胃欠佳、胃口不佳者食用。煮食方法廣泛,廣東人最常見用來煲湯,味道清甜, 亦適合高血壓、糖尿病、肥胖症、脂肪肝者食用。
節瓜 - 又名小冬瓜,為冬瓜的一個變種,但不似冬瓜般寒涼, 屬性平和,具利水消腫、健脾益胃之效,又因表面有黃褐色粗硬絨毛,被稱為毛瓜,種植地區集中於廣東一帶,廣東人尤愛用來入饌。
Gourds that are mild in nature
It’s been so hot that you start sweating by just being out for a couple minutes. They say you should have sprouts in spring, gourds in summer, fruits in fall, and roots in winter. Try to have more seasonal gourds- they are cheap with good quality and also helps to relieve summer eat. Most summer seasonal gourds are cold in nature, but here are two mild ones that are suitable for all body constitutions.
Chayote- mild in nature with a pear shape. You can visibly see grooves on the outside, it can strengthen the spleen and stimulate appetite, clear lungs to relieve phlegm. Suitable for those with weakened spleen and stomach and poor appetite. There are many ways to cook it. Cantonese use it in soup as it is sweet and suitable for those with high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and fatty liver.
Hairy Gourd- is a mutation of winter melon, but is not cold in nature like winter melon as it is mild. It helps to promote diuresis to relieve swelling, strengthen the spleen and stomach. It is commonly found in canton and is a favorite of the Cantonese.
#男 #女 #我狀態OK #我枯燥