#青澀 #jeune⠀
猜猜我最喜歡的水果之一是什麼? 除了鳳梨和檸檬之外....😋 Guess one of my favorite fruits? Besides Pineapple and Lemons.... 😋 ⠀
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我今天想起來我們之前要做決定到底要不要出這個花色的時候,我很猶豫不決 - 因為圖案... 該怎麼說....太「可愛」嗎?🥝😆⠀
但是現在看到這個設計我必須說它還真的跟水果本身一樣,令人耳目一新!我們取給它的名字是 “Jeune”,這是法語,意思是【年輕!】💚 #永遠20歲 ⠀
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I was hesitating when we decided on this bikini pattern - because mhmm... "too cute"?🥝😆 ⠀
But now that it's out (we launched it yesterday😃) ...I must say it's as refreshing as the fruit itself! It's name is "Jeune", which is french and means young!⠀
🥝 SurfAce Bikinis - SurfAce Apparel
🚴🏻♀️ HD三輪車
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